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PHENIX Beam Use Presentation W. A. Zajc for the PHENIX Collaboration ( this talk available at http: //www. phenix. bnl. gov/phenix/WWW/publish/zajc/sp/presentations/RBUP 03/Pac. Sep 03. pdf ) 29 -Sep-03
The Collaboration A strongly international venture: è 12 nations Brazil, China, France, Germany, Hungary, India, Israel, Japan, South Korea, Russia, Sweden, United States è 29 -Sep-03 57 institutions
Beam Use Proposal Requested input: Desired “beam run segments” q Physics from same q Investigate “ 27” and “ 37” week scenarios q Collaboration/experiment status q l A note on nomenclature: “Run-1” Summer-2000 Au+Au run at 130 Ge. V q “Run-2” 2001/2002 Au+Au/p+p at 200 Ge. V q “Run-3” 2003 run d+Au/p+p at 200 Ge. V q 29 -Sep-03
Run-1 Configuration l Two central arms q q l Mechanically ~complete Roughly half of aperture instrumented Global detectors q q q 29 -Sep-03 Zero-degree Calorimeters (ZDCs) Beam-Beam Counters (BBCs) Multiplicity and Vertex Detector (MVD, engineering run)
Run-1 Publications • “Centrality dependence of charged particle multiplicity in Au-Au collisions at s. NN = 130 Ge. V”, PRL 86 (2001) 3500 • “Measurement of the midrapidity transverse energy distribution from s. NN = 130 Ge. V Au-Au collisions at RHIC”, PRL 87 (2001) 052301 • “Suppression of hadrons with large transverse momentum in central Au-Au collisions at s. NN = 130 Ge. V”, PRL 88, 022301 (2002). • “Centrality dependence of p+/-, K+/-, p and pbar production at RHIC, ” PRL 88, 242301 (2002). • “Transverse mass dependence of the two-pion correlation for Au+Au collisions at s. NN = 130 Ge. V”, PRL 88, 192302 (2002) • “Measurement of single electrons and implications for charm production in Au+Au collisions at s. NN = 130 Ge. V”, PRL 88, 192303 (2002) "Net Charge Fluctuations in Au+Au Interactions at s. NN = 130 Ge. V, " PRL. 89, 082301 (2002) • "Event-by event fluctuations in Mean p_T and mean e_T in sqrt(s_NN) = 130 Ge. V Au+Au Collisions" Phys. Rev. C 66, 024901 (2002) • "Flow Measurements via Two-particle Azimuthal Correlations in Au + Au Collisions at s. NN = 130 Ge. V" , PRL 89, 212301 (2002) • "Measurement of the lambda and lambda^bar particles in Au+Au Collisions at s. NN =130 Ge. V", PRL 89, 092302 (2002) • "Centrality Dependence of the High p. T Charged Hadron Suppression in Au+Au collisions at s. NN = 130 Ge. V", Phys. Lett. B 561, 82 (2003) • "Single Identified Hadron Spectra from s. NN = 130 Ge. V Au+Au Collisions", to appear in Physical Review C, nucl-ex/0307010 29 -Sep-03
Our latest Run-1 Publication l l "Single Identified Hadron Spectra from s. NN = 130 Ge. V Au+Au Collisions", to appear in Physical Review C nucl-ex/0307010 An “archival” publication detailing our entire analysis methodology for identified particles q q 29 -Sep-03 37 pages 3 appendices 28 figures 16 tables
From Run-1 to Run-2 Run-1 Run: For 2001(2000) 29 -Sep-03 Run-2 (2001 -2)
Run-2 Publications • • • "Suppressed p 0 Production at Large Transverse Momentum in Central Au+Au Collisions at s. NN = 200 Ge. V" , PRL 91, 072301 (2003) "Scaling Properties of Proton and Anti-proton Production in s. NN = 200 Ge. V Au+Au Collisions“, accepted for publication in PRL 21 August 2003, nucl-ex/0305036 "J/Psi Production in Au-Au Collisions at s. NN =200 Ge. V at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider", accepted for publication in Phys. Rev. C on 6 September 2003, nucl-ex/0305030 • "Elliptic Flow of Identified Hadrons in Au+Au Collisions at s. NN = 200 Ge. V" , accepted for publication in PRL 9 September 2003, nucl-ex/0305013 • "Midrapidity Neutral Pion Production in Proton-Proton Collisions at s = 200 Ge. V“, accepted for publication in PRL on 19 September 2003, hep-ex/0304038 • "Identified Charged Particle Spectra and Yields in Au-Au Collisions at s. NN = 200 Ge. V" , accepted for publication in Physical Review C on 23 Sep 2003, nucl-ex/0307022 • "J/psi production from proton-proton collisions at s = 200 Ge. V“, submitted to PRL July 8 2003, hep-ex/0307019 • "High-pt Charged Hadron Suppression in Au+Au Collisions at s. NN = 200 Gev”, submitted to Physical Review C on 11 August 2003, nucl-ex/0308006 29 -Sep-03
