Скачать презентацию Picture Why Do Diamond Traders Need A Diamond Скачать презентацию Picture Why Do Diamond Traders Need A Diamond


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Picture Why Do Diamond Traders Need A Diamond Fund? Presentation by Stephan Mueller Product Picture Why Do Diamond Traders Need A Diamond Fund? Presentation by Stephan Mueller Product Management & Development The exclusive manager of Julius Baer Funds. A member of the GAM group.

Picture Product Idea – Key Elements Picture Product Idea – Key Elements

Product Innovation Wrap the most precious goods in a transparent and fully regulated fund Product Innovation Wrap the most precious goods in a transparent and fully regulated fund Diamonds as an investment theme – the worlds’ first transparent diamond fund • Diamonds are considered a hedge against inflation, uncertainty and crisis. • Their popularity has risen since the 19 th century as an important source of liquidity with a diamond’s value not been determined by currency parity, government laws or geopolitical concerns. • Growth pattern similar to a synthetic bond (2% p. a. – 3% p. a. ), due to the diversified portfolio. 3 Source: PMD & Polished. Prices

Analogies between Metals and Diamonds – Suitability The selection of standardised components and quality Analogies between Metals and Diamonds – Suitability The selection of standardised components and quality labels are the prerequisite of product and portfolio engineering for financial assets Selective diamond and metal segments are traded as commodities • All segments from raw to refined diamonds cover pricing standards that facilitate the trading and valuation. But not all of them are suitable for financial assets. • Not all standards are suitable to match the needs of the financial industry as they may not deliver the comfort level and transparency required: Good Suitability re financial asset Remark Precious metal coins, medallions, semirefined bars Auctions, individual certifications by smelters etc. Not suitable: implicit premiums can only be discovered from auctions Price determination and methodology are not transparent to the public LBMA, LPPM precious Standardised price metal bullion bars discovery and publication via BBG/Reuters etc. Suitable: pricing standards, good delivery rules are worldwide recognized Every bullion bar is an individual good (fine weight, smelter, shape) but its valuation is standardised Raw diamonds, jewellery, art pieces Auctions, individual negotiations Not suitable: real value can only be discovered from auctions (affection is not a price source!) Like medallions and coins the price determination is not standardised and transparent to the public Polished and certified diamonds with GIA, IGI, HRD international digital passport 4 Valuation Pricing parameters are standardised and certified by laboratories and published on BBG/Reuters Suitable: pricing parameters, standards, good delivery rules are worldwide recognized and public The pricing of polished and certified diamonds is transparent and can be reconciled on its standardised parameters Source: PMD & Polished. Prices

Transparency & Liquidity The combination of both is unique as the B 2 C Transparency & Liquidity The combination of both is unique as the B 2 C market has no interest to disclose pricings and profit margins Support & project team • The project is supported and critically assessed by un-conflicted stakeholders from the diamond industry who bring in their particular expertise and whose independence and credibility ensures the fund is fully transparent and carries no reputational risks in relation to ‘conflict diamonds’ to realise the world’s first transparent fund on polished certified diamonds. Transparency • The fund follows strict rules and regulations ensuring the traceability from the source up to the purchase and trading of polished diamonds on behalf of the fund. • The fund accounting and trading is based on the transparent methodology of ‘Polished. Prices’ an independent and transparent data provider that publishes up-to-date wholesale diamond prices and indices on Bloomberg (PLPR) and Reuters (). Liquidity • The investment objective is strictly linked to the most liquid and standardised categories of polished certified diamonds (daily availability; i. e. colour distribution, clarity, cut and carat weight). 5 Source: PMD & Polished. Prices

Picture Product Conception & Implementation of Key Elements Picture Product Conception & Implementation of Key Elements

