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Phil Knight Phil Knight

The company was founded in 1964 by a student of Phil Knight (Phil Knight), The company was founded in 1964 by a student of Phil Knight (Phil Knight), he was a middle-distance runner at the University of Oregon team, and his coach Bill Bowerman. In those years, the athletes were practically no choice in sports shoes. Adidas cost quite expensive - $ 30, was quality, and ordinary American sneakers cost $ 5, but they hurt your feet, especially after running. If professional athletes could afford Adidas, for the lovers of the situation was sad. In 1963, Phil Knight went to Japan and contracts on behalf of the Blue Ribbon Sports company with Onitsuka, the supply in the U. S. sneaker. Getting sneakers sold out of the van, minibus Knight. He just stayed on the street and started to trade. He was 26 years old and he liked his business. In 1965, Knight and Bowerman changed the name of the company, naming it in honor of the Greek goddess of victory Nike. The new company name - Nike

Advertising and Sponsorship Nike - one of the major advertisers, making emphasis on television Advertising and Sponsorship Nike - one of the major advertisers, making emphasis on television advertising featuring such world stars. Nike is also widely known for its major sponsorship contracts with famous athletes and sports teams, especially in football.

The company's activities Nike - one of the largest sporting goods manufacturers in the The company's activities Nike - one of the largest sporting goods manufacturers in the world. Products are manufactured under the brands Nike, Air Jordan, Total 90, Nike Golf, Team Starter, etc. Also Nike controls companies that produce products under the brands Converse and Hurley International.

Nike Air Frank Rudy, the inventor of Nike Air cushion was a scholar-aircraft engineer Nike Air Frank Rudy, the inventor of Nike Air cushion was a scholar-aircraft engineer from NASA. He offered to developers and management "cushioning for shoes that will last forever, " to which was refused. He appealed to the competitors and also was refused. Then he returned to Nike with an idea, which still guide agreed. In 1979 there was a model in stores Nike Tailwind, manufactured using polyurethane, pumped gas. At the same time the company there are new talented designers who work on the appearance of the shoe.

Human rights problems Nike has been criticized for contracting with factories in countries such Human rights problems Nike has been criticized for contracting with factories in countries such as China, Vietnam, Indonesia and Mexico. The company has been subject to criticism because of the numerous poor working conditions and cheap labor, exploited abroad in free trade zones, where, basically, and made the company's products.

Nike in Russia Since 1993, the exclusive distributor of Nike in the Russian market Nike in Russia Since 1993, the exclusive distributor of Nike in the Russian market was the company "Delta-Sport", but in 2003 Nike decided to establish its subsidiary OOO "Nike" for self-promotion of the brand in the market, which at the moment is the official distributor and authorized importer company.