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Physical and Engineering Sciences at ESF Nu. PECC meeting Vienna, March 13, 2009 Patrick Bressler (Ho. U, PESC)
ESF Member Organisations 75 MOs in 30 countries Research funding organisations Research performing organisations Academies www. esf. org Nu. PECC meeting Vienna March 13, 2009
About ESF: “The executive agency of the national agencies” ESF provides a common platform for our Member Organisations (MOs) in order to: • advance European research • explore new directions for research at the European level Through its activities, ESF serves the needs of the European research community in a global context. www. esf. org Nu. PECC meeting Vienna March 13, 2009
Current Organisation www. esf. org Nu. PECC meeting Vienna March 13, 2009
ESF – offices in Strasbourg and Brussels 1974 2000 2008 • Budget: 340 k€ 20 M€ ~55 M€ • Staff: 9 51 140 • Offices in Strasbourg and Brussels (Conferences, COST) www. esf. org Nu. PECC meeting Vienna March 13, 2009
A globally competitive ERA requires 1. An effective European research policy, capitalising on cultural, geographic and scientific diversity 2. A stimulating education system 3. A single European labour market for researchers 4. Adequate funding for top quality curiosity driven research 5. Cross national funding, benchmarking of quality and shared scientific priorities for strategic research and bottom up researcher-driven programmes 6. Excellent research institutions 7. World-class research infrastructures 8. Open access to the output of publicly funded research and permanent access to primary quality assured research data 9. Effective and trusted bridges between science, society and the private sector 10. Openness to the world www. esf. org Nu. PECC meeting Vienna March 13, 2009
Basic Research Funding in Europe FP 7: 1 G€/a ERC Open competition Scientific excellence “bottom –up“ individual grants Total ~ 54 G€/7 a EC Framework Program 7 > 25 G€/a ~ 50 M€/a ERANETs ± “top – down“, variable geometries European competitiveness, employment, innovation & new technologies economic www. esf. org growth foresight “bottom – up” networking multinational Nu. PECC meeting Vienna March 13, 2009 National Funding Organisations “bottom-up“ Scientific excellence National
Instruments www. esf. org • Forward Looks • Exploratory Workshops • Member Organisation Fora • ESF Research Networking Programmes • EUROCORES • ESF Conferences • Euro. Bio. Fund • Expert Boards • COST (Brussels) • Surveys & studies Nu. PECC meeting Vienna March 13, 2009
Science Management close up: • ESF Expert Boards (Marine, Polar) MO representatives and policy makers, coordination joint-planning, Policy briefings, ESF office and administration • ESF Expert Committees (ESSC, Nu. PECC, CRAF) Independent scientists, scientific advice, roadmap and foresight exercises, ESF office and administration www. esf. org Nu. PECC meeting Vienna March 13, 2009
Science Strategy Foresight and Policy Briefs • Forward Looks • INIF • Member Organisations Fora • Policy Briefing Reports • Exploratory Workshops www. esf. org Nu. PECC meeting Vienna March 13, 2009
Forward Look Series of workshops with foresighting character. The state-of-the-art in +10 years and what actions should be taken Expert recommendations with an endorsement by the ESF Governing Council www. esf. org Nu. PECC meeting Vienna March 13, 2009
Science Synergy Cooperation platform for MOs & scientists • ESF Research Networking Programmes (e. g. : NES) • ESF Research Conferences • EUROCORES - European Collaborative Research www. esf. org Nu. PECC meeting Vienna March 13, 2009
EUROCORES Programme funding Networking & Dissemination funding Collaborative Research Project CRP 1 CRP 2 Individual Project IP-1 IP-2 Individual Project IP-3 Funding Agency A Agency B Agency C www. esf. org … … More IPs Associate Partner AP-1 Self funded Nu. PECC meeting Vienna March 13, 2009 Research & inter-CRP funding More APs
