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Perkins Technical Assistance Webinar January 15, 2014 Oregon Department of Education | Department of Community Colleges and Workforce Development
Agenda Getting Connected – Where Do I Find Information? Mid-year status check Oregon CTE Data Results 2012 -2013 Planning for 2014 -15 – Consortium Changes • Federal Update • Q & A • •
Getting Connected! Where do I find information?
Getting Connected Where do I find information? ODE Website http: //www. ode. state. or. us/search/page/? id=4011
Applications Annual Report Fiscal Info Consortium http: //www. ode. state. or. us/search/results/? id=151
http: //www. ode. state. or. us/teachlearn/pte/perkins-operational-calendar-2013 -–-2014. pdf
Perkins Technical Assistance Webinar Archive • http: //www. ode. state. or. us/search/page/? id=4011
http: //www. ode. state. or. us/search/results/? id=151 Join Listserv CTE Update Archives
http: //www. ode. state. or. us/search/page/? id=2879
http: //www. ode. state. or. us/search/results/? id=151 Meeting Schedules Directories
http: //www. ode. state. or. us/search/results/? id=151 Data Collection Info Data Reports
CTE Data & Reporting Web pages • Secondary: http: //www. ode. state. or. us/search/page/? id=1623 • Postsecondary: http: //www. ode. state. or. us/search/page/? id=3871
Mid-year Status Check
Mid-year status check • Review activities, progress • Review expenditures, approved budgets, accounting – What have you spent – What’s approved that you haven’t purchased – What adjustments are needed – How do you make an adjustment – Does your “office” budget match your accounting system
Mid-year status check (continued) Budgeting – Tracking budget expenses (program leadership) • Excellent tools in place (ask around) – All expenses tied to • Programs of Study - Secondary and postsecondary • Deliverables • Program data – Equity (program leadership)
Mid-year status check (continued) Adjustments 1. Send an email to reynold. gardner@state. or. us and Donna Brant requesting an amendment to your grant. In the email describe: A. The proposed changes and the Programs of Study involved (what is not being done and at what cost) B. The rationale for the change (why the change is needed) C. The new course of action and the Programs of Study involved (what are you now going to do and the costs associated with) 2. Email verification will be sent from ODE staff providing authorization to move forward and change the CIP Budget Narrative. 3. Enter new information into the CIP Budget Narrative and submit. 4. ODE staff will approve the revision in CIP Budget Narrative. 5. The revised plan is not authorized for spending until approved in the CIP Budget Narrative. A date stamp will appear in CIP Budget Narrative showing your revision is approved. http: //www. ode. state. or. us/teachlearn/pte/perkins_budget_narrative_revision-adjustment_process_2013 -14. pdf
Mid-year status check (continued) Professional Development (PD) – Long term sustained effort that leads to a higher level of student engagement and program improvement – Not the one day workshops that have spotted our past – If XYZ Conference is an event that you want to fund Perkins with you need to tie your professional development plan to the deliverables that are associated with that conference.
Mid-year status check (continued) Professional Development (PD) – Funds associated with activities that are tied PD are obligated to stay within the realm of PD. • Tied to long term PD plan • Timing is key (changes & reallocations) • Keep July, Aug & Sept activities in the summer of the new grant 2014 -15 planning.
