- Количество слайдов: 13
PERSONAL SKILLS “For a successful business presentation”. Alexandra Sáenz Katherine Dávila Paola Cardona
CONTENTS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Introduction The voice The body Active Listening Nerves Questions Habits Tips and techniques for great presentations Conclusion Bibliography
1. Introduction Personal skills, is the ability that we have to adopt during a business presentation. The human language elements needed in the audience, or public.
2. The voice VOICE Volume Vocalization Pronunciation Tone Pitch Pace
Two methods for improving your voice 1. Practice listening to your voice at home 2. To stay with someone that judge your practice before the presentation
3. The body ü Your body communicates different impressions to the audience. Here we find some of them: Eye contact Facial expressions Gestures Posture and body orientation Proximity Voice
4. Active listening “Good speakers not only inform their audience, they also listen to them” Some good traits of effective listeners
5. Nerves Main enemy TENSION Ruins Voice Posture Spontaneity
6. Questions
7. Habits q Bad habits q A good way to break some of them q After the presentation
8. Tips and techniques for great presentations
9. Conclusion Ways of talking (pauses, stress words) Body contact Head movements PERSONAL SKILLS Facial expression Appearance Posture Sounds (voice) Hand movements
10. Bibliography • Nonverbal Communications http: //www. cultsock. ndirect. co. uk/MUHome/cshtml/index. html • Gestures: Body Language and Nonverbal • Communication http: //www. csupomona. edu/~tassi/gestures. htm#gestures http: //www. mindtools. com/pages/article/Presentation. Nerves. htm • About Body Language http: //www. angelfire. com/co/bodylanguage/