(Old) EUROCORES time line Months Themes Call for EUROCORES themes 0 3. 5 Selection by EUROCORES Committee (+ESF SCs) Programmes Outline proposals Call Outline proposal selection 0 2 4 Full proposal preparation Full proposal selection Commitments from MOs 6 9. 5 Including Preparatory workshops Funding decisions by MOs 8. 5 EUROQUAM (5/2005 2/2007) www. esf. org Months Nu. PECC meeting Vienna March 13, 2009 14
Characteristics of EUROCORES • Themes chosen in response to open Calls; consultation with Funding Agencies • Investigator driven, all areas of science • Joint programme development (ESF manages dialogue between scientists and multiple funding agencies) • Single, multistage international peer review of projects accepted as basis for national funding decisions • Research funding remains national but is networked by ESF • Networking and scientific management funded by National Funding Organisations • Overall Quality Assurance by ESF www. esf. org Nu. PECC meeting Vienna March 13, 2009
Key Figures: EUROCORES • Currently 33 EUROCORES programmes in various stages • > 110 M€ research funding for the 17 programmes in the research stage • More than 5500 scientists involved • 66 National funding organisations participate, not only ESF-MOs but also Ministries, Canada, Russia, Israel and the US (NSF): hence a framework for global cooperation • US Scientists play major role in the Peer Review and as members of the Review Panels www. esf. org Nu. PECC meeting Vienna March 13, 2009
EUROCORES Programmes • Run for 3 -4 years • 8 -20 participating countries • Research budget of 5 -10+ M€ • 5 -10 Collaborative Research Projects • 30 -50 Individual Research Projects www. esf. org Nu. PECC meeting Vienna March 13, 2009
Quality assurance • Science Advisory Board – Ensure overall quality – Ensure transparent high quality peer review: >3 reviews, 1/3 outside Europe – Advice on theme selection – Advice on viability – Appoint independent review panel • High quality independent review panels • Clear conflict of interest rules www. esf. org Nu. PECC meeting Vienna March 13, 2009
Criteria for Ranking of Full Proposals • • Scientific quality of the CRP and IP proposal Level of multidisciplinary integration within the CRP Qualification of the applicants Level of collaboration envisaged between the IPs in this CRP Feasibility, incl. suitability of the methods selected Overlap with existing projects (or projects applied for) Suitability of budget items (“value for money”) Review panels can make recommendations to strengthen the proposal (possible collaboration with other projects, composition of groups, workplan etc. ) www. esf. org Nu. PECC meeting Vienna March 13, 2009
EUROCORES governance Review Panel • Independent, scientific experts • Key role in the Review Process Scientific Committee • Representatives of the funded CRPs • Steering of networking within the programme Management Committee • One representative (science administrator) from each participating Funding Organisation plus ESF Programme Coordinator • Overall direction of the EUROCORES programme www. esf. org Nu. PECC meeting Vienna March 13, 2009
Networking and Integration • Building synergies with related national and international programmes and initiatives; • Support of networking and integration of the research projects within and across EUROCORES Programmes; • Capacity-building through summer schools and support of short -term visits for junior researchers involved in the Programme; • Interactions and cooperation with other ESF activities and beyond; • Targeted dissemination and promotion of scientific achievements and best practices www. esf. org Nu. PECC meeting Vienna March 13, 2009