Our First p+p Publication l l "Midrapidity Neutral Pion Production in Proton-Proton Collisions at s = 200 Ge. V“, accepted for publication in PRL on 19 September 2003, hep-ex/0304038 Important confirmation of of theoretical foundations for spin program q q l Run 3 results reproduce Run 2 results q q 29 -Sep-03 Results consistent with p. QCD calculation Favors a larger gluon-to-pion FF (KKP) Confirm the Run-3 data reliability and consistency Run 3 data reaches even higher p. T’s; results will be finalized soon
One archival Run-2 Publication • l "Identified Charged Particle Spectra and Yields in Au-Au Collisions at s. NN = 200 Ge. V" , accepted for publication in Physical Review C on 23 Sep 2003, nucl-ex/0307022 An “archival” publication extending our identified particles analysis methodology to Run-2 q q q 29 -Sep-03 37 pages 24 figures 29 tables
Run-3 and Beyond 29 -Sep-03
Run-3: Design Configuration! Central Arm Tracking Drift Chamber Pad Chambers Time Expansion Chamber Muon Arm Tracking Muon Tracker: North Muon Tracker Calorimetry Pb. Gl Pb. Sc Particle Id Muon Identifier: North Muon Identifier RICH TOF TEC Global Detectors BBC ZDC/SMD Local Polarimeter Forward Hadron Calorimeters NTC MVD Online Calibration and Production 29 -Sep-03
Run-3 Publications l l "Absence of Suppression in Particle Production at Large Transverse Momentum in s. NN = 200 Ge. V d+Au Collisions”, PRL 91, 072303 (2003) PID-ed particles out to the highest p. T’s PHENIX’s unique contribution to the June “press event” 29 -Sep-03 (p 0’s) d+Au Au+Au
Publication Summary l Run-1 q q q l Run-2 q q l 12 publications First 5 are “Top. Cites” One “archival” summary 8 submissions to date 6 accepted/published Several more still in progress One “archival” summary Run-3 q q 29 -Sep-03 One publication Many to follow
Forthcoming Run-3 Results l Centrality selected q q q l Charged hadrons Identified charged hadrons p 0’s Opposite centrality evolution of Au+Au compared to d+Au control. Au + Au d + Au Control PHENIX Preliminary 29 -Sep-03 Final Data Preliminary Data
Run-3 J/Y’s l d+Au SOUTH ARM l 29 -Sep-03 p+p NORTH ARM
Run-3 Spin Results l Rotators at IP 8 commissioned via local polarimeters q q Forward neutron transverse asymmetry (AN) measurements SMD (position) + ZDC (energy) distribution Vertical ~ ±p/2 SMD Radial ~ 0 Longitudinal no asymmetry l Then longitudinally polarized protons used to obtain first glimpse of ALL(p 0) 29 -Sep-03 ZDC
Local Polarimeter at PHENIX Spin Rotators OFF Blue Yellow Spin Rotators ON, Almost… |P|=30%, PT=0% PL=30%) Spin Rotators ON, Current Reversed Blue Run-3 |P|=37%, PT=24% PL=28%) Yellow Spin Rotators ON, Correct! PB=35. 5% PB=37% Yellow Blue Yellow Essential to success of Run-3 spin physics! 29 -Sep-03
First Results on ALL l l Presented this month at Dubna spin conference Extensive (ongoing) study of systematics Calculations: B. Jäger et al. , PRD 67, 054005 (2003) Bunch shuffling, background studies, AL checks, . . . q Relative luminosity precision ~ 2. 5 x 10 -4 Æ Contribution to ALL < 0. 2% Æ Dominated by statistical errors from 0. 22 pb-1 sample q l 29 -Sep-03 A very important proof-of-principle for spin program!
