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Point of Sale System Blade Runner Microsistemas Californianos, S. A. de C. V.
Nowadays, to have our sales increased, it is necessary to provide customers with the best attention as well as a faster and more effective answer to their service needs. The BLADE RUNNER point of sale system was created to meet such needs, as it implements all the advantages available, including a full range of functions to optimize point of sale management, and taking care of important aspects such as reliability, business information security and its strength. Microsistemas Californianos, S. A. de C. V.
Basic components : Server LAN Work Stations Back. Office Point of Sale Auxiliary Systems Executive Module Interactive Look. Up Module (Kiosk) Movil Vision Microsistemas Californianos, S. A. de C. V.
POS Hardware. The hardware for the POS system is based on the IBM PC industry standard, being able to use any peripheral using the OPOS Standard, and using Windows 2000/XP as the Software platform. Microsistemas Californianos, S. A. de C. V.
Using OPOS as the peripheral drivers, gives us the advantage of device independence, as it gives us the ability to change peripherals almost with plug and play capability, without changing the core application. The OPOS peripherals currently supported are: Line displays Monitor Keyboard. Mag Stripe Reader. Bar code Reader. Receipt and Journal printer. Scale Cash Drawer. MICR Reader. Touch. Screen / Dyna. Key Microsistemas Californianos, S. A. de C. V.
Basic features of the POS system Multimedia, video interaction , imáges, sound Multilingual suport Multi. Tax Component Full Scanning Miscelaneus Functions Configurable Tender Functions Cashiers Fault Tolerant. 24 hour Stores Promotions Frequent Shopper System Special Customers Layaway System Utilities Collection. Touchscreen / Dynakey HTML / Web Tools Microsistemas Californianos, S. A. de C. V.
Multimedia, video, image and sound integration. Extensive use of images to display products/customer information/cashier information. “Welcome” video at the start of every transaction. “TV Comercials” as a savescreen when the POS is inactive. Programable videos and sounds for each manufacturer. Touch. Screen and Dynakey support, as well as OPOS keyboard support. Microsistemas Californianos, S. A. de C. V.
Support for different languages. The Blade Runner POS system can operate in different languages, and change languages “on the fly” depending on the cashier’s or customer’s preferences. The GUI Interface as well as the customer’s receipt is changed automatically to the chosen language. Microsistemas Californianos, S. A. de C. V.
Tax Component. The tax capability of the POS can be changed very easy to conform to the different tax laws of each country. Microsistemas Californianos, S. A. de C. V.
Cashier Functions. Merchandise Ringing by using: PLU Number Entry. Bar Code (UPC, EAN, Code 39, etc). Department Entry. Department Sale using Bar Codes. Void Functions. Suspend / Resume Transactions. Price lookup while ringing merchandise. “Secondary” Scanner Support. Messages sent to Work Stations or “Visión Móvil”. Configurable customer receipt. Bar Code support for suspended accounts, layaways and transaction numbers. Microsistemas Californianos, S. A. de C. V.
Miscelaneous Functions. 99 different keyboard configurations. Each POS can have a different keyboard configuration. Every POS funcion can be assigned it’s unique security attributes, such as supervisor mode, security mode, etc. The POS can be setup as a Product Lookup Module. Customer surveys at the Point of Sale. Customer lookup by name at the POS. Layaway Lookup at the POS by inputing the customer’s name. Microsistemas Californianos, S. A. de C. V.
Tender Functions. 20 configurable tender types, with different parameters such as Validation, Negative/Positive Lookup, MICR/Mag Stripe Processing, etc. Multi Currency support, using one exchange rate. Transaction totals displayed in one or more currencies. Total Tender control for cashier accountability. Microsistemas Californianos, S. A. de C. V.
Operators 7 operator levels. Password control for POS access. Visual Cashier ID for the current cashier. System access using bar codes or Mag Stripe. Initial till, with different currencies. “Floating” Cashier support. Alarm support for tender collection. Electronic Journal. Till accoutability. Training mode. Microsistemas Californianos, S. A. de C. V.
Fault Tolerance Support. Fault tolerance is built in the system, as the POS is capable of working without a main server due to server failure as well as network failure. Once the server and/or the network has been restablished, all pending transactions are updagted at the serveras if nothing had happened. Each POS is a “Thick Client”, that is, it has it’s own procesor and storage capability. The only time limit in working without a server is the size of the local storage medium to store the transactions. Once the conection to the server is restablished, all information is returned and updated at the server, such as sales information, layaways, frecuent shopper, till information, etc. Microsistemas Californianos, S. A. de C. V.
24 Hour Store. Blade Runner is designed to support stores that have a 24 hour operation, being able to function 24 hours a day without having to close the registers at any given time. The 24 hour periods can start at any hour, not necesarly at 12: 00 AM, and you can have cashiers working at the same time in different “days”, separating their sales to the appropiate day. Microsistemas Californianos, S. A. de C. V.
Frequent Shopper System. The frecuent shopper system is based on a membership program designed to keep your customers interested in purchasing in your Store, as well as to induce customers from other stores to become your customers. The benefits that your customers can enjoy with our frequent shopper program are the following: Point accrued in every purchase. Discounts and promotions exclusively for members of your frecuent shopper program. Diferent groups of frecuent shoppers (Gold Member, Bronze Member, etc). Points exchanged for gifts, travel , etc. Points donated to non profit organizations (Red Cross, United way). Microsistemas Californianos, S. A. de C. V.
Layaways The layaway system consists in giving the customer the oportunity to purchase a product by paying for it in installments, and the product is not delivered or given to the customer until the product is totally paid for. The system controls the types of products, the discount policy on layaways, the ammount of the down payment, the length of the installments, penalties for cancelations, reports on layaways that are overdue, inventory of layawayed items, etc. Microsistemas Californianos, S. A. de C. V.
Utility bill Payments Utility bill payments with three diferent fields for ID purposes. Bar code support to read the utility bills. PLU assigment for utilities such as phone cards, etc. Utility bills are processed as “other Income”, not as a normal sale. Microsistemas Californianos, S. A. de C. V.
Touchscreen / Dynakey Information at your fingertips ! The system has the capability to support touchscreens and Dynakey keyboards. Microsistemas Californianos, S. A. de C. V.
HTML / Web Tools Dynamic display of items sold using HTML/ASP pages. Dynamic display of sale items, departments, and products using HTML/ASP pages. Using this technology, the GUI interface can be configured to the needs and desires of each customer, like fonts, wallpapers, fonts, graphics, custom controls, etc. Microsistemas Californianos, S. A. de C. V.
Point of Sale System Blade Runner Thank you for your atention! Microsistemas Californianos, S. A. De C. V. Isabel La Católica esq. Nicolás Bravo. La Paz, Baja California Sur, México. Tel. 52 612 122 8344 x 135. Fax. 52 612 125 6504 www. bladerunner. com. mx Microsistemas Californianos, S. A. de C. V.