Philosophical problem of man.pptx
- Количество слайдов: 34
Plan 1. The development of the concept of man in the history of philosophy. 2. Man as a biopsychosocial being. Man and his environment. 3. The process of socialization of man. Man and personality. Man and society. 4. The problem of man’s being purport.
LITERATURE Basic: Alexander Spirkin. Fundamentals of Philosophy / Alexander Spirkin. — M. : Progress Publishers, 1990. — 423 p. Supplementary: Martin Heidegger. Being and Time / Martin Heidegger : [transl. by John Macquarrie and Edward Robinson]. — New York : Harper and Row, 1962. — 589 p. The Encyclopedia of Philosophy / Donald M. Borchert. — New York : Macmillan Reference USA, Simon & Schuster Macmillan, 1996. — 775 p. Primary sources: Albert Camus. The Rebel: An Essay on Man in Revolt / Albert Camus : [transl. by Anthony Bower]. — New York : Vintage Books, 1991. — 306 p. Erich Fromm. Man for Himself: An Inquiry into the Psychology of Ethics / Erich Fromm. — New York : H. Holt, 1990. — 254 p. Friedrich Engels. The Origin of the Family, Private Property and the State / Friedrich Engels. — New York : Pathfinder Press, 1972. — 187 p. Pierre Teilhard de Chardin. The Phenomenon of Man / Pierre Teilhard de Chardin : [transl. by Bernard Wall]. — New York: Harper and Row, 1959. — 318 p.
DIFFERENT VIEW POINTS ON CONCEPTION OF MAN Antiquity Man & world as a unity Christianity Renaissance Limitless possibilities of man G. Hegel Body, soul & spirit G. Berkeley Modern Ages Mental & cognitive abilities I. Kant Idealism Exaggerated spiritual element in man German classical philosophy Problem of human mind in the centre of philosophical research K. Marxism Man is first and foremost a social being
Human evolutionary process and it’s main stages. Evolutionary theory of J. -B. Lamarck and Charles Darwin: evolution and the formation of new species took place under the influence of variability, heredity and natural selection in the organic world.
Man is a reasonable being, the subject of labor, of social relations and communication. “An isolated nonexistent. ” human being L. Feuerbach “ The essence of man is the ensemble of all social relations. " K. Marx was
Biological -life expectancy -belonging to sex -belonging to race -women's childbearing age -heredity Psychical -cognition -feelings & emotions -memory -self-development Social -belonging to a certain social group -love -friendship -self-realization
Man is an integral unity of biological and social levels, the basis for the formation of human personality. Biological aspect - determined mostly by the hereditary (genetic) mechanism; Social aspect - conditioned by the process of the personality's involvement in the culturalhistorical community context.
Biologism various social disorders and even distortions are explained in terms of man's intrinsic natural qualities. Sociologism the entire complexity of negative social phenomena is reduced to various political shortcomings.
From the point of Social Biologism and Social Darwinism genes only are responsible for the results of development of man as a unique biological species. Eugenics: Science must deliberately control the reproduction of the human race and introduce some kind of partial selection for the "benefit" of mankind.
Man comes into the world with insufficiently formed anatomical and physiological systems, which complete their formation under social conditions; A newborn baby cannot become a full member of the human race if isolated: he has to learn to be human.
Conscious psychical phenomena are shaped during one's lifetime as a result of education and training, of actively mastering languages and the world of culture.
Activity is a specific way of man’s attitude to the world. This is the process by which man creatively transforms nature, thereby making himself an active subject, and nature - an object of his activity. There are needs that are common for men and animals. Animals satisfy their needs directly, while people – indirectly.
Man’s social essence The first level: human vital activity, in whatever form it is manifested, is the process of satisfaction, reproduction and giving rise to new needs which is based on man’s active, energetic activity related to the conditions of his existence.
The second level: human life activity is an ongoing process of satisfaction, reproduction, and generation of new needs, which is based on material production, where production of implements becomes a special need. Labor serves as a way of satisfaction and predictors of new needs.
