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Phytotherapy of attention deficit disorder with hyperactivity Korsun E. V. , Korsun V. F. Institute of herbal medicine, Russian University of people's friendship Moscow, Russia Third Euro-Asian Forum
The syndrome of attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) • The syndrome of attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a polymorphic clinical syndrome, • the main manifestation of which is the violation of the child's ability to control and regulate their behavior, • which results in locomotor hyperactivity, poor attention and impulsivity, impaired learning, communication, social behavior
Symptoms of ADHD in children of preschool and school age Clumsiness Impulsivity Propensity for accidents Indiscriminate destructive behavior Obsessive tactile activity (biting, feeling, stroking and others) Constant mobility Inability to concentrate Loud speech Restless sleep Learning difficulties
Key pathogenesis of ADHD The energy crisis, energy deficit, the chaos of brain activity resulting from • Hypoxic, toxic brain damage, instability to stress • Toxemia of pregnancy. Hypoxia during pregnancy • Birth trauma. Food, gravity, medicinal stress • The lack of warm, love and support from his mother's side • The estimated stress in kindergarten, school Pathogenesis of hyperactivity - Ischemia and hypoxia of the brain structures responsible for initial processing of the received information, transmission of information - Ineffective tissue respiration, decreased synthesis of ATP, the energy deficit, the decline in plastic processes, immaturity - Inhibition right temporo-parietal, frontal lobe disinhibition, inhibition caudate nucleus
Directions herbal medicine (1) Herbal medicine ADHD includes medicinal plants and drugs of them aimed at restoring increase the level of energy metabolism efficient aerobic oxidation of energy substrates in the mitochondria, a decrease in the proportion of anaerobic glycolysis. We diagnosticum extensive functional imbalances, the predominance of excitation of the Central nervous system, muscle spasms along the entire spine, the asymmetry between the left and right half of the head, underactive thyroid, stagnation of bile in the gall bladder This is achieved by • plants to improve cerebral circulation, • • antihypoxants, anti-inflammatory, • capillary protecters, • correctors mood
Herbal medicine of ADHD in children To plants, increasing the volumetric rate of cerebral blood flow include Crataegus, Lytrum salicaria, Eufrasia, plantsantispasmodics – Melissa, Lavanda, Salvia, Foeniculum to add to creams. Bath with a decoction of nettle, oregano, the bark of viburnum, antiseptic of urinary track – bearberry. Antidestructive plants – Epilobium, Bidens, Hypericum, Gnafalium Consequence and cause worsening of the energy deficit is swelling of the brain tissue, so the charges must be entered and decongestants plants – Equisetum, Calluna, plants, reducing vascular permeability – Aesculus flowers , Crataegus oxyacantha L. , Rosa canina et al. , and other colored fruits and berries.
Plants-antihypoxants, increasing the stability of brain tissue to hypoxia, eliminating the energy deficit, flowers and grass Filipendula, Plantago, Tilia, Betula, Urtica, Gnaphalium, Crataegus, Melilotus, Hippophaë, Astragalus and whole plant Arnica and other
Normalization the rhythm of the sleep-wakefulness To normalize the rhythm of the sleep-wakefulness, when bedwetting, sleepwalking and other parasomnia assigned plants, contributing to the maturation of relevant think tanks, the first is plants with soothing properties, which is prescribed in the evening and at night – Leonurum, Peonia, Valeriana, Lavandula, Epilobium, Tilia, Avena sativa, Basilicum, Thymus, Oregano, Menta with the addition of Lavandula. It promotes the synthesis of melatonin, serotonin, GABA by intestinal microflora and colonocytes
Plants - correctors mood and behavior Columna vulgaris, Epilobium, Hypericum for herbal tee Essential oil of Lavandula, Foeniculum, Syzygium aromaticum, Melissa, Rosmarin, Salvia, Melaleuca, Citrus sinensis. Lemon essential oil promotes concentration, lavender and rosemary strengthens memory, lavender - fixes hemispheric asymmetry, tea tree trope to the left hemisphere, and promotes the maturation of the speech center, thyme - eliminates metabolic acidosis, makes mitochondrial oxidation more complete.
Diet recommendations To avoid stimulating drinks (Coca-cola). Enrichment of the diet with apples, carrots, blackberries, currants, blueberries, soup, cereal crops, dill, parsley, cilantro. These products contain dietary fiber and inhibit pathogenic intestinal microflora. Massage recommendations Essential oils of juniper and thyme put on a collar zone to reduce muscle spasm and improve blood flow on the spine arteries.
The approximate scheme of herbal medicine children with ADHD (1) 1. Morning — Tablets for the mind (Bacopa, Melilotus officinalis, Arnica, Filipendula, Astragalus, Rhodiola, Víscum) providing nootropic, psychoactivity, mild anti-anxiety action, normalizes the biorhythms 2. The herb tee, containing red fruits of Sorbus, Lythrum, Lycopus europaeus, Eryngium, Filipendula, Tilia, Sambuculus, Acorus calamus with the addition of tincture Fhyto Novo-Sed, 3. B-vitamins and/or Magne B 6, Q 10, glycine, citric acid, lecithin.
The approximate scheme of herbal medicine children with ADHD (2) 4. The day continued herb tee. , 5. After lunch and dinner is appointed the agent of folk medicine Grepol (tincture of the fruits of green walnut, Syzygium aromaticum sue Eugenia, licorice, Tanacetum, ) with detoxification, antiparasitic and choleretic properties. 6. On the evening herb tee with the addition of tincture of Provencal herbs or tinture Phyto Novo-Sed, glycine. The approximate scheme of herbal medicine children 7. A diet with a high content of dietary fibers, vitamins with ADHD (1) and minerals
Thank you for your attention! korsun_e@mail. ru