Скачать презентацию Petroleum fractional and chemical composition Variants of oil Скачать презентацию Petroleum fractional and chemical composition Variants of oil

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  • Количество слайдов: 20

Petroleum: fractional and chemical composition. Variants of oil refinery. • • Component and elementary Petroleum: fractional and chemical composition. Variants of oil refinery. • • Component and elementary structure of oil Classification of oil Terms - Crude and commodity oil Variants of oil refinery 07/09/16 lecture 2 1

Elementary composition of petroleum 07/09/16 lecture 2 2 Elementary composition of petroleum 07/09/16 lecture 2 2

Fractional composition of oil Temperatures of boiling • less 32 С • 32 -180 Fractional composition of oil Temperatures of boiling • less 32 С • 32 -180 С – 32 -105 С – 105 -180 С • 180 -240 С • 240 -350 С • 350 С and above 07/09/16 • • • lecture 2 Fraction Hydrocarbonic gases (up to butane inclusive) Gasoline – Easy – Heavy gasoline(naphtha) Kerosene Diesel fraction Black oil (residue) 3

Component and elementary composition of oil • Hydrocarbonic part C - 82 -87 %, Component and elementary composition of oil • Hydrocarbonic part C - 82 -87 %, H- 10 -12 % • The saturated hydrocarbons (alkanes, cycloalkanes) • Non saturated hydrocarbons (alkenes, arenes) • Hydrocarbons of the mixed hybrid structure 07/09/16 • Non hydrocarbonic part O, S, N--1 -5 % • • • lecture 2 Substances. Oxygen containing Sulfur containing Nitrogen containing Resines and asphaltenes Microelements Biological labels 4

An example mass-spectrometry output shows the number of negatively and positively charged components that An example mass-spectrometry output shows the number of negatively and positively charged components that can be resolved from a South American heavy-oil sample 07/09/16 lecture 2 5

07/09/16 lecture 2 6 07/09/16 lecture 2 6

07/09/16 lecture 2 7 07/09/16 lecture 2 7

Orimulsion is a branded product It is an emulsion made up of approximately 70% Orimulsion is a branded product It is an emulsion made up of approximately 70% extra-heavy oil, 30% water, and less than 1% surfactant to stabilize the emulsion. 07/09/16 lecture 2 8

The reasons of chemical corrosion of metal As a result of hydrolysis of chlorides The reasons of chemical corrosion of metal As a result of hydrolysis of chlorides of calcium and magnesium even at low temperatures the hydrochloric acid promoting course of corrosion of the steel equipment is formed: Ca (Mg)Cl 2 + H 2 O = Ca (Mg) (OH)2 + 2 HCl • • • At processing sulphurous and high sulphurous oils as a result of decomposition of sulphurous substances hydrogen sulphide which in a combination with НСl is the reason of strong corrosion of the petrofactory equipment is formed: Fe+H 2 S=Fe. S+H 2 Fe. S+ 2 HCl=Fe. Cl 2+H 2 S Chloride iron passes in a water solution and is hydrolized, and allocated hydrogen sulphide again reacts with iron. Thus, joint presence of chlorides of metals and hydrogen sulphide at the damp environment causes mutually initiated reaction of metal defeat. 07/09/16 lecture 2 9

Operation of oilfields (oil recovery) Water Trade preparation of oil Oil recovery Gas from Operation of oilfields (oil recovery) Water Trade preparation of oil Oil recovery Gas from oil Division on fractions mechanical impurity Oil (to refinery plant) Deep elimination of water and salts Oil refinery Distillation Light distillates (to 350 С) 07/09/16 lecture 2 Middle distillates (350 – 500 С) Residue ( 500 С) 10

Oil classification Type of oil Classification Main principle and standart Chemical Predomonant content of Oil classification Type of oil Classification Main principle and standart Chemical Predomonant content of special class of hydrocarbons Geochemical (according to A. A. Petrov) Predomonant content of relict hydrocarbons such as izoprenoids Technical GOST 51858 -2002 Technological GOST 38. 1197 -80 allows to define optimal variant of oilrefinery Crude oil assay Abroad analog of technological classification 07/09/16 lecture 2 11

Crude and commodity oil • Crude oil is a liquid natural mineral mix of Crude and commodity oil • Crude oil is a liquid natural mineral mix of hydrocarbons of wide physical and chemical structure which contain the dissolved gas, water, mineral salts, mechanical impurity and serves as the basic raw material for manufacture of liquid energy carriers (gasoline, kerosene, diesel fuel, black oil), lubricant oils, bitumens and coke. • Commodity oil is the oil prepared for delivery to the consumer according to requirements operating normative and technical documentation. 07/09/16 lecture 2 12

