Скачать презентацию План-конспект урока английского языка в 8 -ом классе Скачать презентацию План-конспект урока английского языка в 8 -ом классе


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План-конспект урока английского языка в 8 -ом классе Составила учитель английского языка ГБОУ СОШ План-конспект урока английского языка в 8 -ом классе Составила учитель английского языка ГБОУ СОШ № 182 Подъякова Н. Б.

УМК: V. Evans, J. Dooley, O. Podolyako, J. Vaulina. “Spotlight 8” Module 1 “Socialising” УМК: V. Evans, J. Dooley, O. Podolyako, J. Vaulina. “Spotlight 8” Module 1 “Socialising” Тема урока: “Who is who? ” (“Кто есть кто? ) ” Цель урока: Научить учащихся описывать людей так, чтобы было понятно, о ком идет речь. Задачи: l повторение изученных ранее временных конструкций и введение новых слов по теме «Описание людей: внешность, характер» ; l развитие навыков монологической речи; l повторение признаков степеней сравнения прилагательных и наречий и развитие навыков распознавания их форм; l развитие навыков употребления в речи форм степеней сравнения, а также сравнительных оборотов as…as, not so…as, twice as…as, the more…the better. Ожидаемый результат: свободное высказывание с опорой на лексику урока. Оборудование: мультимедийный проектор, компьютер, презентация в Power Point.

Ход урока 1. Организационный момент. + Речевая зарядка. T. -“Hello, dear friends! How are Ход урока 1. Организационный момент. + Речевая зарядка. T. -“Hello, dear friends! How are you today? I’m glad to see you. And now I want to know what is the date today? ” – P. -It’s the 5 th of October. What is the day of the week today? - Today it is Friday. What day was it yesterday? - It was Thursday. What day will it be tomorrow? - It will be Saturday. What is your name? - My name is … How old are you? - I’m fourteen. How long have you been learning English? - I’ve been learning English for/ since…. Do you like it? – Yes, I do. / No, I don’t. What was your home task for today? – Ex. 9, page 15. Have you done it? – Yes, I have. Dear friends, read, please, your home task.

2. Лексико-фонетическая зарядка. [Λ], [ju: ], [eэ], [i: ], [e], [ai], [o: ] She’s 2. Лексико-фонетическая зарядка. [Λ], [ju: ], [eэ], [i: ], [e], [ai], [o: ] She’s got lovely hair She’s got a small nose She’s got blue eyes Is she kind and nice? Her cheeks are pink Her eyes are bright Her lips are red Her teeth are white

Look at the boy. How old is he? He’s in his______ How does he Look at the boy. How old is he? He’s in his______ How does he look like? He’s a ______ young man. What is height? He’s _______ What is his weight? He’s _______ What colour is hair? His hair is _______and ______ What can you say about his eyes? _____________ What person is he? _____________ What are his interests? _____________

3. Who is who? Ex. 1 p. 16. Use words/ phrases from the table 3. Who is who? Ex. 1 p. 16. Use words/ phrases from the table to present a famous person to the class. The class guesses who she/ he is. Age young, in his/ her (early/ late) twenties/ thirties, younger/ older than he/ she looks, middle-aged Looks good-looking, pretty, beautiful, handsome, rather ugly Height rather short, tall, of average height Weight (a bit) thin, (rather) plump, overweight, skinny, thin, slim, strong, muscular, of medium build Hair fair, blonde, dark, ginger [dzindzэ]- рыжеватый, going grey, almost bold, white, curly, wavy, straight, shoulder-length, long Eyes almond [a: lmэnd]- shaped- миндалевидный, dark, small, green, blue Personality bit) dull/ boring, energetic, moody [mu: di]-угрюмый; funny, hard-working, talkative, friendly, creative, shy, bossy [bosi]- властный; sensible, impatient, humorous, stubborn, selfish, generous [dzenэrэz]-великодушн. Interests Photography, drawing, sports, making model cars, painting, travelling, music

4. COMPARATIVE AND SUPERLATIVES Study the table. Do ex. 3, 4, p. 16, ex. 4. COMPARATIVE AND SUPERLATIVES Study the table. Do ex. 3, 4, p. 16, ex. 5, p. 17 Adjective Comparative Superlative Short adjectives/adverbs clean big funny nice hard cleaner (than) bigger funnier nicer harder the cleanest the biggest the funniest the nicest the hardest Long adjectives/ adverbs exciting clearly more exciting (than) more clearly (than) the most exciting the most clearly better (than) worse (than) more (than) further/ farther(than) the best the worst the most the furthest/ farthest Irregular adjectives/ good/ well adverbs bad much/ many far

5. Аудирование Ex. 6, p. 17. Number the people in the order you hear 5. Аудирование Ex. 6, p. 17. Number the people in the order you hear the description. What is each person’s name? 6. Письмо Dear friends, I’ll give you some pictures to describe a person. There is an example how to write a description in ex. 1, p. 16 In 5 minutes you ought to read what you have written. And now we are listening to you! Учащиеся читают описания людей на картинках. 7. Подведение итогов Домашнее задание Your home task for the next lesson will be in WB 1 d, p. 8; SB p. 17 (7). I’ll be glad if you express what new information you have known and you can do if you wont to describe a person. And I want to say that you all worked hard today and I put you good marks for the lesson. Good buy!