- Количество слайдов: 13
Phrasal Verbs 3 types
Type 1 n Verbs with dependant prepositions (it is grammatically necessary) 1. The programmes has to be aimed at their age group 2. One in five modern children suffers from anxiety.
Type 2 n The verb and particle together have a new meaning which cannot be guessed from their 2 separate meanings 1. Children may become frustrated and give up smoking. 2. We were asked to work out if we were morning or evening types.
Type 3 n 1. 2. The verb keeps its normal basic meaning, but the particle adds or modifies it. People who lie around in bed in the morning are more intelligent. This sense of failure eats away at their self -esteem.
Meaning of the particles Preposition n up n n on out n Down n off n n n MEANING completely continuation to different people / loudly / publicly becoming less / onto paper To another place EXAMPLES n lock up, drink up, tidy up, eat up n work on, carry on { hand out, share out, send out { speak out, shout out, call out { slow down, calm down { write down, take down, note down drive off, run off
Passive Voice is formed TO BE + V 3
FORMATION TO SERVE n n n Present Simple Present Cont. Past Simple Past Cont. Future Simple Present Perfect Past Perfect Future Perfect Present Infinitive Present Gerund Perfect Infinitive Perfect Gerund n is served is being served was being served n will be served n P a s s i v e n n n n n has been served had been served will have been served to be served being served to have been served having been served
ARE NOT NORMALLY USED IN THE PASSIVE n Present Perfect Cont. Passive n Future Cont. Passive n Past Perfect Cont. Passive
Usage { When the agent is unknown, unimportant, obvious { When we are interested more in the action than in the agent { To make statement more formal and polite { To put emphasis on the agent (by/with)
Transitive / Intransitive n Transitive takes an object Give Take Write open n Intransitive doesn’t take an object Happen Sleep Come Go seem
What’s the difference? n People believe that he is a liar n He is believed to be a liar n It is believed that he is a liar
Passive constructions n Get/have smth. Done n It needs doing