Peter Paul Rubens (1577 -1640) Скачать презентацию Peter Paul Rubens (1577 -1640) pictures_rubens.ppt Размер: 3.5 Mегабайта Количество слайдов: 21 Описание презентации Peter Paul Rubens (1577 -1640) по слайдам Peter Paul Rubens (1577 -1640) Self-portrait The Head of a Girl Portrait of a Boy (Nicholas Rubens) The Lioness Venus and Adonic Venus at a Mirror Bahus Risen Christ Holy Family with St. Elizabeth (Madonna of the Basket) The Battle of the Amazons The Fur Cloak Madonna and Child Enthroned with Saints The Union of Earth and Water Perseus and Andromeda The Four Philosophers Tiberius and Agrippina A Wreath of fruit The Infant with a Bird Return of the Peasants from the Fields Portrait of Susanne Fourment Зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы просмотреть полный документ! РЕГИСТРАЦИЯ