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Photos: Graham, 2011 The John T. Scopes Trial Candice Wilkins U. S. History Academy Photos: Graham, 2011 The John T. Scopes Trial Candice Wilkins U. S. History Academy June 2010 Fundamentalism vs. Intellectualism It’s Monkey Business…

The Beginning… Hi, I’m Darwin the monkey and today we’re going to talk about The Beginning… Hi, I’m Darwin the monkey and today we’re going to talk about John Scopes and his famous trial in 1925 in Dayton, Tennessee. First we’ll discuss where Tennessee is located and then we’ll talk about what was happening in the country in 1925. We’ll talk about Fundamentalism, Intellectualism, Creationism, and Evolution. After that we’ll talk about how John Scopes was arrested for teaching evolution in a Tennessee high school.

Student Objectives At the conclusion of this Learning Module, students will be able to: Student Objectives At the conclusion of this Learning Module, students will be able to: q. Understand how the Scopes Trial has influenced the Fundamentalism Movement and the Intellectualism movement q Identify the causes of The Scopes Trial and the effect it had on 1920’s culture q. Understand the historical context of the Theory of Evolution and the Theory of Creationism q. Analyze primary source documents regarding the John T. Scopes trial q. Define Fundamentalism and Intellectualism in their own words

Geography The Scopes Trial took place in Dayton, Tennessee is located in the southeastern Geography The Scopes Trial took place in Dayton, Tennessee is located in the southeastern United States. It is bordered by the Appalachian Mountains to the east and the Mississippi River to the west. Dayton is located in the southeastern part of the state in Rhea County. The population of Dayton in 1925 was 1800. http: //www. google. com/imgres? imgurl=http: //www. onlineatlas. us/map/united-states-map. gif&imgrefurl=http: //www. onlineatlas. us/unitedstatesmap. htm&h=324&w=505&sz=22&tbnid=I 9 ibz. Ci 0 Ie 2 w. TM: &tbnh=72&tbnw=113&prev=/search%3 Fq%3 Dunited%2 Bstates%26 tbm%3 Disch%26 tbo%3 Du&zoom= 1&q=united+states&hl=en&usg=__NTb. Rw. JEpd. J-qd. Sf 0 ot. UDidn. MIgc=&sa=X&ei=VHYHTprw. Df. O 30 AG 6 va. HHCw&sqi=2&ved=0 CHUQ 9 QEw. Cw Dayton http: //www. google. com/imgres? imgurl=http: //www. tennessee-map. org/tennessee-road-map. gif&imgrefurl=http: //www. tennesseemap. org/roadmap. htm&h=636&w=2676&sz=242&tbnid=EU 8 Tc. XJZau. Oy. M: &tbnh=26&tbnw=108&prev=/search%3 Fq%3 Dtennessee%26 tbm%3 Disch%26 tb o%3 Du&zoom=1&q=tennessee&hl=en&usg=__UEv. ONa. Z 6 u 5 U 40 i. KX 3 fp. Npt 9 KKsw=&sa=X&ei=73 k. HTta 7 Bcu_tge. Tpp. Xk. DQ&ved=0 CIk. BEPUBMAc

The Year Was 1925… • • • The Year Was 1925… • • • "Dinah" and "Sweet Georgia Brown" were hit songs Louis Armstrong and Duke Ellington made their first recordings F. Scott Fitzgerald wrote The Great Gatsby Adolph Hitler wrote Mein Kampf The first working television set was produced by Charles Jenkins Nellie Ross, of Wyoming, became the nation's first female governor "Rin Tin" and "The Phantom of the Opera" opened at movie theaters 40, 000 KKK members marched in Washington, D. C. Flagpole sitting became a national fad Earl Wise invented the potato chip Do you know how much things cost in 1925? Click on the link below to find out how much you know. Make sure you complete the activity. The mystery photograph will be part of your assessment. Click Here To Play, “The Price Is Right? ”

