- Количество слайдов: 21
Personal Heads-Up Display Preliminary Design Review Ivan Bercovich Radu-Andrei Ivan Jeff Little Felipe Vilas-Boas Faculty: Dr. Tilman Wolf Electrical and Computer Engineering
Concept Electrical and Computer Engineering 2
Concept Electrical and Computer Engineering 3
Concept Electrical and Computer Engineering 4
Our Project Orientation Sensing Unit • Gather information from orientation sensors Data Processing Unit • Process data from the sensors, send information to display Heads-Up Display • Virtually label surrounding area Electrical and Computer Engineering 5
Specifications Label all buildings within a 150 meter radius Be able to run for 2 hours on the power supply Be accurate in labeling to +/- 3˚ Electrical and Computer Engineering 6
Specifications 150 Meters from Knowles Electrical and Computer Engineering 7
Design Challenges Sensing (accelerometer, gyroscope, etc. ) • System has to respond to user movements in real-time Noise (i. e. : Compass) • System has to handle electromagnetic disturbances Size (Embedded Linux) • Portable system that will fit on the users head Electrical and Computer Engineering 8
Hardware: System Block Diagram Electrical and Computer Engineering 9
GPS https: //buy. garmin. com/shop. do? p. ID=223# Determine lat/long position on the campus Garmin 18 LVC Features • Bare wire as connector • Easily integrate with MCU • 60 m. A @ 5 V • Data Output: NMEA 0183 format • Already purchased Electrical and Computer Engineering 10
Digital Compass http: //www. sparkfun. com/commerce/images/products/HMC 6352 -0_i_ma. jpg Detect what direction the user is looking in Honeywell, 2 axis digital compass Features: • Simple I 2 C interface • 2 m. A @ 2. 7 to 5. 2 V supply range • 8 bit-resolution • True drop-in solution • Eagle library available • 0. 5 degree heading resolution Electrical and Computer Engineering 11
Gyroscope http: //www. robotshop. us/home/suppliers/spark-fun-en/sfe-adxrs 401 -gyroscope. html Compass compensation Gyroscope – Analog Devices ADXRS 401 Features: • Complete rate gyro on an IC • Self-test on digital command • Z-axis (yaw-rate) response • Precision voltage reference output • 5 V single-supply operation Electrical and Computer Engineering 12
Accelerometer http: //www. sparkfun. com/commerce/images/products/08637 -04 -L. jpg Detect head movements by the user ST Micro – LIS 302 DL, 3 axis Accelerometer Features: • 2. 16 -3. 6 V @ 0. 3 m. A • Sensitivity 16. 2 mg/digit • I 2 C Interface • 8 -bit resolution • +/-2 g or +/-8 g range Electrical and Computer Engineering 13
Microcontroller Unit (MCU) http: //www. sparkfun. com/commerce/images/products/ATMega 32. jpg 40 Pin ATMega 32 µC used for Computer System Lab Features: • 32 K of program space • Runs up to 16 MHz • 32 I/O lines, 8 of which are 10 bit A/D converter capable • Programmed in circuit and be debugged with AVR-JTAG Electrical and Computer Engineering 14
Software • Create a 3 D environment with Open GL • Tag points within the environment corresponding to building layout on the UMass Campus • User movements translates to movements in virtual environment • Transpose tags from 3 D environment onto HUD Electrical and Computer Engineering 15
Central Processor Unit (CPU) • Process the signals from the MCU and drive the HUD Electrical and Computer Engineering 16
Heads Up Display (HUD) http: //farm 1. static. flickr. com/215/489851204_1 b 60847 a 1 b. jpg? v=0 • Contacted three companies Electrical and Computer Engineering 17
Power Supply • Orientation Sensing Unit (OSU) is battery powered • Elements in OSU run between 2 V-5 V • < 100 m. A peak power across 3. 3 V and 5 V supplies • Data Processing Unit (DPU) is battery powered • ~500 m. A peak • Voltage regulation • 3. 3 V • 5 V National Semiconductor , LP 38691 DT-3. 3 National Semiconductor , LP 38691 SD-5. 0 • Battery Pack • Ultralife 9 V lithium ion rechargable battery, 1700 m. Ah Electrical and Computer Engineering 18
Associated Costs Component Cost Digital Compass $50 Gyroscope $40 CPU $180 3 Axis Accelerometer $15 GPS ($75) PCB Fabrication $100 Batteries $50 Total $435 Electrical and Computer Engineering 19
Proposed MDR Deliverables Demonstration of Orientation Sensing Unit • • • Microcontroller Accelerometers Gyroscope Digital Compass GPS Design simple 3 D environment with Open. GL • PC based Electrical and Computer Engineering 20
Thank You Questions? Electrical and Computer Engineering 21