Investment Focus The fund invests exclusively in polished certified diamonds Restrictions in favour of Investment Focus The fund invests exclusively in polished certified diamonds Restrictions in favour of the investors’ security and liquidity • The fund provides access to polished certified diamonds that are stored in our bonded vault in Zurich. • The cooperation with ‘Polished. Prices’ and the additional requirements for selected brokers guarantee that every link of the value chain takes on the full responsibility for the sourcing and traceability of every single diamond. • The fund will not get involved in processing or trading rough diamonds and its concept ensures that every single diamond is certified. • The diamond portfolio is focussed strictly on liquidity and the most promising mix of standardised, certified diamonds. 7 Source: PMD & Polished. Prices

Transparency Official data feeds on Bloomberg/Reuters guarantee transparency to everyone Methodology – fair value Transparency Official data feeds on Bloomberg/Reuters guarantee transparency to everyone Methodology – fair value price model • Prices for single polished price points are based on currently traded selling prices that are weighted intraday to calculate a fair value price for every polished category, provided daily by companies in the different market centres all over the world. • The portfolio is based on those diamond categories for which ‘Polished. Prices’ has the highest level of direct daily price feeds; i. e. official BBG ticker for every price point. 8 Source: PMD & Polished. Prices

Liquidity Assessment of the core investment objectives The fund focuses on the most promising Liquidity Assessment of the core investment objectives The fund focuses on the most promising categories re liquidity and price stability • The selection of core categories are based on the insight of ‘Polished. Prices’ and access the most liquid part of the standardised polished diamond market. • The whole retail market carried retail turnover of about US$ 84 bn in 2013. • 2/3 rd of the portfolio are invested in the following categories: • • Colour: Clarity: Cut: Carat Weight: F to J VVS 1 to SI 1 Excellent or Very Good 0. 3 points to 2. 0 carat • 1/3 rd of the portfolio is designated to select market opportunities 9 Source: PMD & Polished. Prices

Portfolio Management & Implementation Fully automated portfolio engine with real time link to Bloomberg/Reuters Portfolio Management & Implementation Fully automated portfolio engine with real time link to Bloomberg/Reuters ð All diamonds in the portfolio are 1: 1 linked to the corresponding BBG Ticker for the respective category; i. e. similar to precious and industrial metals. ð Changes in underlying prices are reflected realtime in the portfolio engine and trade templates to facilitate the automated daily flow handling. 10 Source: PMD & Polished. Prices

Systematic Exclusion of Conflict Diamonds Strict procedures and controls to ensure proper sourcing of Systematic Exclusion of Conflict Diamonds Strict procedures and controls to ensure proper sourcing of all diamonds Prosperity diamonds only with approved certification • The fund will under no circumstances get involved in processing or trading rough diamonds but will strictly invest in certified diamonds only. • All diamonds purchased are accompanied by certificates from Gem Laboratories*: GIA, IGI, HRD or AGS. 11 Source: PMD; *GIA = Gemmological Institute of America, IGI = International Gemmological Institute, HRD = Hoge Raad voor Diamant Antwerp, AGS = American Gem Society Laboratories

Inventory Reports – Similar to Metal Custody Customized logistics to provide state of the Inventory Reports – Similar to Metal Custody Customized logistics to provide state of the art vaulting and reconciliation Every diamond is reported as a unique part of the funds portfolio • Based on the GEM certification, every diamond is scanned with its specific parameters. • Reconciliation, internal and external auditors as well as the portfolio management can rely on the inventory report. • Every change of the inventory is reported by end of each business day. Audit SOP in relation to physical handling (Standard Operation Process) • Auditors and GEM experts can physically examine the portfolio holdings on site. • In order to avoid conflicts of liability custom made SOP have been developed and implemented with special regard to the needs of internal and external audits. Sample of inventory report 12 Source: PMD & BRINKS