Run-4 Additions Aerogel Array Rφ Z 160 Cells : 16 x 10 • The Aerogel detector is a Aerogel Cell threshold Cerenkov counter PMT’s (11 x 22 x 11 cm 3) • Aerogel is a very low density, Light Mixer Si. O 2 – based solid • Aerogel has index of refr. between gases & liquids. • Ident. charged particles in a range inaccessible with other Aerogel in here technologies. Aluminum Box 29 -Sep-03
Extended PID with Aerogel Pion-Kaon separation TOF 0 - 2. 5 s~100 ps 0 RICH Aerogel n=1. 007 gth~8. 5 0 -5 4 8 5 - 17 n=1. 00044 gth~34 Kaon-Proton separation 0 0 4 1 -5 4 0 4 8 0 0 4 17 - 4 8 8 8 5 -9 8 Y. Miake ogel together with TOF can extend the PID capability up to 10 Ge (Without TOF, no K-proton separation at < 5 Ge. V/c) 29 -Sep-03
Physics Motivations l Strong motivation given q q Jet Quenching!? Predictions of quark recombination models (and their provocative conclusions) Central l Run-4 request should extend results for PID-ed K’s and p’s into the 5 -7 Ge. V/c range 29 -Sep-03 Peripheral
PHENIX: Run History Run Year Species s 1/2 [Ge. V ] Ldt Ntot 01 2000 Au-Au 130 1 mb-1 10 M Au-Au 200 24 mb-1 170 M p-p 03 2002/2003 Run-1 p-p 29 -Sep-03 0. 15 pb-1 200 d-Au 200 3. 7 G 2. 74 nb-1 0. 35 pb-1 6. 6 G 0. 04 pb-1 1. 0 pb-1 0. 15 pb-1 5. 5 G 3 TB 10 TB 20 TB 1. 1 pb-1 0. 35 pb-1 Run-3 2001/2002 Run-2 02 p-p Equivalent Data Size 35 TB 46 TB
Run Request Summary l l l 29 -Sep-03 Au+Au at 200 Ge. V, with goal of developing highest possible integrated luminosity An aggressive program of luminosity and polarization development for p+p, with the goal of the earliest practicable measurement of DG Light-ion running, to investigate dependence on system size A reduced energy run, again with emphasis on obtaining highest possible integrated luminosity High integrated luminosities achieved via minimal variations in species and energies, as per CAD guidance
The Run Plan At A Glance l An quantitative, integrated, planning exercise: q Quantitative: u Direct implementation of CAD guidance u Yield estimates (whenever possible) based on existing PHENIX measurements and known scaling laws q q 29 -Sep-03 Integrated: Sequential set of measurements designed to deliver comparable sensitivities in ~ all channels Planning: Based on current knowledge of machine, detector, physics and future developments
Note on Methodology l l l CAD guidance, “linear growth model” implemented in spreadsheet Physics yields for representative measurements calibrated based on PHENIX measurements Extensive “phase space” of options explored in the planning process Were led back to a position consistent with our previous multi-year proposals to PAC Exploits the demonstrated capabilities of PHENIX to use the full luminosity of RHIC to measure identified particles to the highest possible transverse momenta opposite-sign pairs same-sign pair bkgd ~ 211 J/Y’s 3. 11 ±. 02 Ge. V s = 143 ± 14 Me. V p 0’s 29 -Sep-03
Compare to Conceptual Design Report (29 -Jan-93) l Conclusions: q ~All goals accomplished u As permitted by available integrated luminosity u For q Much Au-Au (d-Au) only remains u Truly rare probes in Au-Au u Species scans u Energy variation 29 -Sep-03
