Water supply and sewerage system.ppt
- Количество слайдов: 18
Petrozavodsk State University Building faculty Water supply and sewerage systems WATER SUPPLY AND SEWERAGE SYSTEM Have developed by : gr. 52304 Erofeev Aleksandr Zakharov Dmitriy Manager: Dmitrieva Natalia Konstatinovna
Plan Introduction and topicality of the issue. History of water supply and sewerage systems. Technologies that used in water supply and sewerage systems. Sewerage systems: 1. Pre-treatment. 2. Primary treatment. 3. Secondary treatment. 4. Tertiary treatment. Water supply: 1. Basic components. 2. Water abstraction. 3. Water treatment. 4. Distribution networks. Conclusion.
Introduction Water is my eye Most faithful mirror
History of water supply and sewerage system Pipes Sewer systems
Origins of sewerage
Primary treatment
Secondary treatment
Tertiary treatment
Water supply systems A drainage basin A raw water collection point Water purification facilities Water storage Additional water pressurizing components A pipe network for distribution of water for customers Connections to the sewers
Water abstraction Water sources Rivers Lakes Ground water
Water treatment Clarification Filtration Disinfection
Water distribution network Local supply network Pressure Corrosion of pipe materials Basic types of control
Questions Where was the first pipes founded? A) Egypt B) Mesopotamia C) Roman Empire Из какого источника берется вода? (From what source is water taken? ) A) Pool B) Lake C) Swamp Что есть источник давления в трубах? (What is the source of pressure in pipes? ) A) Pump B) Germs C) Chemical additions What primary treatment consist of? A) Removal of solid waste B) Disinfection C) Delivering in distribution network What is the material of first pipes? A) Glass B) Copper C) Clay What is the function of grit chamber? A) Removal of grit, stones B) Removal of sludge C) Removal of plants
Crossword What waters is necessary in treatment? Modern material used for pipes. Who maintained water supply systems? What substance is used in secondary sedimentation tanks? The best method of disinfection? w a s t e s t i c i n a t p g o v e l a r n m e n t s l u d g e c h l o r s i o n
Water supply and sewerage system.ppt