The Story Begins… This Learning Module will talk about Fundamentalism and Intellectualism, and how The Story Begins… This Learning Module will talk about Fundamentalism and Intellectualism, and how they relate to the John T. Scopes trial that happened in 1925. I picked this topic because I have always been interested in it and the trial itself. Clarence Darrow, a key player in the trial is also a hero of mine. • The Scopes Trial is one of the best known in American history because it symbolizes the conflict between science and theology, faith and reason, individual liberty and majority rule. The object of intense publicity, the trial was seen as a clash between urban sophistication and rural fundamentalism. The trial was further popularized by the 1955 play, Inherit the Wind, which became a hit film in 1960. The play and subsequent movie cast the trial as a struggle for truth and freedom against repression and ignorance. • The five-year-old American Civil Liberties Union had taken out newspaper advertisements offering to defend anyone who flouted the Tennessee law. George Rappelyea, a Dayton, Tenn. , booster, realized that the town would get enormous attention if a local teacher was arrested for teaching evolution. He enlisted John Scopes, a science teacher and football coach, who arranged to teach from George Hunter's Civic Biology, a high school textbook promoting Charles Darwin's arguments in The Descent of Man.

Who was John T. Scopes? John Thomas Scopes came to Tennessee fresh out of Who was John T. Scopes? John Thomas Scopes came to Tennessee fresh out of college. In the spring of 1925, he had just completed his first year as science teacher and part-time football coach at the high school in the little town of Dayton. Scopes planned to return home to Kentucky for the summer. But in his words, "a beautiful blonde" distracted him and he stayed for another week hoping for a date. The decision changed his life forever. It all began when the state of Tennessee passed a law making it a crime to teach evolution in public schools. A new organization called the American Civil Liberties Union responded immediately. The ACLU placed an ad inviting a teacher to help test the law in the courts. Dayton was in an economic slump, and the town's movers and shakers thought a sensational trial would put Dayton "on the map. " John Scopes was playing tennis when a group of businessmen called him to the town gathering place, a local drugstore. They asked if he would be willing to be indicted for teaching evolution. Though he couldn't remember actually teaching Darwin's theory, Scopes believed in evolution and agreed to the plan. For Scopes, the trial had been an ordeal. When it was all over, he gave up teaching and left town. He accepted a scholarship to the University of Chicago, received a master's degree in geology and took a job as a petroleum engineer in Venezuela -where no one had ever heard of him. In 1960 the defendant returned to the scene of his "crime" when the movie version of the trial, Stanley Kramer's Inherit the Wind, premiered at a Dayton drive-in. Scopes saw himself on the big screen as Bertram Cates, defender of science and victim of intolerance. In the film he is jailed for his beliefs. In 1967 John Scopes summed up his life in his lively autobiography, Center of the Storm. "A man's fate, shaped by heredity and environment and an occasional accident, " he wrote, "is often stranger than anything the imagination may produce. “ http: //www. pbs. org/wgbh/amex/monkeytrial/peopleevents/p_scopes. html

Charles Darwin was born in February 1809 in England. Darwin initially planned to follow Charles Darwin was born in February 1809 in England. Darwin initially planned to follow a medical career, and studied at Edinburgh University but later switched to divinity at Cambridge. In 1831, he joined a five year scientific expedition on the survey ship HMS Beagle. At this time, most Europeans believed that the world was created by God in seven days as described in the bible. On the voyage, Darwin read Lyell's 'Principles of Geology' which suggested that the fossils found in rocks were actually evidence of animals that had lived many thousands or millions of years ago. Lyell's argument was reinforced in Darwin's own mind by the rich variety of animal life and the geological features he saw during his voyage. The breakthrough in his ideas came in the Galapagos Islands, 500 miles west of South America. Darwin noticed that each island supported its own form of finch which were closely related but differed in important ways. He proposed a theory of evolution occurring by the process of natural selection. Gradually, the species changes over time. It made it seem possible that people might just have evolved - quite possibly from apes - and destroyed the prevailing orthodoxy on how the world was created. Darwin was vehemently attacked, particularly by the Church. However, his ideas soon gained currency and have become the new orthodoxy. Darwin died on 19 April 1882 and was buried in Westminster Abbey. http: //library. thinkquest. org/29178/scopes. htm http: //www. bbc. co. uk/history/historic_figures/darwin_charles. shtml

