- Количество слайдов: 98
Poly. Bone Nuro. Spine
Cranio-Facial Bone defect n * Trauma * Surgically induced * Cranio-facial bone tumor n Awesome to patients & surgeons due to cosmetic problems Esp) pterional approach (bone defect & delayed temporal m. atrophy)
PMMA(acryl cement, Resin) * Most commonly used in Cranio-Facial defect area. * Advantages 1. Low Price 2. High Mechanical Strength * Disadvantages 1. May Marked Inflammation Response 2. Fibrous Encapsulation of Implant -> Possibility of Infection & loosening of implant
PMMA(acryl cement, Resin) * Disadvantages 3. High temperature (1100 C) generated -> Tissue damage 4. Shaping of Contour of implant after hardening is difficult 5. Never convert to Bone 6. No Bone bonding effect -> Need fixation device (wire, craniofix etc. )
Calcium Phosphate Cement n Advantages: - Biocompatible material - Have bone conduction activity - Easily handling - Good osteointegration - Converted to Bone n Disadvantages: - Low tensile strength than PMMA - Higher cost
Poly. Bone * Brushite Calcium phosphate Cement(CPC) -> Convert to bone is fast than other CPC * Included Poly-phosphates (Poly-P) : patent -> Poly-P have bone induction activity -> So, Poly. Bone have both bone induction & conduction activity
Poly. Bone * Bone. Source hardening time: 10 -20 mins Poly. Bone hardening time : within 5 mins * Good Bone bonding effect -> No need of fixation device such as wire or craniofix etc .
Poly. Bone * Easily making contour during application & after hardening - such as knife, or sharp instrument * Augumentation during the procedure is possible (esp. temporal area)
Tips n If dura was slack down below the inner cortex of bone margin at the bone defect area, put the gelform on the dura at the bone defect area. -> not to compress the brain by Poly. Bone
Tips n If you anticipated of delayed temporal muscle atrophy, Augmentation of temporal bone area with CPC is possible.
Tips n n It is recommended to use each 5 g package separated. Well adhesion of new CPC to already hardening CPC.
Application of Poly. Bone on Craniofacial part n Reconstruction of cranial defects -> If larger defect than 10 cm 2, use of wire mesh is recommended. n Closure of frontal sinus opening n Fronto-temporal contouring (Aneurysm Op. )
Clinical Application on craniofacial area of Poly. Bone
Clinical Application n Fronto-orbito-zygomatic approach n Onlay grafting for augmentation & smoothing contours of skeletal irregularities n MVD Op.
Clinical Application n Augumentaion of nasoglabellar, supraorbital rim, mandible n Lateral skull base reconstruction n Translabyrinthine approaches & other skull base approach
Clinical Application n All of these are non-stress-bearing areas in craniofacial skeleton
Contraindications of Poly. Bone n n n n Infected field Areas surrounding nonviable bone Abnormal calcium metabolism Metabolic bone diseases Recent untreated infection Poor wound healing Immunologic abnormalities
Bone Setting CT
X-Ray & 3 -D CT
Closure of Oro-Antral Fistula
Closure of Frontal Sinus Opening
Closure of Frontal Sinus Opening
Augmentation of temporal area to compensate delayed temporal M. atrophy
Obliteration of Sella Floor after Trans -Sphenoidal Approach
Clinical Application of Poly. Bone (Aneurysm Cases)
KIM, K Y (F/55) n Rt. MCA Aneurysm
KIM, J Y (M/69) n Pericallosal Aneurysm
KIM, T J (F/63) n A-com Aneurysm
PARK, K H (F/59) n n P-com Aneurysm MCA Aneurysm
PARK S D (M/53) n n A-com Aneurysm MCA Aneurysm
PARK Y J (F/65) n MCA Aneurysm
SIN Y S (F/49) n ICA bifurcation Aneurysm
SIN J H (F/74) n P-com Aneurysm
JANG M J (F/58) n MCA Aneurysm
JANG S S (F/67) n n MCA Aneurysm A-com Aneurysm
JANG J Y (F/70) n P-com Aneurysm
JEON M J (F/54) n MCA Aneurysm
JEON Y J (F/66) n n Lt. MCA Aneurysm Rt. P-com Aneurysm
Lt. MCA An. OP
Post- 2 nd Op. n Not repaired on Rt. side
HAN S H (F/68) n Pericallosal Aneurysm n Well developed Frontal sinus n Obliteration of opening of the frontal sinus
HWANG Y H (M/43) n MCA Aneurysm n Impact Block type Polybone in Pterion burr hole site
YOON M Y (F/60) n A-com Aneurysm