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Пирамиды Гизы Работу выполнила Ученица 10 «А» класса Степаненкова Виктория
This graceful Egyptian pyramid is the oldest of the seven wonders of antiquity. In addition, it is the only one of the wonders that have survived to the present day. In the time of its creation, the Great Pyramid was the tallest building in the world. And she kept that record is likely to be nearly 4, 000 years old. The Great Pyramid was built as a tomb of Khufu, known as Cheops to the Greeks.
Обнаружены четыре главных кладбища на плато Гиза: кладбище на западе, востоке, юге и в центральной части. • • • • • 1. Пирамида Хеопса 2. Пирамида Хефрена 3. Пирамида Микерина 4. Погребальный храм Хефрена 5. Погребальный храм 6. Пирамида спутник 7. Храм Хефрена в долине 8. Храм Микерина в долине 9. Гробница царицы Хетеп-Херес I 10. Пирамида Хенткаус I 11. Пирамиды цариц 12. Мастабы 13. Большой сфинкс 14. Храм сфинкса 15. Гробница Хемиуну 16. Центр изучения пирамид 17. Билетная касса • • • • 18. Ямы, в которых найдены Солнечные лодки 19. Новая дорога 20. Гробницы высеченные в скале 21. Деревня ремесленников 22. Каир 23. Деревня Назлет-эль-Самман 24. Погребальная дорога 25. каменоломня Микерина 26. Современное кладбище 27. К югу, гробницы вырубленные в скальной породе 28. Стена ограды 29. Мастабы и гробницы вырубленные в скальной породе 30. Западное кладбище 31. Восточное кладбище 32. Зона мастаб в центре и гробницы вырубленные в скале
• He was one of the Pharaohs, or kings of ancient Egypt, and his tomb was completed in 2580 BC Later at Giza were built two pyramids for Khufu's son and grandson, as well as smaller-sized pyramids for their queens. Pyramid of Khufu is the largest. Pyramids are an ancient cemetery at Giza, on the opposite of Cairo, the river Nile.
Карта плато Гиза
Some archaeologists believe that perhaps the construction of the Great Pyramid of 100, 000 people took 20 years. It was created from more than 2 million blocks of stone, each weighing at least 2. 5 tons. Workers dragged them to the place, using ramps, pulleys and levers, and then fitted together without mortar.
Камера фараона (1910)
Пирамида царицы Meritites
Пирамида царицы Henutsen
• Some archaeologists believe that perhaps the construction of the Great Pyramid of 100, 000 people took 20 years. It was created from more than 2 million blocks of stone, each weighing at least 2. 5 tons. Workers dragged them to the place, using ramps, pulleys and levers, and then fitted together without mortar.
When the main building was finished, it was like a series of steps. They were then closed blocks of white limestone with a polished, shiny surface. The blocks were so tightly fit together that outside between them could not even stick a knife. Upon completion, the Great Pyramid rose to 147 meters.
• Now its top collapsed, in addition, at the present time only one son Khufu pyramid kept at the top of its limestone cladding. Side of the base of the Great Pyramid up to 230 meters. It takes more space than nine football fields. Ancient Egyptians believed that when a person dies to Пирамида Менкаура save his body, so that the spirit could continue to live after death.
Объёмное изображение расположения камер пирамиды
Разрушение • They removed the internal organs, body filled with salts and wrapped it with linen cloths. So the body has turned into a mummy. The mummy was then buried with clothes, food, jewelery and other things that are useful for the afterlife. Khufu's mummified body was placed in the burial chamber at the heart of his pyramid.