- Количество слайдов: 137
Person Centered Approaches to a Meaningful and Enviable Life
Valued Experiences
Being an active participant in all aspects of one’s life Forming valued relationships Having things of value
A Perspective On Quality
Program System
Deficit Model Functional
Identifying and seeking a preferred future is the essence of a quality life.
Tran si tion: 1. Passage from one form, state, style, or place to another
Intra-Disciplinary Roles
Growing in Relationships Making Choices Respe ct Contributing Sharing Ordinary Places
How can you assist the individual to organize and coordinate his or her life to achieve outcomes in a way that others see the person as a “person”?
Options –a number of things from which only one can be chosen Opportunities – a favorable or advantageous circumstance or combination of circumstances Optimism – a tendency to expect the best possible outcome or dwell on the most hopeful aspects of a situation The path to a preferred future!
When people ask for things that are not available, “professionals” determine the request inappropriate.
What dreams are dreamt by those who reside in institutions?
What we measure affirms what we value!
Two things are needed in the futures planning process…
Why is it required that staff make notations in the records of people receiving support? What does the note communicate about the relationship of the staff with the person who is the subject of the note?
How each person wants to live should be consistent with how they are living We must learn how the person wants to live through asking and listening Planning for a meaningful future does not result from hierarchical structures controlled by rational argument among experts who find pre-existing answers by standard examinations
Personal futures planning helps the professional to change from the superior role of expert to a more humble role as a partner The primary focus of the Futures Planning process is to negotiate needed organizational changes to remove barriers that may stand in the way
The group includes a “community bridge-builder” -- a member of the community or a paid person who works at building connections to the local community. At least one key agency involved is committed to organizational change. Management is willing to make significant changes in response to these findings.
The group includes a strong advocate or family member who takes a leadership role in continually representing the interests of the focus person.
Guiding Principles…
Competitive Employment Supported Employment Sheltered Workshop Volunteering
There are three keys to forming and maintaining circles of support: Focus on an individual to generate a vision. Encourage and allow the focus person to develop his or her own vision and work with the person to achieve it. Work with interested friends, family and other individuals who care about the focus person.
How can the individual increase their ability to handle money? How can the individual improve their physical health? How can the individual increase their ability to make choices and more fully exercise rights? What can the individual do to increase their opportunities to make friends?