- Количество слайдов: 14
Polar x TRACKING SOLUTIONS Polarix Software Engineering
Polarix History ► In 1997, Raul and Carlos produced Super. Tracker by request of Jack Davison ► In 1998, Polarix is founded by Jack, Raul and Carlos. Super. Tracker installations. ► In 1999, Polarix starts the development of Polar. Map. ► In 2000, Cantech licenses Polar. Map. Polarix finishes Polar. Tracker. Cantech becomes a dealer of Polarix in Ontario. Raul and Carlos buy out Jack’s shares. Cantech sales Polar. Tracker to San Francisco Highway Patrol. ► In 2001, Cantech sub-contracts Polarix to develop a multi-purpose dispatching system. Polarix moves to Burlington, Ontario. ► In 2002, Polarix finishes the integration of Polar. Tracker with MS-Map. Point. The first version of DRS (dispatching response system) is ready for testing. ► In 2003, Cantech and Polarix start the beta-testing of the new DRS (Executive in Chicago). Cantech sales Polar. Tracker to Houston City Para-Transit Service. ► In 2004, Polarix establishes a dealership in Mexico City. Mobile-Knowledge buys Cantech concentrates in sales of Hardware. Polarix starts marketing AVL and dispatch products. ► In 2005, Executive in Chicago shows interest in reviving the Polar. Suite multi-purpose design. Polarix finishes the version 7 of Polar Tracker and release it under the name of Polar Suite. Polarix continues the integration of Polar Dispatch module into Polar Suite.
POLAR TRACKER ► Total Tracking Solution: § Fleet Management § System Integration § Digital Mapping § Reliable Database § Real Time/Deferred GPS § Dispatching Capability § Historic Records/Play Back § Server-Client-Mobile-Web § Modular Connectivity § Support Polar x
Fleet Management ► Multiple Fleets and Sub Fleets ► Unit (Vehicle) Types ► Operator Assignment ► Route Assignment ► Employee and Users ► Restrictions and Rights ► Remote Access ► Dynamic Setup
System Integration ► Data format flexibility: ANSI SQL/XML § § ► Hardware flexibility: Dynamic Protocol Setup § § ► MS SQL Server MS Access Oracle Others Proprietary OS = Mentor, Motorola, etc WAP = Phones/PDA CE, Pocket PC, Palm OS = PDA/MDT ASP = Web Browsers Interface with existing Systems: Customized Modular Programming § Proprietary Databases § 3 rd Party Dispatching/Security Systems
Digital Mapping ► MS Map. Point § § ► Polar. Map § § § ► North America and West Europe Address Finder Driving Directions Landmark Database Imports any digital format (MIF, MID, GDT) Editing Capability Local Map and Database Raster Maps § § § Bitmaps, Drawings, Diagrams, Satellite Pictures Geo-reference Utility Added Database
Reliable Database ► Relational § § § Database System: Microsoft SQL Server (Recommended) Oracle (Recommended) Microsoft Access (Small Applications) ► Report Utility: § Crystal Report § HTML Generated Reports ► Database Backup: § Triggers and jobs
GPS (Global Positioning System) ► Real Time Location: § Differential accuracy (less than 25 feet) § Extra sensors ( Proximity, On-Off, etc) § Conditional/Individual Ping ► Speed, Panic, Specific Alerts, Zoning ► Customized individual and group timers ► Deferred GPS: § Out of range (buffered information) § Disconnected Mode (stored information)
Dispatching Capability ► Embedded Dispatching Capability § § § ► Connected Dispatching Module § § § ► Emergency Calls Instant Tracking Closest Unit (Vehicle) Unit in Area (Zone) Full Dispatching System Common Map Viewer Reservations/Trips/Rides/Tasks Customers/Accounts Automatic Task/Trip Assigner External Services: Credit Card/Flight Tracking/Telephony External 3 rd Party Dispatching System § AVL Add-on with Map Viewer and Unit GPS Ping.
Historic Records/Play Back ► Information § § § stored in Database: Personnel (Employees, Drivers, etc) Customers (Users, Accounts, etc) Assets (Vehicles, Mobile Units, etc) Working Schedules Reservations, Trips, Tasks, Jobs Locations, Routes, Zones ► Reports: § Customized Reports by Time and/or Zone ► AVL (Automatic Vehicle Location) Play Back § Play Back Units (Vehicles) Data (Position) in Map Filtered by Time
Server-Client-Mobile-Web ► Server-Client § § Intranet (LAN) Deployment Tracking-Mapping-Dispatching Servers Clients limited by Database Provider License Secure Remote Access ► Mobile-Web § § § § Architecture Net Internet (TCP/IP) High Speed Connection Web Services (Microsoft. NET standard) Power Web Servers Browsers and/or Connected Thin Clients Combined Intranet (LAN) – Internet Deployment Optional Smart Devices (PDA) Clients Optional Wireless Access Protocol (WAP) Clients
Modular Connectivity ► Scalability: § Modular Expansion (Optional Independent Modules and External Services) ► Basic AVL (Map Viewer) ► Advanced AVL (Alarms, Routing, Zoning) ► Extended AVL (Customized Interface and Connectivity) ► Advanced Dispatching (Reservations, Trips, Tasks, Jobs) ► Automatic Dispatching (Auto-Assigner, Auto-Schedule) ► Independent Services (TAPI, Flight Tracking, Credit Card) ► Reliability: § Modular Troubleshooting (Independent Working Sections) ► Open Standard (XML, SOAP) For 3 rd Party Plug-Ins § None or Reduced Extra-Development Required
Support ► Complete Care: § § ► Mapping-AVL-Dispatch-Cashiering Modules MS Windows Operating Systems (NT-2000 -XP) Network and Remote Connections Hardware, PDA, MDT Features: § § § Emergency Hotline Support 24 -7 * Immediate Repair Support 24 -7 (High Speed Internet Required)* Same Day Repair Support 8 -5 (Modem Connection) Next Day Email Support Yearly Training + Diagnostic Technical Expertise* Late Customized Add-On and Extra-Features* * Some conditions apply: Monthly or Annual Fee. Traveling Expenses Charge Extra. Hourly Development Rate.