Cost of EUROCORES networking and coordination • EUROCORES Programme: funding for 30 Individual Projects (Feasible > 10 IPs) • Individual Project is about 250 k€ research funding over 3 -4 years • Networking and coordination is about 10% • Of that 10%: – – 1% is cost of review and committee meetings 5% is spent on networking events 2. 5% is spent on the science management (staff in ESF) 1. 5% is overhead www. esf. org Nu. PECC meeting Vienna March 13, 2009
Strategic Plan - Instruments Science Strategy Forward Looks Members Organistion Fora Exploratory Workshops Research Infrastructures (250 k/I) (100 k/I) (15 k/I) Science Synergy EUROCORES (3 -12 M/I) ESF Research Networking Programmes (400 -1000 k/I) ESF Research Conferences Science Management EURYI COST Euro. Bio. Fund www. esf. org Nu. PECC meeting Vienna March 13, 2009 (25 M/a) (30 M/a) (1 M/a)
Physical and Engineering Sciences Unit in 2008: Standing Committee PESC: 35 independent scientists New PESC Chair: Mats Gyllenberg (chair 2009+) • 6 (+2) EUROCORES Programmes, annual volume ~ 7 mill. € (~800 k networking activities) • 29 Research Network Programmes (RNPs), Annual volume ~ 4 mill. € • 11 Exploratory Workshops (2007: 12, 2006: 15) • 1 (+1) Forward Looks • 3 (+2) Interdisciplinary New Inititiaves (clean solar fuels, bio-actuators & sensors, virtual mathematics libraries, complexity) • EUROCORES Pilot EUROBIOSAS („TOPCORES“) www. esf. org Nu. PECC meeting Vienna March 13, 2009
PESC facts in 2008: + Support for Euroconference Series and Schools (~ 28 conferences) + Support for 2 ERC panels + Strategic Actions: Molecular Frontiers Initiative (with CERC 3, NSF & others) + Support for Temporary Expert Committees (Computational Sciences, Materials Sciences & Engineering) + A new Expert Committee for Materials Sciences and Engineering: ongoing strategic foresight and advice (e. g. : to ESFRI) www. esf. org Nu. PECC meeting Vienna March 13, 2009
PESC facts cont‘d: • 29 Research Network Programmes (RNPs), Annual volume ~ 3 mill. € e. g. : PSI-K (~190 k€/a) algorithms for electronic structure calculations NES (~ 130 k€/a) Nanoelectronics and superconductors, cooperation with JSPS creating a global network www. esf. org Nu. PECC meeting Vienna March 13, 2009
• • www. esf. org SONS (first call- 2002) SONS (second call-2005) Fo. NE FANAS S 3 T EUROQUAM EUROQUASAR Nu. PECC meeting Vienna March 13, 2009
PESC EUROCORES RESEARCH FUNDING Fo. NE 4. 7 M Euro QUASAR 3. 9 M SONS II 7. 3 M 34 M€ FANAS 7. 0 M www. esf. org S 3 T 4. 6 M Euro. QUAM 6. 5 M
SONS Self-Organized Nano. Structures Self-assemblies; (bio)-nanostructures; supramolecular motors; opto-electronics Self-assembled or self-organized nanostructures made of macromolecules, dendrimers, liquid crystals, polymers, and nanoparticles allow a controlled and well defined construction of ordered architectures which can find applications as DNA probes, LED, PV, magnetic information storage and molecular motors and machines. SONS I & SONS II • 22 EFAs • 16 CRPs involving 80 research groups in 12 countries • Budget : 12 Mio € for 4 years www. esf. org/sons www. esf. org • 16 EFAs • 7 CRPs involving 26 research groups in 9 countries • Budget: 7 Mio € over 4 years www. esf. org/sons 2 Nu. PECC meeting Vienna March 13, 2009
Fo. NE Fundamentals of Nano. Electronics Molecular-scale electronics; quantum transport; Q-Dots; CNTs; magnetic nanostructures The scientific goal of Fo. NE is to understand quantum phenomena in semiconductors wires and dots, spin-polarized transport in hybrid nanostructures, and electrondependent transport in singlemolecules and carbon nanotubes (CNTs). • 5 CRPs involving 27 research groups in 10 countries • Budget is 5 Mio € over 4 years www. esf. org/fone www. esf. org Nu. PECC meeting Vienna March 13, 2009
FANAS Friction and Adhesion in Nanomechanical Systems Nanotribology; friction; adhesion; lubrication; wear; dissipation; nanoparticles FANAS aims to get a better insight on the origins of friction and adhesion on a atomic scale and to learn how to control them. 17 EFAs in 16 Countries www. esf. org/fanas www. esf. org Nu. PECC meeting Vienna March 13, 2009