Picture Investment Characteristics Picture Investment Characteristics

Long-term Stable Growth Diamonds show a stable growth between 2% p. a. to 3% Long-term Stable Growth Diamonds show a stable growth between 2% p. a. to 3% p. a. Uncorrelated to equities, fixed income, currencies and other asset classes correlation: Overall Diamond Index vs. World Equities (11 yr) 1. 0 0. 5 + days 0. 0 -0. 5 - days correlation (100) - Jan-14 Jan-13 Jan-12 Dec-10 Dec-09 Dec-08 Jan-07 Dec-05 Dec-04 Dec-03 Dec-02 -1. 0 ð Key to investors is to access diamonds through a regulated and transparent fund. Source: PMD & Polished. Prices

Diamonds short in supply soon Widening supply gap implies substantial price increase going forward, Diamonds short in supply soon Widening supply gap implies substantial price increase going forward, as already seen for the last four years Development of Polished Diamonds - Retail Value in US $ bn. USD 90 USD 80 USD 70 USD 60 USD 50 USD 40 USD 30 USD 20 USD 0 1982 1984 1986 1988 1990 1992 1994 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010 2012 USD 10 ð The left-hand chart aggregates rough production data. A majority of mining companies have been reporting a stagnation of output since several years. Some of the expected shortfall can be met by adding new mining capacity but the whole supply gap cannot be closed. ð The shortfall in supply will lead to both, less available stones for the cutting centres, and an expected price increase of polished stones (right-hand chart). Source: PMD & Polished. Prices

Executive Summary Wrap the most precious goods in a transparent and fully regulated fund Executive Summary Wrap the most precious goods in a transparent and fully regulated fund Summary • The fund invests in the most liquid and standardised part of the polished diamond market; similar to precious and industrial metals. • Conflict diamonds are systematically excluded, i. e. : - no involvement in sourcing or trading rough diamonds and - all polished diamonds purchased are accompanied by certificates from reputable gemmological laboratories and can be traced to the source. • The fund carries maximum transparency as all prices are based on actual traded prices that are provided daily by contractual brokers in the different market centres all over the world. The price feeds/constituants are contributed on Bloomberg, Reuters and are publically available. • «Real Assets» such as metals and diamonds will be in demand once the “reflation” trade of central banks has to be unwound. Investment Characteristics • Un-correlated to EQ, FI, FX and commodities. • Growth pattern similar to a synthetic bond (2% p. a. – 3% p. a. ) due to the diversified portfolio. • Positive performance in the commodity and equity sell-off periods from 2008 – 2014. 16 Source: PMD & Polished. Prices

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Particularities regarding Spain The legal documents can be obtained in Spanish, free of charge, on the internet at www. jbfundnet. com. Registration number of the CNMV: Julius Baer Multibond (No. 200), Julius Baer Multicash (No. 201), Julius Baer Multistock (No. 202), Julius Baer Multicooperation (No. 298), Julius Baer Multipartner (No. 421) and Julius Baer Special Funds (No. 1131). Particularities regarding the Asia Pacific region The funds mentioned herein are not authorised or registered for public sale in Asia Pacific. Therefore, no public marketing must be carried out for it in the region. In Hong Kong, the document is restricted to professional investors (as defined in the Securities and Futures Ordinance (Cap. 571)) only. In Singapore, this material is limited to investors as defined in s. 305(5) of the Securities and Futures Act (Cap. 289)) ('SFA') only. 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In Japan, the funds mentioned herein are not registered for public sale or private placement pursuant to the Law on Investment Trusts and Investment Companies and shall not be disclosed publicly pursuant to the Financial Instruments and Exchange Law (the "FIEL"). Therefore, none of the Shares of the funds mentioned herein may be solicited in Japan or to residents in Japan. This material is intended for circulation to professional, institutional and/or qualified investors only. Any person in receipt of this material is not allowed to distribute it to residents in Japan nor communicate to residents in Japan about the fund mentioned herein. In other countries in Asia Pacific, this document is intended only for circulation to professional, institutional and/or qualified investors (as defined in the jurisdiction of the reader). Copyright © 2014 Swiss & Global Asset Management Ltd. – all rights reserved