Why Was It Called, “The Monkey Trial”? The Scopes Trial was called, “The Monkey Why Was It Called, “The Monkey Trial”? The Scopes Trial was called, “The Monkey Trial” because John Scopes was being tried for teaching the Theory of Evolution, that man evolved from a lower species. (monkeys) http: //www. ridgecrest. ca. us/~do_while/sage/images/v 7 i 12 g 1. jpg Evolutionists or Darwinists, maintain that humans and monkeys share a common ancestor http: //thetyee. cachefly. net/Opinion/2009/09/07/monkey-trial-cartoon. jpg

The Butler Act was initiated in 1925 in Tennessee. The law banned teachers from The Butler Act was initiated in 1925 in Tennessee. The law banned teachers from denying the Biblical account of the beginnings of human life and the teaching of the evolution of humans from lower orders of animals in place of the Biblical account. However, the law did not prohibit the teaching of evolutionary theory for other species of plants or animals. It was enacted as Tennessee Code Annotated Title 49 (Education) Section 1922. The law stayed in place until 1967, when a teacher who had been fired complained that it violated his First Amendment right to free speech and the Tennessee government repealed the law. The text of the, “Butler Act” can be found below. PUBLIC ACTS OF THE STATE OF TENNESSEE PASSED BY THE SIXTY - FOURTH GENERAL ASSEMBLY 1925 CHAPTER NO. 27 House Bill No. 185 (By Mr. Butler) AN ACT prohibiting the teaching of the Evolution Theory in all the Universities, Normals and all other public schools of Tennessee, which are supported in whole or in part by the public school funds of the State, and to provide penalties for the violations thereof. Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Tennessee, That it shall be unlawful for any teacher in any of the Universities, Normals and all other public schools of the State which are supported in whole or in part by the public school funds of the State, to teach any theory that denies the story of the Divine Creation of man as taught in the Bible, and to teach instead that man has descended from a lower order of animals. Section 2. Be it further enacted, That any teacher found guilty of the violation of this Act, Shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction, shall be fined not less than One Hundred $ (100. 00) Dollars nor more than Five Hundred ($ 500. 00) Dollars for each offense. Section 3. Be it further enacted, That this Act take effect from and after its passage, the public welfare requiring it. Passed March 13, 1925 W. F. Barry, Speaker of the House of Representatives L. D. Hill, Speaker of the Senate Approved March 21, 1925. Austin Peay, Governor. http: //law 2. umkc. edu/faculty/projects/ftrials/scopes/tennstat. htm

The Textbook The images below are from the textbook, Hunter’s Civic Biology, which Scopes The Textbook The images below are from the textbook, Hunter’s Civic Biology, which Scopes was accused of teaching from. Scopes could not remember if he actually taught the section on evolution from this textbook, but volunteered to say that he did in order to challenge the legality of Butler Act. Pay attention to how the textbook explains theory of evolution. Excerpts from Hunter's Civic Biology, pp 192 -193 (1914) http: //law 2. umkc. edu/faculty/projects/ftrials/scopes/hunt 192. htm

The Lawyers Clarence Darrow, for the Defense, is pictured on the left. William Jennings The Lawyers Clarence Darrow, for the Defense, is pictured on the left. William Jennings Bryan, for the Prosecution, is pictured on the right. http: //www. bradburyac. mistral. co. uk/cdandwjb. gif The Defense The Prosecution The Judge (Click on link for Bio) Clarence Darrow, Defense Attorney Arthur Garfield Hays, William Jennings Bryan, Visiting Prosecutor Defense Attorney Ben G. Mc. Kenzie, Dudley Field Malone, Prosecutor Defense Attorney A. Thomas Stewart, John Randolph Neal, Defense Attorney Chief Prosecutor John T. Raulston Judge

