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Perkins Accountability
Perkins Accountability Policymakers, educators, business, and industry leaders are all focused upon strengthening the United States for competition in this new global economy. Career education must now provide people with the needed assistance and skills to realize the opportunities and meet the challenges of the international workplace.
Perkins Accountability Ø Academics and career and technical skills Ø Higher, more rigorous standards Ø High skill, high wage, or high demand occupations or further education
CTE Concentrator Ø A postsecondary/adult student who: (1) completes at least 12 academic or CTE credits within a single program area sequence that is comprised of 12 or more academic and technical credits and terminates in the award of an industry-recognized credential, a certificate, or a degree; or Ø (2) completes a short-term CTE program sequence of less than 12 credit units that terminates in an industry-recognized credential, a certificate, or a degree.
CTE Participant A postsecondary/adult student who has earned one (1) or more credits in any CTE program area.
Postsecondary Indicators Ø Ø Ø 1 P 1: Technical Skill Attainment 2 P 1: Credential, Certificate, or Diploma 3 P 1: Student Retention or Transfer 4 P 1: Student Placement 5 P 1: Nontraditional Participation 5 P 2: Nontraditional Completion
1 P 1: Technical Skill Attainment Number of CTE concentrators who passed technical skill assessments that are aligned with industry-recognized standards if available and appropriate, during the reporting year.
1 P 1: Technical Skill Attainment Going for the Gold Any external, third-party assessment that objectively measures student attainment of industry recognized skills, appropriate to the educational level of CTE concentrators.
Assessments Ø National/International credentialing or certification exams Ø State credentialing of licensing exams (e. g. Cosmetology) Ø State developed exam tied to industry standards Ø Industry-developed exam for occupations specialties (e. g. Certified Executive Chef) Ø Third party-exams measuring technical skills (NOCTI)
E-Mail Sent to John Haigh February 27, 2008 3: 51 P. M. In Michigan, we are able to get information at the gold level for certain programs but not others. We are proposing that we report on those for which we can currently get information. Our plan outlines how we will add to this each year. Is this okay?
E-Mail Sent From John Haigh February 28, 2008 8: 48 a. m. Yes
E-mail sent to Sharon Head 1/8/2008 8: 53 a. m. Should we report on all concentrators even though different measures may be used (e. g. bronze and gold combined)?
E-mail from Sharon Head 1/9/2008 8: 55 a. m. States should not report on the bronze and gold combined method. Currently, the focus is gold.
1 P 1: Technical Skill Attainment Ø States must maintain an ‘approved’ list Ø Any test that meets the third-party standard Ø Any test that assesses industry-standards Ø Colleges can use different tests Ø Valid and Reliable Ø Measuring students and not tests
1 P 1: Technical Skill Attainment Going for the Gold Ø College’s ability to get 3 rd party assessment results (based upon MODAC survey) Ø Number of awards conferred – greatest impact Ø Programs selected represent 37. 89% of awards conferred during 2006 -07
1 P 1: Technical Skill Attainment Going for the Gold Ø Proposed timeline distributed and discussed at MCCDEC Ø Builds upon each year by adding programs Ø Can still be modified http: //www. michigancc. net/resources/misc/
1 P 1: Technical Skill Attainment Security and Protective Services Ø Ø Ø 43. 0102 Corrections 43. 0103 Criminal Justice/Law Enforcement Administration 43. 0107 Criminal Justice/Police Science 43. 0202 Fire Services Administration 43. 0203 Fire Science/Firefighting
1 P 1: Technical Skill Attainment Health Related Ø 51. 0601 Dental Assisting/Assistant Ø 51. 0602 Dental Hygiene/Hygienist Ø Ø Ø 51. 0801 51. 0803 51. 0805 51. 0904 51. 0907 Medical/Clinical Assistant Occupational Therapist Assistant Pharmacy Technician/Assistant Emergency Medical Technology Medical Radiological Tech/Science
1 P 1: Technical Skill Attainment Health Related Ø Ø Ø Ø 51. 0908 51. 0909 51. 0911 51. 1004 51. 1008 51. 1601 51. 1613 51. 1614 Respiratory Care Therapy/Therapist Surgical Technology/Technologist Radiological Technology/Science Clinical/Medical Laboratory Technician Histological Technician NURSING (RN) NURSING (LPN) Nurse/Nursing Assistant/Aide
1 P 1: Technical Skill Attainment Business Management, Marketing and Related Support Services 52. 0901 Hospitality Administration/Management, General [HRA]
Assessment Timeline (Awards) N= 16, 175
Assessment Timeline (Number of Programs) N = 255
NSWG (Next Steps Work Group) State Career and Technical Education Directors and others who share an interest in the effective implementation of Perkins Accountability activities. Monthly conference calls are held for the group to discuss issues related to accountability and performance measurement
Priority for NSWG in 2008 Occupational Licensure David Stevens (University of Baltimore) was invited to present the major findings of his recently published report based upon input from a handful of states that have experience with procuring data on such licenses and on industry certifications.