The third level: human life activity is a continuous process of satisfaction, reproduction and giving rise to new needs that are formed in the system of social relations, reproduction of which becomes a special social need
The fourth level: human life activity is a process of conscious, relevant and purposeful activity aimed at cognizing and transforming the world to ensure the satisfaction of needs, a process in which reproduction and setting of new goals becomes a special social need.
The fifth level: human life activity is a process of free, creative, transformative activities directed towards the world and man himself to ensure his existence, functioning, development and realization of the need for freedom.
Man is above all a social being, he can only adapt himself to nature through society
K. Tsiolkovskyi V. Vernadskyi “We are surrounded on all sides by flows of cosmic energy reaching us from the stars, the planets and the sun, and that the processes occurring in the spaces of the universe affect all organic and inorganic matter on earth. “
Vernadskyi introduced the term noosphere to designate the sphere of rational life on the planet, man's natural environment and its formative impact upon him. Environment – combination of the biological and the social, life and reason.
Man is the broadest category indicating human as a biological species. Individual – is a separate member of the biological species Homo sapiens, or a single separate member of the social community. Individuality - underlines the uniqueness of man in his appearance, spiritual qualities, abilities, talents, self-employment, life in general. The terms “calling” and “talent” express the profound essence of the individuality. Personality - is always a socially developed individual.
Personality is formed in the process of activity, communication or, in other words, in socialization of an individual. • self-appraisal • self-consciousness • reflexion are important factors in the formation of personality
Personality is an ensemble of three main components: • biogenetic predisposition • the action of the social factors (the environment, social regulators, conditions, and norms) • the action of the psychosocial nucleon, the self.
Personality is characterized by • worldview • will power • inner integrity • morality • personal dignity • originality
Meaning of life determines the orientation of human life and all its manifestations, provides the order and meaning of man’s life being. Only man himself can give his own life meaning.
Viewpoints on the issue of life and death and the meaning of life Attitude towards life and its meaning Optimistic means that man is a master of his destiny and happiness, and it largely depends on him how to live his own life. This view was represented in philosophy of Aristotle, Pico della Mirandola, Francis Bacon, Karl Marx, Teyhard de Chardin. Pessimistic means that man is a play-thing of independent on him forces (nature, fate, society) and he is unable to change something in his life. This point of view was shared by B. Pascal, F. Nietzsche, A. Schopenhauer, A. Camus, and J. -P. Sartre
Leading approaches to the meaning of life - Meaning of life is determined by the spiritual foundation of being. It concerns religious philosophy. - Meaning of life is beyond an individual being. It is interpreted as serving to the highest moral values and described as altruistic; - Meaning of life is thought in satisfying material and spiritual needs, and enjoying life. This approach is called hedonistic; - Meaning of life is defined by man himself and it aims to promote social development, that creates conditions for personal development.
Happiness - is a sensory and emotional state of a person associated with awareness that the meaning of life has been realized.
In philosophy freedom of choice and free will were always regarded as a condition for the development of personality. Fighting for freedom, for oneself and for others is personality’s sacred duty.
- Determinism is theory of causality with its extreme variant - fatalism; - Indeterminism generally denies causality; in approving boundless freedom of the individual it comes to voluntarism; - Alternativism claims that there is always a freedom of choice, though not boundless, only several options are available.
Spinoza “Freedom is acknowledged necessity. " Spinoza Montesquieu "Freedom. . . is based on the knowledge of natural necessity dominion over ourselves and over external nature. " F. Engels "Freedom is the right to do whatever is allowed by law. " Montesquieu
"Do not do to others what you do not want to be done against you. " I. Kant Category of freedom is inseparably linked with the notion of responsibility. Realizing his freedom, man is responsible to himself and to society. Personal freedom is impossible without taking into account and respecting the rights of others to freedom.
Questions for express-control 1. What is the basis of anthropogenesis according to Fr. Engels ? 2. Uniqueness of man (appearance, character, habits…) that distinguishes him from the rest of people is called… 3. What notion are social qualities of man fixed with? 4. What is the main property of personality? 5. What does freedom of man imply?