Smart Structural Systems Technology S 3 T Aim of the programme: To further extend state-of-the-art in monitoring and active control of Smart structural systems. Focus: – – Modelling of structures and machines Sensors and Actuators Systems Analysis and Decision-Making Multidisciplinary by nature: Þ Þ www. esf. org Civil, Mechanical, Electrical & Aerospace Engineering Computer Science and Computer Engineering Systems Engineering, Material Science, Engineering Physics, Nu. PECC meeting Vienna March 13, 2009
S 3 T Smart Structural Systems Technologies Funded projects: 7 CRPs from 9 countries involving 45 teams; Research funding: 3. 5 to 4 M€ Examples of Networking Activities: • With NSF participation and mutual interests for extension of networking activities • Joint invited sessions in the world forum on Smart Structures and Materials in China • Several other join events are being planned, e. g. , Aeronautics and Space applications of Smart Materials and Structures • Programme related short courses for Ph. D Students and Practicing Engineers www. esf. org Nu. PECC meeting Vienna March 13, 2009
Euro. QUAM Cold Quantum Matter • Currently at the decision phase • First PESC EUROCORES through the open call for Theme Proposals 2005 -2006 • Funding Decisions are almost finalised – results will be announced at the beginning of May • • • 15 countries participated More than 7 M€ indicated 21 Outline Proposals submitted 17 Full Proposals assessed and ranked 6 projects expected for funding www. esf. org Nu. PECC meeting Vienna March 13, 2009
Euro. QUAM Cold Quantum Matter Topics: 1. Atomic quantum gases with controllable interactions; 2. Formation of molecules in ultracold atomic gases; 3. Cooling molecules; 4. Ultracold plasmas and Rydberg gases www. esf. org Nu. PECC meeting Vienna March 13, 2009
QUASAR Quantum Standard and Metrology • Quantum cold matter and BEC for new high precision standards • 11 countries participating • 6. 5 M€ in the programme Topics: 1. 2. 3. 4. Quantum Standards such as optical clocks and inertial sensors, novel sensors Quantum Metrology Quantum Engineering Fundamental tests and multi-disciplinary applications www. esf. org Nu. PECC meeting Vienna March 13, 2009
Instruments www. esf. org • Forward Looks • Exploratory Workshops • Member Organisation Fora • ESF Research Networking Programmes • EUROCORES • ESF Conferences • Euro. Bio. Fund • Expert Boards • COST (Brussels) • Surveys & studies Nu. PECC meeting Vienna March 13, 2009
ESF Topics for PESC 2009 • EUROGRAPHENE (research on graphene-based electronics • EUROGENESIS (element formation, early star development and the evolution of the universe) • EUROSYNTH BIO (synthetic biology, functional biomaterials) • EUROBIOSAS (Biologically inspired engineering, sensors and actuators) • Research Network Programmes (e. g. : NES) • Statutory Review 2009 & Expert Committees (2010) www. esf. org Nu. PECC meeting Vienna March 13, 2009
Patrick’ farewell slide Things still to come: • GENESIS in the call stage (Ana Helman) (12 MOs) DLs: 24 March 2009, 24 April 2009, (24 June 2009) http: //www. esf. org/activities/eurocores/programm es/eurogenesis/call-for-proposals. html • Mat. SEEC has been approved (new role for PESC) • European Energy Conference, organised by EPS, Eu. Chem. S, EMRS and ESF Barcelona April 2010 (4 days) & to cover nuclear energy as well. Organizing Committee: J. R. Morante (Barcelona) Steering Committee : P. Bressler (ESF/HZB Berlin) Scientific Programme Committee: A. Mc. Evoy (EPF Lausanne) www. esf. org Nu. PECC meeting Vienna March 13, 2009
Patrick’s farewell slide 2 Thank you & bye (!? ) I am moving to the Helmholtz-Center Berlin for Materials and Energy patrick. bressler@helmholtz-berlin. de patrick. bressler@berlin. de www. esf. org Nu. PECC meeting Vienna March 13, 2009