Perspective l The machine achievements in the first 3 years of RHIC operations have been spectacular : q q q l 3 different colliding species (Au-Au, p-p, d-Au) 3. 5 energies for Au-Au (19, 56, 130, 200) Ge. V First ever polarized hadron collider Design luminosity for Au-Au (Etc. ) Heavy Ions Physics has been produced at “all” cross-sections: u u u q l barn: mb : nb : Life (for ALL) begins at ~inverse pb A start from Run-3? (0. 35 pb-1) Spin d. Nch/dh vs Npart v 2(p. T) RAA(p. T) J/Y (limit) PRL 86, 3500 (2001) nucl-ex/0305013 (to appear in PRL) PRL 88, 022301 (2002) nucl-ex/0305030 (to appear in PRC) Future output of the program q q q 29 -Sep-03 Depends crucially on developing large integrated luminosities Adversely affected by original 37 weeks 27 weeks per year Enhanced by proposed program of upgrades
Run-4 l 27 weeks q Au+Au 200 Ge. V u 5+14 weeks u Many rare channels q p+p 200 Ge. V u 5+0 weeks u Beam development l 37 weeks q Au+Au 200 Ge. V u 5+19 weeks u Many rare channels q p+p 200 Ge. V u 5+5 weeks u Beam development u ALL(p 0) 29 -Sep-03
Run-4 Luminosity (J/Y) l A quest to develop highest possible integrated luminosity in full energy Au+Au running q q To eliminate statistical ambiguity in many production channels Example: J/Y production u 27 week scenario: m m 2. 6 s (e+e-) 3. 2 s (m+m-) (in 0 -20% centrality bin) 29 -Sep-03
Run-4 Luminosity (f e+e-) l A quest to develop highest possible integrated luminosity in full energy Au+Au running q q To eliminate statistical ambiguity in many production channels Example: F → e+eu Run-2 u Run-4 m m 29 -Sep-03 x 10 -15 yield Improved S/B PHENIX Preliminary
Run-4 Luminosity (Direct Photons) l A quest to develop highest possible integrated luminosity in full energy Au+Au running q q To eliminate statistical ambiguity in many production channels Example: Direct photons u Run-2 m Statistics limited at ~4 Ge. V/c u Run-4 m 29 -Sep-03 Extend this to ~10 Ge. V/c HIGH-ENERGY PHOTONS FROM PASSAGE OF JETS THROUGH QUARK GLUON PLASMA. by R. J. Fries, B. Muller and D. K. Srivastava, Phys. Rev. Lett. 90: 132301, 2003
Run-4 Luminosity (Other Examples) l A quest to develop highest possible integrated luminosity in full energy Au+Au running q q To eliminate statistical ambiguity in many production channels Other examples: u Low-mass 29 -Sep-03 1/Ntrig d. N/d pairs u Charm flow u “Jet” correlations Inclusive electrons/positron v 2 PHENIX Preliminary 2 - 4 Ge. V
Recombination Tested The complicated observed flow pattern in v 2(p. T) d 2 n/dp. Tdf ~ 1 + 2 v 2(p. T) cos (2 f) is predicted to be simple at the quark level under p. T → p. T / n , v 2 → v 2 / n , n = 2, 3 for meson, baryon if the flow pattern is established at the quark level Compilation courtesy of H. Huang 29 -Sep-03
Yet Another Luminosity Limited Observable l l New PHENIX Run-2 result on v 2 of p 0’s: Clearly would benefit from Run-4 statistics 29 -Sep-03 PHENIX Preliminary
Run-5 l 27 weeks q Si+Si 200 Ge. V u 5+9 weeks u Many rare channels q p+p 200 Ge. V u 5+5 weeks u ALL(p 0) l 37 weeks q Si+Si 200 Ge. V u 5+14 weeks u Many rare channels q p+p 200 Ge. V u 5+10 weeks u Beam development u Quality ALL(p 0) 29 -Sep-03
