- Количество слайдов: 20
Our History • 1988 – Marine Dept was introduced in PETRONAS • 1990 – Department was renamed Marine Safety Dept, under the E&P Division of PETRONAS • 1994 – PETRONAS Maritime Services Sdn Bhd (PMSSB)was formed. Setting up and commissioning KPSB and SUPSB and Upstream
• 1996 – Marine Services Dept was formed in PMSSB with 5 surveyors. Ship Vetting was introduced. First database constructed by Avonautical – VIS Version 1. 0 • 1997 – Policy on Maritime Activities were codified and given assent
Authority to Approve PMSSB is vested with the authority to exercise its expertise on behalf of PETRONAS when any reference to the requirement of an approval by PETRONAS is made in the Policy.
Sect. 5. 0 of the Policy: Vessels calling at PETRONAS Terminals and Vessels which are to be chartered by Operators for the carriage of petroleum or petrochemical products in bulk, shall be vetted by PMSSB
PMSSB POST 1997 §buy-in from traders §Lesser upstream, more vetting §PMSSB begins to enforce Vetting requirements §VIS version 2. 0 developed by GIRM to cater the increased volume.
• 2002 – High volume of inspections forced a restructure within PMSSB which resulted in an independent Ship Vetting Dept headed by a manager reporting directly to the CEO. • 2005 – That baton was handed over to current Manager Taufiq Ben Sari • Nov 2005 – Certified as an ISO 9001 -2000 by BVQI workscope Ship Vetting. • Dec 2005 – VIS Version 3. 1 (web-based) was officially launched.
Our Current Strength • Ship Vetting currently has 1 Manager, 1 full time Screener, 4 full time Inspectors , 6 vetters and 2 Admin Supervisors. • PMSSB has since November utilised the services of two 3 rd Party Inspecting Companies. • Zenith Marine – based in PMSSB’s office - 4 inspectors. • Redstar Marine Services (Singapore) – 4 inspectors. • Reports submitted to the SIRE Program. • Average Inspection per month = 60 - 70 Inspections • Average 6 inspections per Month per Inspector • Total - 720 inspections / year
Inspections statistics.
What’s new? • PMSSB has since 01 st Oct 2007 revised the inspection tariff. • In April 2007 - VIS database has been upgradeed to Version 3. 2 and the Version 3. 3 will be rolled out in Feb/Mar 2008. • All PETRONAS Inspectors are now SIRE accredited and able to submit reports to the SIRE database.
kcehc noitatnemuco. D )SIV( esabatad SANORTEP - GNINEERCS troper tsetal ERIS , sisauq. E( esabatad reht. O )ata. D emitira. M trope. R ssal. C trope. R sroja. M li. O reht. O kcabdee. F lanimre. T esabatad lortno. C etat. S tro. P -
noitacifirev / noitcepsni lacisyh. P devorpp. A BSSMP yb detcudnoc rotcepsni NOITCEPSNI a sa 7002 1 ve. R noitid. E ht 4 QIV FMICO eht sesu BSSMP. noitcepsni eht gnirud enilediug
sutats enimreted & sgnidnif no etarebile. D ) eettimmoc noitaulav. E( weive. R LENAP • . regana. M eht & srette. V roine. S 2 gnitsisnoc dna sgnidnif noitcepsni no etarebile. D • troper rotcepsni deriuqer fi noitacifiralc kee. S • noitca evitcerroc fo ytilibatpecca no edice. D • sesnopser ro ytidilav sti dna sutats lessev eht enimrete. D • )shtm 42 -1 morf segnar ytidilav lesse. V( NOITAULAVE tsum srotarepo pihs / srenwo pih. S gnidnetta eht hot stnemmoc rieht timbus eht ot gnidnopser nehw rotcepsni. snoitavresbo noitcepsni
PETRONAS PREFERED METHOD OF ADDRESING ANY OBSERVATIONS RAISED • Define the situation - Identify & describe the problem » Eg. T & P Corrections have not been applied to voyage charts • Fix / Quick fix - Temporary Repair » Eg. T&P Corrections were immediately applied • Identify root cause(s) » Eg. 2/0 had not applied the corrections as required by companys directive. • Take Long Term Corrective action » Eg. Raise a NC in the safety committee meeting. » Enter T&P as an item in the arrival checklist or passage • Evaluate & Follow up » Ensure that long term corrective action in place will prevent recurrence plan
INSPECTION Requirements: § No inspection at doorstep (PETRONAS Terminals & ports) § Meet inspection request notice : Malaysia / Spore = 4 working days Other countries = 7 working days § Inspection during daylight hours ( approx 6 -8 hours) § Within port limit under safe environment § No inspection at drydock Vessel which has just completed docking shall be required to complete 1 loading and 1 discharging before an inspection can be considered. § Submit the official request via website http: //shipvett. petronas. com. my/ § Vessel of 20 yrs and abv shall hold a minimum of CAP Rating 2 for: Structural, machinery system and cargo system. Vessels abv 10000 Dwt shall include a Fatigue Analysis. Submission must be received 14 days in advance before the proposed inspection date. § Vessel more than 25 years old will not be considered
Ship Vetting Department • Mr. Taufiq BEN Sari - (Manager) – Tel (Off) 603 -2275 6780 – Hp (24 hrs) 6 -019 -3242148 – Email : taufiq@petronas. com. my • Capt Richard E Gomez Tel: 603 -22756781 HP: 6012 -2361003 email: richardgomez@petronas. com. my • Capt. Shahrul Azran Tel: 603 -2275 6784 HP: 6019 -4137679 email: shussi@petronas. com. my