- Количество слайдов: 15
Plateau d’Architecture des Systèmes Orbitaux 1
PASO is: ë A TRANSVERSE organization within CNES Toulouse, in charge of preliminary studies and phases 0 with: An office with full time engineers ( 5 to 10 pers) l A nominative group of 60 “affiliate” part time agents from different specialized services (Technical, thematical, operation, costing, . . ) l PASO was created on end 2001, this organization ensures - the sharing and focusing of necessary human resources and competences (that cannot be dedicated to the “future”) - homogeneous study skills and reports (helping rational projects choices) - the development of means/tools (Concurrent Engineering) PASO was confirmed “as is” within the new matrix like CNES Toulouse organization in 2003. 2
Completed studies w w w 35 h. y 350 K€ (excluding running charge and tools develop) w w w in 2002, 2003 and 2004 Optimum use of large and small Buses by a telecom operator Potential of space for monitoring of frequency Spectrum av m /n o elec Small data relay for improving reactivity of LEO imaging systems T Argos Evolution on Microsat 2 Studies SPOT 5 F. O. : HRS on microsat et HRG on mini or microsat >> n Superspectral France/israel (Venus) atio rv bse O Atmospheric Sounding Geostationary optical Imaging microsat Radar Smart 2/interferometry nd ce a Flying n Symbol X ( Formation Flying) Scie ation Form Evaluation responses CNES Call For Ideas For. Flying ity grav o 2 Studies Declic Inserts on ISS micr Sat 2000: Bus with high DV for mission GEO, Mars, Moon via GTO AR 5 ic ener G Spaces Stakes on micro/nano technologies Potential of low flying and elliptical Orbits for imaging 3
> 22 studies completed in 2005 w w w w 28 H. an 1, 1 M€ (hors fonctionnement et moyens) w w w w 1 Télécom Service de communication et Surveillance ATM Scenarios pour mission opérationnelle de Chimie atmosp. GMES Continental n GMES Ocean atio rv bse Soutien réponse AO ESA Chimie Recherche 5 O Soutien réponse AO ESA Hydrologie Continent. Vol en Formation Aspics Vol en Formation Symbolx n Vol en Formation Max atio orm en F RA) Vol en Formation Pegase l 5 Vo ONE c Vol en Formation Romulus (ave Scenarios Post Helios et Post Pleiades se efen Satellite réactif Défense 3 D Geocroiseur es Dune: exploration matière noire ienc Sc res ut Sampan : exploration Fond cosmique diffus 4 A Scénarios d’emport T 2 L 2 ité grav SENS, Krit icro 2 m + ique Nouvelles filières de plateformes er Gén ctif 2 Concept de Satellite d’observation « parachute » ospe pr 4
Entre 18 et 23 études demandées pour 2006 w w w w 28 h. an 0, 7 M€ w w w Service de communication et Surveillance ATM (suite) av Charges Utiles en bande KU/X flexibles Duales m/n o éléc Système satellitaire de diffusion d’alerte T >5 Système télécom. pour mobile post 3 G Architecture pour service TVHD GMES Lego GMES couleur de l’eau n atio rv REX IASI – suite IASI bse O GEO – 100 m >9 Roue bande X Vol en formation SAR bande P OSCAR (mesure de la vitesse des courants marins) Roue interferométrique – Oscar – Romulus (ROR) ROMULUS (suite) SMESE SVOM PHARAO Nouvelle filiaire de plateforme (suite) n tio rma n Fo ol e ERA) 5 V ON c (ave 2 se en Def re Aut 3 s iq éner 1 G es c cien S ue 5
PASO Study Process ë Paso study plan is established on annual base and revised periodically (study subjects issued from programmatic needs and CNES internal Call for ideas) ë Studies are divided into 3 phases separated by Key point l l l PH 01 ( 1 To 6 months duration) : -> To Identify the points that drive the mission needs, those that drive the technical difficulty and the costs, those that drive the future programmatic (brick reuse, cooperation) and to map them into a set of scenarios PH 02 (2 to 3 months)-> To optimize, refine, Compare the scenarios (cost, performance, criticality) PH 03 (2 to 3 months) -> Full Pre-Sizing of the preferred Scenario. Optional, only if necessary for a correct assessment of Criticality /performance/Cost NOTA: - Concurrent Engineering ( CDF) is used in PH 03 and sometimes in PH 02 - The 3 phases cannot be fully sequential (need of some back and forward ) ë The Study report contents: l l Mission requirement for Phase A entrance Reference technical solution/architecture Study limits and sensitivity factors Links with R/T programme (use of technologies being developed and/or new needs) 6
PASO Processus Study perimeter and drivers x x 1 A x x . Ex x x Mission needs x x x x x Scenarios set-up x x 1 B x x Technical x x x Program x x . Ex matic. . Ex To Identify driving parameters, interactions and related options Scenario optimisation, selection 2 B. Ex € Perf. 1 x x x x x i x x x x x. N To combine drivers options into scenario that make sens. . Optional: Overal pre-sizing Key point • Budgets at all levels • Only on the prefered scenario € Perf. x x x 3 . Ex Key point Consistancy/viability of scenarios x x 2 A x x x x x x x Local analysis around drivers Study Report Choice justif. Study limits Follow on (including R/T) Mission spec. and reference solution Analysis and budgets at the only if necessary for correct assessment To transmit to project with right level for comparison (perf, (Criticality /performance/Cost) Everything that justify choices and enable cost, criticality) future revisions CCT MAN du 19 Janvier 2005 CNES DCT/PO/PA Joël MICHAUD
CIC: Conception en Ingenierie Concourante Payload Input sheet Operations Discipline dedicated tools Output sheet Calculation sheet Risk Results sheet Data Exchange da ta MULTIMEDIA WALL Cost AOCS Subsystem n- Sheets data exchange And quick satellites budgets (appropriation/adaptation ESA/ESTEC) Decentralized mode „every body in his office“ Confi g. Struct. Customer and Ad. Hoc Experts Doc. ’ n Syste m Customer and Ad. Hoc Experts System Tea m Lea d Cost Risk s Progr. ’s Mechanisms Simulat. Integrated Session AOC S Propulsion Missio GS & TTC DHS n CNES DCT/PO/PA Joël Ops CCT MAN du 19 Janvier 2005 MICHAUD Instrumen ts Thermal Power
CIC: Conception en Ingénierie Concourante 9
Links with R/T ë PASO and R/T -> 2 complementary processes for preparing the future in CNES l R/T -> To master the bricks (technology, . . ) for future missions l PASO -> To design future missions with good trade-offs between needs, costs, and risks. ë A PASO study must well identify the “bricks” that back the mission design and trade-offs and that needs R/T effort. ë A R/T action can need first a PASO study to identify the success conditions of a new technology ( perf. , interfaces, cost) ë A PASO study is short (3 to 12 months), R/T actions can last several years. ë The TRL (Technology Readiness Level) and « roadmap » approaches consolidate the R/T- PASO link 10
Exemple: Paramètres déterminants besoins mission (Sampan) <<11
Exemple: Paramètres déterminants techniques (Sampan) <<12
Exemple scénarios: étude sampan <<- 13
Exemple de sortie Phase 02: (Sampan) <<14
Exemple: Phase 03 (avec CIC) sur Aspics <<- 15