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Latin America. General characteristic.ppt

  • Количество слайдов: 63

Plan: 1. Topography 2. Climate 3. Resources Plan: 1. Topography 2. Climate 3. Resources

Latin America • 19, 1 million square km • 12, 6% of the earth’s Latin America • 19, 1 million square km • 12, 6% of the earth’s surface • Historical roots: Spain and Portugal • Spanish and Portuguese based on Latin: Latin America • Population – about 590 million

Regions of Latin America 1. Middle America a. Mexico b. Central America 2. Caribbean Regions of Latin America 1. Middle America a. Mexico b. Central America 2. Caribbean • a. Bahamas: • b. Greater Antilles (Cuba, Jamaica, Puerto Rico, Haiti, and the Dominican Republic) • c. Lesser Antilles 3. South America The Caribbean Central America South America

1. Central America 1. Central America

2. Caribbean 2. Caribbean

3. South America 3. South America

Satellite Image of Latin America Satellite Image of Latin America

Bodies of Water Gulf of Mexico Caribbean Sea Lake Maracaibo Orinoco R. Magdalena R. Bodies of Water Gulf of Mexico Caribbean Sea Lake Maracaibo Orinoco R. Magdalena R. Amazon R. Pacific Ocean Sao Francisco R. Lake Titicaca Parana R. Uruguay R. Rio de La Plata Atlantic Ocean

Lake Titicaca: World’s highest lake (3812 m above sea level, depth - 304 m. Lake Titicaca: World’s highest lake (3812 m above sea level, depth - 304 m. , the largest fresh water basin, 8290 sq. km)

Mountains and Peaks Sierra Madres Mts. Guiana Highlands Brazilian Highlands Andes Mts. Patagonian Plateau Mountains and Peaks Sierra Madres Mts. Guiana Highlands Brazilian Highlands Andes Mts. Patagonian Plateau

Andes Mountains (Peru) Andes Mountains (Peru)

The Eastern Flank of the Andes The Eastern Flank of the Andes

Llamas in the Andes Llamas in the Andes

The Sierra Madres, Mexico The Sierra Madres, Mexico

Guianan Highlands, Venezuela Guianan Highlands, Venezuela

Brazilian Highlands Brazilian Highlands

Patagonian Region (Chile) Patagonian Region (Chile)

Ll an os Amazon Mato Basin Grosso Gran Chaco Pa mp as Valleys Plains Ll an os Amazon Mato Basin Grosso Gran Chaco Pa mp as Valleys Plains and Basins

Amazon Rain Forest Amazon Rain Forest

Mato Grosso - a high plateau region in southwestern Brazil that forms a watershed Mato Grosso - a high plateau region in southwestern Brazil that forms a watershed between the Amazon and Plate river systems

Orinoco Lowlands, the Llanos (an extensive grassy treeless plain in South America) Orinoco Lowlands, the Llanos (an extensive grassy treeless plain in South America)

Cattle Ranching on the Pampas (large treeless plains in South America) Cattle Ranching on the Pampas (large treeless plains in South America)

Atac ama Dese rt Deserts Atac ama Dese rt Deserts

Atacama Desert Atacama Desert

Cities Mexico City Havanna Port-au-Prince Panama City Caracas Bogota Lima Brasilia Rio De Janiero Cities Mexico City Havanna Port-au-Prince Panama City Caracas Bogota Lima Brasilia Rio De Janiero Santiago Buenos Aires

Cape Horn - a rocky headland on an island at the extreme S tip Cape Horn - a rocky headland on an island at the extreme S tip of South America, belonging to Chile. It is notorious for gales and heavy seas; until the building of the Panama Canal it lay on the only sea route between the Atlantic and the Pacific Pan am a. C ana l Others Falkland Islands Cape Horn

The or Falkland Islands Islas Malvinas The or Falkland Islands Islas Malvinas

Cape Horn Cape Horn

The Panama Canal The Panama Canal

Going Through the Panama Canal Going Through the Panama Canal

Sierra Madres Mts. Pan am a. C ana l Ll an os Gulf of Sierra Madres Mts. Pan am a. C ana l Ll an os Gulf of Havanna Mexico Port-au-Prince Mexico City Caribbean Sea Lake Caracas Maracaibo Orinoco R. Panama City Guiana Highlands Magdalena R. Bogota Amazon Sao Mato Basin Francisco R. Grosso Brasilia Brazilian Highlands Gran Parana R. Chaco Rio De Janiero Uruguay R. Atac ama Dese rt Pa mp as Pacific Ocean Andes Mts. Lima Amazon R. Lake Titicaca Santiago Rio Buenos Aires de La Patagonian Plata Plateau Falkland Islands Atlantic Cape Horn Ocean

Active Volcanoes Active Volcanoes

Latin American Climatic Zones Latin American Climatic Zones

Very Varied Climate Zones Very Varied Climate Zones

Precipitation Precipitation

Amazon Rain Forest Amazon Rain Forest

On the Ground Floor of the Rain Forest On the Ground Floor of the Rain Forest

Three-Tiered Vegetation Three-Tiered Vegetation

Three-Tiered Canopy – трехъярусный древесный полог Three-Tiered Canopy – трехъярусный древесный полог

Native Indians of the Amazon Native Indians of the Amazon

Jungle Fauna Jungle Fauna

Minerals of the Amazon Region Amethyst Quartz Diamonds Bauxite Minerals of the Amazon Region Amethyst Quartz Diamonds Bauxite

Deforestation in the Amazon Deforestation in the Amazon

Original Forest Cover Current Forest Cover Future Forest Cover Original Forest Cover Current Forest Cover Future Forest Cover

Agriculture and Fishing Agriculture and Fishing

Banana Plantation Banana Plantation

Harvesting Sugar Cane Harvesting Sugar Cane

Growing Coffee Growing Coffee

Rubber Industry Rubber Industry

Oil Drilling in the Gulf of Mexico Oil Drilling in the Gulf of Mexico

Eco-Tourism Eco-Tourism

Drug Trafiking Routes Drug Trafiking Routes

Latin America’s Population Distribution Latin America’s Population Distribution

Sao Paolo, Brazil Sao Paolo, Brazil

Overcrowding in Sao Paolo, Brazil Overcrowding in Sao Paolo, Brazil

Squatter Settlements (самовольное поселение) in Major Latin American Cities Squatter Settlements (самовольное поселение) in Major Latin American Cities