Mid-year status check (continued) • Supplanting – Textbooks, capital improvements, staffing – http: //video. orvsd. org/ode/04 -25 -13 -Perkins-CIP-Budget-Narrative-Guidance. mp 4 – http: //www. ode. state. or. us/search/page/? id=4011 • Preparing for annual report – Budget / accounting section - matching… a problem
Mid-year status check (continued) • 2013 -14 Annual Report Planned section is the initial approved Budget Narrative (Sept – Oct) Spent section is the ending total that your business office identifies as your official accounting record and should match your Online Budget Narrative (Nov 15)
Mid-year status check (continued) • 2013 -14 Annual Report Planned section is the initial approved Budget Narrative (Sept – Oct) Spent section is the ending total that your business office identifies as your official accounting record and should match your Online Budget
Oregon CTE Data 2012 -13 Postsecondary Perkins CTE Performance Indicators
Oregon Statewide Postsecondary Perkins CTE Performance Indicators Credential, Certificate, & Degree Completion 1 P 1 Technical Skill Assessment 1 P 2 Target 92. 75% Target 80. 00% Target 75. 00% Target 70. 00% Technical and Academic Skill Attainment Target Statewide Levels 2010 - Statewide Levels 2011 - Statewide Levels 2012 -
Oregon Statewide Postsecondary Perkins CTE Performance Indicators Credential, Certificate, & Degree Completion
Oregon Statewide Postsecondary Perkins CTE Performance Indicators Student Retention or Transfer
Oregon Statewide Postsecondary Perkins CTE Performance Indicators Student Placement
Oregon Statewide Postsecondary Perkins CTE Performance Indicators Nontraditional Participation & Completion
Oregon CTE Data 2012 -13 Secondary Perkins CTE Performance Indicators
Academic Indicators
Oregon Statewide Secondary Perkins CTE Performance Measurement 2 S 1 Technical Skill Attainment State Level 2011 -12 64. 9% State Level 2010 -11 58. 4% Target 50. 0% Target 60. 0% Target 70. 0% State Level 2012 -13 65. 4%
Oregon Statewide Secondary Perkins CTE Performance Indicators High School Completion and Graduation
Oregon Statewide Secondary Perkins CTE Performance Measurement Secondary Placement Target 59% Target 59. 5% State Level 2012 -13 55. 6% State Level 2011 -12 54. 8% Target 55. 0% State Level 2010 -11 10. 5%
Oregon Statewide Secondary Perkins CTE Performance Measurement Nontraditional Participation and Completion State Level 2010 -11 46. 2% 44. 8% State Level 2011 -12 45. 8% 44. 8% State Level 2012 -13 39. 9% 42. 9% Target 37. 5% 37. 0% 37% Target 21% 6 S 1 Secondary Nontraditional Participation Target 22. 0% Target 23. 0% 6 S 2 Secondary Nontraditional Completion
Oregon Statewide Secondary Perkins CTE Performance Indicators Subgroup Trends
The Oregon Perkins Improvement Plan In 2012 -13, Oregon failed to satisfactorily meet the 3 S 1 – High School Completion target. Oregon’s overall performance on this indicator was just above 83%. Following are the action plan activities that will be undertaken to improve Oregon’s performance on this indicator. § Evaluate performance and target data § Continue improving data collection and validation procedures § Require individual recipient action plan § Provide targeted assistance to school districts
Planning for 2014 -2015
2014 -15 Perkins Basic Grant Application • Minimal anticipated changes • April Webinar – April 24, 2014 from 2: 00 - 3: 30 p. m. • Now is the time to begin planning • Pull together partners
Consortium Changes for 2014 -2015 Perkins consortium membership and goals should be evaluated annually. In the event a school district or college would like to join or leave the consortium, the following steps should be taken before February 1 st to be included in the following fiscal years award: • Written documentation from the agency head of the joining/departing recipient to the agency head of the consortium wanting to join/leave. • An updated consortium agreement signed by all members. • A letter from the consortium agency head to Laura S. Roach, State Director of CTE for the state of Oregon, explaining the changes in the consortium.
Federal Updates
Federal Budget Update • Bipartisan Budget Act of 2013 (BBA) – Set spending levels – Reduces sequester cuts by 1/3 – Splits that reduction D/NDD – Non-Defense Discretionary $24 b increase • Appropriations Committee – 12 individual bills – Omnibus bill • $53 M increase for Perkins • OVAE OCTAE – Pass Congress – Presidential Signature
Perkins Reauthorization Investing in America’s Future: A Blueprint for Transforming Career and Technical Education • House Committee on Education and the Workforce – Two hearings
Q & A
Questions? The CTE brand logo, brand positioning theme and brand extensions are the property of NASDCTEc.