To Fe or not to Fe? l 0 -th order: q q l We desire the species that will lead to highest possible integrated (parton-parton) luminosities CAD guidance neutral in this respect (but perhaps Si set-up is easier? ) 1 st-order: q q q Clearly depends on assumptions regarding (length, surface, volume) effects We have consistently requested a spectrum of species (Run-2, 3 Beam Use Proposals) This is now tempered with reality from CAD guidance Makes choice of “A” all the more important, since you get only one per running period Concern is that we will not vary it enough: FAll of the action seems to be at 29 -Sep-03 low Npart Log 10(Nbinary) PHENIX Preliminary
Spin Prospects in Run-5 l Run-3 Preliminary result based on q q l l For future projections: Run-4 (37 weeks only) q q q l <P> = 40% 0. 5 pb-1 recorded Factor 2. 8 improvement in statistical error Run-5 (27 weeks scenario) q q q 29 -Sep-03 <P> = 26% 0. 35 pb-1 recorded <P> = 50% 1. 2 pb-1 recorded Factor 6. 8 improvement in statistical error
Run-6 l 27 weeks q Au+Au 62. 4 Ge. V u 5+19 weeks u Some rare channels u ISR comparison l 37 weeks q Au+Au 62. 4 Ge. V u 5+19 weeks u Some rare channels u ISR comparison q p+p 500 Ge. V u 5+2 weeks u Beam development u New ALL(p 0) 29 -Sep-03
Why 62. 4 Ge. V? l Select an energy to make the suppression go away RAA ~ 2. 0 (17 Ge. V) RAA ~1. 5 (31 Ge. V) RAA ~ 0. 4 (130 Ge. V) RAA~0. 2 (200 Ge. V) l l At a s that still allows “full” coverage in p. T. Nota Bene: q 29 -Sep-03 q RHIC luminosity scales as s (i. e. , E 2 ) ISR p+p comparison data
Run-7 l 27 weeks q p+p 200 Ge. V u 5+19 weeks u Spin production run u “Ultimate” comparison set l 37 weeks q p+p 62. 4 Ge. V u 5+5 weeks u Some rare channels u ISR extension u (No species change) q p+p 200 Ge. V u 5+22 weeks u Spin production run u “Ultimate” comparison set 29 -Sep-03
Run-8 l 27 weeks q Au+Au 200 Ge. V u 5+19 weeks u “Penultimate” Au+Au run u Needed to access Upsilons l 37 weeks q Au+Au 200 Ge. V u 5+29 weeks u “Ultimate” Au+Au run u Needed to access Upsilons 29 -Sep-03
Run-8+ l 27 weeks q p+p 500 Ge. V u 5+19 weeks u “Penultimate” spin run l 37 weeks q p+p 500 Ge. V u 5+29 weeks u “Ultimate” spin run u Approaches original RSC goal of 800 pb-1 u (Modulo CAD remarks re optimistic out-year projections in PHENIX Beam Use Proposal. . ) 29 -Sep-03
Summary l l l PHENIX successes in Runs 1 -3 have paralleled those of the accelerator Ongoing, productive enterprise engaged in timely publication of an extraordinarily broad spectrum of results (Au+Au, p+p, d+Au) Proposed program will extend q q l l 29 -Sep-03 Investigation of rare processes to address fundamental questions in heavy ion physics Demonstrated spin physics capabilities to higher p. T and to new channels Proposed program depends critically on timely development of luminosity and polarization through extended periods of beam development and steady running Immense benefit from incremental cost of additional weeks of running time
On Energy Scans l Nearly all phenomena measured thus far exhibit smooth variation with energy: K–/K+ p/p l l Those that don’t(? ) (e. g. , kaon slopes) already present in pp data (next slide) Absent compelling arguments, and given q q Natural smearing from Fermi momentum Scarce beam hours Æ Give higher priority to investigating with highest possible sensitivity the signals that are new at RHIC 29 -Sep-03
29 -Sep-03