A Letter To The Editor Many citizens wrote letters to Tennessee’s newspapers in response A Letter To The Editor Many citizens wrote letters to Tennessee’s newspapers in response to the Butler Act. Below is an excerpt from a letter written by a parent. Editor of the Nashville Tennessean: At the time the bill prohibiting the teaching of evolution in our public schools was passed by our legislature I could not see why the mothers in greater number were not conveying their appreciation to the members for this act of safeguarding their children from one of the destructive forces which. . . will destroy our civilization. I for one felt grateful for their standing for the right against all criticism. And grateful, too, that we have a Christian man for governor who will defend the Word of God against this so-called science. . The Bible tells us that the gates of Hell shall not prevail against the church. Therefore we know there will always be standard-bearers for the cross of Christ. But in these times of materialism I am constrained to thank God deep down in my heart for. . . every. . . one whose voice is raised for the uplift of humanity and the coming of God’s kingdom. Mrs. Jesse Sparks Pope, Tennessee Source: Mrs. Jesse Sparks, letter to the editor, Nashville Tennessean, July 3, 1925.

Video: Dayton and Darwin Click on the video below to watch a short video Video: Dayton and Darwin Click on the video below to watch a short video titled, “Dayton and Darwin” which documents the Scopes Trial and it’s effect on Dayton, Tennessee. There is also a scene included from the Hollywood movie that was based on the Scopes Trial called, “Inherit The Wind”. Do you think Dayton made a mistake wanting the trial to take place there? http: //www 1. teachertube. com/members/view. Video. php? video_id=222018&title=Dayton_and_Darwin&vpkey=14141

Play me some Monkey Music… The songs below were written about the Scopes “Monkey Play me some Monkey Music… The songs below were written about the Scopes “Monkey Trial”. They come from the Bryan College collection in Dayton, TN. What viewpoint do you think each represents? • • • The John Scopes Trial There Ain't No Bugs Can't Make a Monkey of Me Bryan's Last Fight Monkey Out of Me Monkey Business http: //afflictor. com/wp-content/uploads/2011/03/File. Editorialcartoon-depicting-Charles-Darwin-as-an-ape-1871. jpg. jpeg

The Rhea County Courthouse The restored Romanesque Revival-Italian Villa Style, Rhea County courthouse was The Rhea County Courthouse The restored Romanesque Revival-Italian Villa Style, Rhea County courthouse was built in 1891 and designated a National Historic Landmark in 1977. The Scopes Trial courtroom is on the second floor and contains the original judge's bench, four tables, railing, jury chairs, and spectator seats. Click here to take a video tour of the Rhea County Courthouse Graham, 2011 Graham, 2011

Political Cartoons http: //www. talkorigins. org/faqs/homs/march. gif http: //farm 2. static. flickr. com/1328/87205 8039_90 Political Cartoons http: //www. talkorigins. org/faqs/homs/march. gif http: //farm 2. static. flickr. com/1328/87205 8039_90 bd 53 fa 60. jpg

Wrapping It Up… The jury in the Scopes case sided with the law. Clearly, Wrapping It Up… The jury in the Scopes case sided with the law. Clearly, Scopes was in violation of Tennessee statute by teaching that humans descended from monkeys. He was fined $100 and released. But the battle that played out before the nation proved a victory for supporters of evolutionary theory. A later court dismissed the fine imposed on Scopes, though in the short term, the antievolution law was upheld. Fundamental Christians were down but not out. Through the radio airwaves, ministers such as Billy Sunday reached audiences of thousands. Aimee Semple Mc. Pherson of California preached her fundamentalist message over loudspeakers to arena-sized crowds. At one point, she used a giant electric sports scoreboard to illustrate the triumph of good over evil, foreshadowing generations of televangelists who would follow her lead. Clearly, the 1920 s did not see the end to these conflicts or the answers to their major questions http: //www. ushistory. org/us/47 b. asp

