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Planning for Urban Freight Movement Talking Freight Series Susie Lahsene Port of Portland
Trends Affecting Urban Freight n n n Globalization Transportation deregulation Business Practices • Logistics/Supply chain mgmt • Warehouse/distribution development • Industry/carrier mergers n Urban development • • Markets Economic base Urban land use Transport planning/investment
Globalization n n Markets around the globe-products moving longer distances with more frequency Freight mobility pressure added to urban environment- the site of ports and transport connections to reach other markets
Federal Transportation Deregulation n n Aviation Deregulation of 1978 Motor Carrier Act of 1980 Staggers Rail Act of 1980 Ocean Shipping Act of 1984 Ocean Shipping Reform Act of 1998
U. S. Trade Increasing Source: U. S. Department of Commerce and U. S. Bureau of Economic Analysis, 2003
Freight Tonnage Increases by 2020 Central Region 89% Northeast Region 79% West Region 100% Source: FHWA Freight Analysis Framework Project Reebie Associates 1998 data (1 st Approximation) WEFA economic data and forecasts South Region 89%
Business Practices History of Industrial Competitiveness Emphasis on PRODUCTION 1800 s Firms stressed ability to decrease cost of production of each unit Emphasis on SALES Early 1900 s As production started to catch up with demand, businesses recognized the importance of sales Emphasis on LOGISTICS Late 1900 s & 2000 Sophistication of product offerings, globalization and increased customer expectations make logistics key to companies’, regions’ competitiveness
Distribution & Logistics: The New Business Model The use of the transportation system, information technology, and distribution facilities to assemble and move raw materials and products to regional, national and international markets n Why ? • Increased competition for global markets • Increasing offshore production and movement of parts and goods • Business cost savings already realized through production efficiency • Supply chain management offers opportunity for additional cost savings
Columbia Sportswear 1 1. Inbound Movement • • • Apparel, footwear, and accessories arrive via ship from Asia at T-6, transported by truck to the Rivergate DC; some move through Seattle and Tacoma. Air shipments arrive both at PDX and Sea-Tac. Ocean/air shipments arriving in Puget Sound transported by truck to Rivergate.
2 2. Value Added Services • • Ocean containers unstuffed; airfreight unpacked. Products sorted/stored by SKU. Once all SKUs for a customer's order arrive, shipment packed for delivery. Customers provide routing instructions; shipments prepared for truck or air shipment accordingly. The Rivergate DC also handles returns.
3 3. Reload Facility • Freight forwarders transport shipments by truck to reload facility for air shipment. • LTL carriers take shipments by truck from DC to the LTL’s local hubs in Portland for consolidation with other loads to same cities.
4 4. Outbound Movement • All three product lines (apparel, footwear, and accessories) shipped out by air or truck. • • • Air cargo shipped out of PDX primarily using integrated carriers (such as Fed. Ex, UPS, Emery, etc. ) for domestic delivery. Once consolidated, LTL shipments move through carrier’s hub and spoke network throughout North America. Full truckload shipments move directly from DC to customers’ warehouses or stores.
Freightliner 1 1. Inbound Movement • Subassemblies (axles and engines) arrive by ship from Germany and Finland primarily through T-6. • Other parts and subassemblies arrive by truck from Mexico and Canada, and by truck/rail intermodal from domestic suppliers.
2 2. Manufacturing • Steel and aluminum sourced locally. • Medium and heavy-duty trucks produced at Swan Island production facility for global distribution.
3 3. Distribution • Finished trucks are distributed to dealers throughout the U. S. • Parts are shipped to regional warehouses.
4 4. Exports • Western Star brand trucks are shipped to Australia and New Zealand predominantly through T-6.
Fred Meyer 1 1. Inbound Movement • Asian imports arrive predominantly through T-6 and are sent to Fred Meyer distribution centers in Chehalis, WA and Clackamas, OR. • Various grocery items and general merchandise arrive via truck and truck/rail intermodal from domestic suppliers. • Seasonal goods for Kroger Supermarkets arrives through T-6.
2 2. Reload Facility • • • Kroger seasonal items are trucked to north Portland transload facility. Containers are unstuffed and consolidated into domestic containers before being trucked to intermodal facility. Goods are shipped via rail to Kroger’s distribution center in Nashville, TN.
3 3. Warehousing/Distribution • All food and nonfood items from international and domestic suppliers are sent to Clackamas distribution center for distribution to stores throughout the west (except WA and AK stores)
4 4. Retail/Local Consumption • Fred Meyer Stores operates a large fleet of trucks and trailers for distribution of goods to its retail stores.
U. S. Metropolitan Centers Fifty Largest
Manufacturing Centers Employment Density by County
Wholesaling/Distribution Centers Employment Density by County
International Freight Gateways Exports & Imports (Tons), 1998 Source: FHWA Freight Analysis Framework Project Reebie Associates 1998 data (1 st Approximation) WEFA economic data and forecasts Imports Exports
Metropolitan Freight Centers Major Population Areas
Freight Transportation Demand Growing in Most Urban Areas Portland origin/destination freight volume to double by 2030 Thousand Short Tons
Commodity Share of Portland/Vancouver Region Tonnage (Percent Share of Total Tonnage in 1997) Eight commodity categories comprise 74% of all tonnage shipped in the region on all modes.
Freight Mobility Largely Dependent Upon Trucks 1996 2030
Pass Through Tonnage Doubles Thousand Tons Pipeline Rail Truck Barge The Portland region handles increasing pass through traffic for elsewhere in the country.
Challenges Meeting Urban Access Needs for Container Growth
Challenges Maintaining Industrial Land Adjacent to Freight Corridors
Challenges Maintaining Good Access to Warehousing and Distribution Centers
Challenges For Most Urban Areas Capacity Increases Represent a Hurdle
Implications Industry specialization and reliance on efficient transportation means industries may choose to relocate if transportation costs affect their ability to compete Congestion has real costs and affects business productivity • Hard costs n Extra time for pick-up and delivery/reduced production time n Extra vehicles to meet “just-in-time” demands of customers and scheduling problems caused by longer delivery times • Soft costs n Business credibility n Expansion decisions
Urban Freight Planning Tools n n n n n Freight modeling Regional/local transportation plans Investment strategies Economic Base analysis Forecasting Comprehensive plans Land use location analysis Land use and tax policy assessment Design standards Access management policies
Urban Freight Planning Approach in Portland n Planning/Policy/Research • Reflect freight in region’s transportation and land use plan n Key Freight Corridors n Industrial lands and intermodal facilities n Other freight facilities • Local transportation plans reflects freight routes • Policy emphasis on maintaining access to intermodal facilities and industrial sanctuaries • Research on industry freight needs n n Freight bottlenecks Supply-chain geography Economic relationship to freight investments Freight Advisory committees • Regional, City and Statewide-linked by membership
Urban Freight Planning Approach in Portland n Forecasting/Analysis • Commodity flow forecast for six county region n 41 Industrial sectors- tonnage, mode and growth • Truck Model • Identification of freight bottlenecks n n Port Transportation Improvement plan (PTIP) City Freight plan Region priority freight needs Investments • Oregon Transportation Investment Act-legislative program with freight emphasis • Region allocation for federal funds • Port request for demonstration projects