GOST 51858 -2002 • • • GOST 51858 -2002 subdivides oil on physical and GOST 51858 -2002 • • • GOST 51858 -2002 subdivides oil on physical and chemical properties, a degree of preparation, to the maintenance of hydrogen sulphide and light mercaptains subdivide into classes, types, groups and kinds. Oil subdivide into classes 1 -4 depending on a mass fraction of sulfur Oil subdivide into five types on density, and by delivery for export - in addition on an output of fractions and a mass fraction of paraffin of: 0 - especially easy, 1 -easy, 2 - average, 3 - heavy, 4 - bitumen. For oils type 0 -2, intended for export, also define an output of the fractions which are boiling away up to 200, 300 both 350 °С and mass fraction of paraffin (it should not exceed 6 % of weights. ). Oil divide into groups 1 -3 on a degree of preparation Oil divide into kinds 1 -3 on a mass fraction of hydrogen sulphide and light mercaptains Unlike earlier operating technical specifications in new GOST definition chlorinorganic substances, hydrogen sulphide and light mercaptains for the first time is stipulated. 07/09/16 lecture 2 13

Classes of oils 1 Name Maintenance of sulfer, % mass. The Method of measurement Classes of oils 1 Name Maintenance of sulfer, % mass. The Method of measurement Up 0, 60 GOST 1437 Lowsulphurous 2 Sulphurous 0, 60 -1, 80 3 Highsulphurous 1, 81 -3, 50 4 Especially sulphurous Types of oil Name Above 3, 50 Density under 20 о. С, kg/m 3 Especially light 1 Light 830, 1 -850, 0 2 Middle 850, 1 -870, 0 Hard 870, 1 -895, 0 4 07/09/16 0 3 Types of oils Up 830, 0 Very hard The Method of measurement Above 895, 0 lecture 2 GOST 3900 14

Groups The name of a parameter Groups of oils The Method of measurement 1 Groups The name of a parameter Groups of oils The Method of measurement 1 1. Maintenance more of water, % no 2. Concentration of chloride salts, mg/dm 3, no more 2 3 0, 5 1, 0 GOST 2477 100 300 900 GOST 21534 3. Mass fraction of mechanical impurity, %, no more 0, 05 GOST 6370 4. Pressure of saturated vapour, k. Pа (mm Hg), no more 66, 7 (500) GOST 1756 5. 1. Contents of chlororganic substances, (ррm) It is not normalized. Definition is obligatory The name of a parameter Kinds of oils 07/09/16 Kinds 1 2 3 1. Mass fraction of hydrogen sulphide, (ppm), no more 20 50 100 2. Mass fraction of methyl – and etylmerkaptaines in whole, (ppm), no more 40 60 The Method of measurement 100 lecture 2 GOST Р 50802 15

Сrude oil assay? • Сrude oil assay – it is the analysis of oil Сrude oil assay? • Сrude oil assay – it is the analysis of oil in conformity with standard methods American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM), which are recognized all over the world and are the cores in most cases carrying out of the analysis of oil. 07/09/16 lecture 2 16

Сrude oil assay • At carrying out of the reduced analysis (brief) oil are Сrude oil assay • At carrying out of the reduced analysis (brief) oil are defined, as a rule, about 30 parameters of quality of oil • Carrying out of the full analysis (full) oil consists in definition of physical and chemical parameters not only oil, but also the driven away fractions. 07/09/16 lecture 2 17

Oil: С+Н = 97 -98 % S = 1, 0 -1, 5% N = Oil: С+Н = 97 -98 % S = 1, 0 -1, 5% N = 0, 5 -1, 0 % V, Ni, Fe…< 0, 01% Oil refining Oil: С=87% Н=13% Light: С=86% Н=14% Dark: C=88% Н=12% World oil refining– 3, 5 mlrd. t. /year Petro chemi Stry 7% Petrol 55 % Fuel oil 25 % Bitu Auxilia men ries 4% 7% Oils 2 % Russian oil refining- 174 mln. t. /year (5 % of world) Petro Chemi Stry 3, 5 % Petrol 47 % Fuel oil 35 % Bitu Auxili men aries 4% 8% Oils 2 % 07/09/16 lecture 2 18

The variants of oilrefinery to fuel and to lubricant Fuel variant assumes reception from The variants of oilrefinery to fuel and to lubricant Fuel variant assumes reception from black oil of wide fraction of vacuum gasoil 350 -490 °С which serves as raw material of process catalyst cracking. Thus receive as a target product a component of commodity gasoline with high octane number. 07/09/16 • • • lecture 2 Lubricant variant is consist in reception from black oil vacuum narrow oil fractions of various viscosity: distillates with limits of boiling 300 -400 °С, 350 -420 °С, 420 -500 °С and Residual >500 °С. 19

Petrochemical variant of oil refining • It is realized at transition from oil- and Petrochemical variant of oil refining • It is realized at transition from oil- and gasrefining to petrochemistry. • Raw material for a petrochemical variant of oil refining - this hydrocarbonic raw material in the form of gaseous and liquid hydrocarbonic fractions oil- and gas refining or individual products (for example, ethane for process of pyrolysis or butane for process dehydration). • On installations of petrochemical combines receive alkenes - from ethylene up to pentene, arenas - from benzene up to xylene. • Today in assortment of production of organic synthesis is registered about 15 000 products, each of which is raw material for the subsequent synthesis. 07/09/16 lecture 2 20