Скачать презентацию Planning and Management of an e-Learning-Course Gerhard Navratil Скачать презентацию Planning and Management of an e-Learning-Course Gerhard Navratil


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Planning and Management of an e-Learning-Course Gerhard Navratil Vienna University of Technology Institute for Planning and Management of an e-Learning-Course Gerhard Navratil Vienna University of Technology Institute for Geoinformation and Cartography

Contents • Introduction: Idea of the edugi-Project • e-Learning – Preparation of Material – Contents • Introduction: Idea of the edugi-Project • e-Learning – Preparation of Material – Communication Channels • Live-Sessions • Grading • Summary Gerhard Navratil Uppsala, June 1 st, 2007

edugi-Project (1) • edugi: Reuse and Sharing of e-Learning Courses in GI Science Education edugi-Project (1) • edugi: Reuse and Sharing of e-Learning Courses in GI Science Education • 8 European GI institutes, existing courses adapted to the requirements of e-learning • Each partner – contributes 1 course – receives 2 courses • Shall be self sustainable after initial phase Gerhard Navratil Uppsala, June 1 st, 2007

edugi-Project (2) • Goal: Administration as simple as possible • Students reported to providing edugi-Project (2) • Goal: Administration as simple as possible • Students reported to providing university by their home university • Course managed by providing university only • Grades reported to university of students • Students receive certificates from their home university Gerhard Navratil Uppsala, June 1 st, 2007

e-Learning • Computer enhanced learning • Useful for – Blended learning: Regular classes mixed e-Learning • Computer enhanced learning • Useful for – Blended learning: Regular classes mixed with self study (supported by e-learning technology) – Distance learning: Students and teacher never meet in person Gerhard Navratil Uppsala, June 1 st, 2007

Preparation of Material • Finished before start of course • Limited personal contact – Preparation of Material • Finished before start of course • Limited personal contact – Clearly written, unambiguous (as far as possible) – Links to additional sources of information (web pages, books, etc. ) • Limited circulation of publicly accessible? (Copyright!) Gerhard Navratil Uppsala, June 1 st, 2007

Communication Channels • Prepared material: Text books, presentations, software, etc. • Asynchronous communication – Communication Channels • Prepared material: Text books, presentations, software, etc. • Asynchronous communication – E-Mail – Discussion boards • Synchronous communication – Chat – Live sessions (=classrooms) – (Video conferencing) Gerhard Navratil Uppsala, June 1 st, 2007

Live Sessions • • Start presentations Drawing area Chat area Voice-transfer possible (requires stable Live Sessions • • Start presentations Drawing area Chat area Voice-transfer possible (requires stable and fast Internet connection) • Ask Yes/No-questions • Students can raise their hands Gerhard Navratil Uppsala, June 1 st, 2007

The Classroom Gerhard Navratil Uppsala, June 1 st, 2007 The Classroom Gerhard Navratil Uppsala, June 1 st, 2007

Open a Presentation Gerhard Navratil Uppsala, June 1 st, 2007 Open a Presentation Gerhard Navratil Uppsala, June 1 st, 2007

Show a Slide Gerhard Navratil Uppsala, June 1 st, 2007 Show a Slide Gerhard Navratil Uppsala, June 1 st, 2007

Comment on the Slide Gerhard Navratil Uppsala, June 1 st, 2007 Comment on the Slide Gerhard Navratil Uppsala, June 1 st, 2007

Draw on the Slide Gerhard Navratil Uppsala, June 1 st, 2007 Draw on the Slide Gerhard Navratil Uppsala, June 1 st, 2007

From the Student Side … Gerhard Navratil Uppsala, June 1 st, 2007 From the Student Side … Gerhard Navratil Uppsala, June 1 st, 2007

What is Missing? • Visual feedback! • No feedback if students did understand the What is Missing? • Visual feedback! • No feedback if students did understand the explanation (body language is not visible) • Other methods have to be used: – e. g. question where the knowledge must be applied Gerhard Navratil Uppsala, June 1 st, 2007

Grading • Students may not be physically present! • How to make sure that Grading • Students may not be physically present! • How to make sure that the person receiving the certificate has done the work? – Bring them to a place where the identity can be checked … • Basis for grading: Tests/exams, reports prepared by students, teacher‘s impression from live sessions Gerhard Navratil Uppsala, June 1 st, 2007

Summary • e-Learning requires a ‚change of teaching style‘ • Quality of teaching material Summary • e-Learning requires a ‚change of teaching style‘ • Quality of teaching material is crucial for success • Technology is far from perfect but improving • Advantage: We can reach additional students Gerhard Navratil Uppsala, June 1 st, 2007

Live presentation Gerhard Navratil Uppsala, June 1 st, 2007 Live presentation Gerhard Navratil Uppsala, June 1 st, 2007