Final Assessment-Document Based Question (DBQ) John T. Scopes Trial DBQ Question Directions: The following Final Assessment-Document Based Question (DBQ) John T. Scopes Trial DBQ Question Directions: The following question requires you to construct a coherent essay that integrates your interpretation of Documents A-D and your knowledge of the period referred to in the question. High scores will be earned only by essays that cite key pieces of evidence from the documents and draw on outside knowledge of the period. Click on the links below to access primary source documents. Question: “The Scopes Trial was less about theory of evolution and more about a social and cultural division in the 1920’s”. Explain why you do or do not agree with this statement. Rubric Document A Document B Document C Document D

Since The Trial Ended… Click Here to read the article, The Search For The Since The Trial Ended… Click Here to read the article, The Search For The Historical Adam. http: //www. mensetmanus. net/dayton-scopes-trial/big-images/1201 -b. jpg Click Here To Read the article, 75 years after the Scopes trial pitted science against religion, the debate goes on from CNN. com http: //www. christianitytoday. com/ct/2011/june/historicaladam. html

Sources An Act Prohibiting the Teaching of the Evolution Theory in all the Universities, Sources An Act Prohibiting the Teaching of the Evolution Theory in all the Universities, Normals and all Other Public Schools of Tennessee. . . and to Provide Penalties for the Violations Thereof. Public Acts of the State of Tennessee, 1925, Chapter No. 27, at 50. British Broadcasting Corporation. 2011. 25 June. 2011 http: //www. bbc. co. uk/history/historic_figures/darwin_charles. shtml Center for the National Archives Experience. 2011. 6 June. 2011 http: //docsteach. org Digital History. 2011. 24 June. 2011 http: //www. digitalhistory. uh. edu/database/article_display. cfm? HHID=448 Independence Hall Association. 2011. 22 June. 2011 http: //www. ushistory. org/us/47 b. asp Oracle Think. Quest Education Foundation. 2010. 18 June. 2011 http: //library. thinkquest. org/29178/scopes. htm Postal Regulatory Commission. 2010. 22 June. 2011 http: //www. prc. gov/(S(hnkhmfynfzw 0 mz 2 z 4 koszvig))/PRC-DOCS/aboutprc/offices/PAGR/stamphistory. pdf Public Broadcasting Service. 2011. 15 June. 2011 http: //www. pbs. org/wgbh/amex/monkeytrial/sfeature/pop_query. html? name=Courthouse Tour&url=court

Sources Cont… Roy Rosenzwhig Center for History and New Media. 2010. 26 June. 2011 Sources Cont… Roy Rosenzwhig Center for History and New Media. 2010. 26 June. 2011 http: //historicalthinkingmatters. org/scopestrial/0/inquiry/ Smithsonian Institution Archives. 2005. 21 June. 2011 http: //www. siarchives. si. edu/research/scopes. html The Food Timeline. 2000. 20 June. 2011 http: //www. foodtimeline. org/foodfaq 5. html United States Census- Prices and Price Indexes. 22 June. 2011 http: //www 2. census. gov/prod 2/statcomp/documents/CT 1970 p 1 -06. pdf United States Department of Energy. 2007. 16 June. 2011 http: //www 1. eere. energy. gov/vehiclesandfuels/facts/2005/fcvt_fotw 364. html University of Missouri-Kansas City School of Law. 2008. 17 June. 2011 http: //law 2. umkc. edu/faculty/projects/ftrials/scopes. htm The World's Most Famous Court Trial; State of Tennessee v. John Thomas Scopes ; Complete Stenographic Report of the Court Test of the Tennessee Anti-Evolution Act at Dayton, July 10 to 21, 1925, Including Speeches and Arguments of Attorneys. New York : Da Capo Press, 1971.