The report concluded: Ø Such licenses generally meet the Perkins IV accountability criteria Ø High validity Ø Passable reliability (given geographic challenges especially reciprocity), Ø Typically high agreement with industry standards (in most, but not all cases) Ø Low quality of timely data availability
The report also concluded: Ø A national approach is not feasible; Ø Each state will need to find its best way of utilizing this approach; Ø There are reasons for increased credentialing importance that go beyond the technical skill proficiency indicator; and Ø He expects to see an increase in the number of occupations covered.
Technical Skill Taskforce [National Initiative] Ø In process is the development of a master plan for technical skill assessments. Ø A vision for a national assessment system comprising of a test item bank has been drafted by a small task force. Ø This will be reviewed by a group of state CTE directors and a survey of all states. Ø States and test developers will be convened in March/April and a feasibility and design report composed thereafter.
Validity and Reliability Checklist Taskforce [National] Ø To develop a checklist for use by OVAE staff when reviewing accountability portion of state plans. Ø This will enable them to relay better information to policy staff, who determines whether to accept the plan as is. Ø The members strongly recommended that a product be developed by the taskforce that states can use. Ø Checklist should be different for secondary and postsecondary
2 P 1: Credential, Certificate, or Diploma Number of CTE concentrators who received an industryrecognized credential, a certificate, or a degree and left postsecondary education during the reporting year.
2 P 1: Credential, Certificate, or Diploma A “leaver” is defined as a student who is no longer enrolled in any postsecondary institution. Students who are no longer enrolled at your institution should be counted as retained only if you can verify the student’s enrollment at any other postsecondary institution
2 P 1: Credential, Certificate, or Diploma Students who did not receive an award (i. e. , certificate or degree) from your college, but did receive an industry-recognized credential can be counted if data are available directly from the credentialing entity.
3 P 1: Student Retention or Transfer Percent of CTE concentrators who remained enrolled in their original postsecondary institution or transferred to another 2 - or 4 -year postsecondary institution but did not earn an industry-recognized credential, a certificate, or a degree in the previous reporting year.
4 P 1: Student Placement Number/Percent of CTE concentrators who were placed or retained in employment military service or apprenticeship programs in the 2 nd quarter following the program year in which they left postsecondary education
4 P 1: Student Placement Do not include award recipients or other CTE concentrators who are still enrolled at your institution, in another postsecondary institution as identified by a student tracking service, or in another postsecondary institution as indicated by survey responses. Do not include students identified as leavers who indicate via survey responses that they are not employed and are not seeking employment.
5 P 1: Nontraditional Participation Percent of CTE participants from underrepresented gender groups who participated (were enrolled) in a program that leads to employment in nontraditional fields during the reporting year.
5 P 2: Nontraditional Completion Number/Percent of CTE concentrators from underrepresented gender groups who completed a program that leads to employment in nontraditional fields during the reporting year.
Non-Traditional Programs Ø Listing put together by NAPE (National Alliance for Partnerships in Equity) Ø Will remain stable for the entire period of the legislation Ø www. michigancc. net/resources/def
High Wage, High Skill, High Demand Occupations This Perkins IV legislation encourages individual states to develop their own, precise definitions of these terms for program applications.
Occupational Supply Demand System Developed by a national consortium under a grant from the U. S. Dept. of Labor to Georgia State University's Georgia Career Information Center (GCIC) in collaboration with the Georgia Department of Labor. GCIC continues to host, update, and make refinements to the OSDS. http: //www. occsupplydemand. org 4 states have included information [Ohio, Georgia, Montana, Oregon]
Occupational Supply Demand System [National] Ø Combines national and state-level occupational characteristics, projections, wage trends, and industry employment (demand) with postsecondary graduation data (supply) for analysis of labor markets and training options. Ø OSDS helps business and industrial analysts, program planners, workforce administrators and others determine labor availability and training programs offerings based on the supply demand mix.
High Wage, High Skill, High Demand Occupations Ø Ø Driven by Occupations Crosswalk Between CIP Codes and SOC codes Some CIP Code programs train students for more than 1 occupation Complete Crosswalk can be found at www. michigancc. net/resources/def Hope to have the Program Inventory Updated
High Demand Occupations More than an average employment growth rate of 7. 7% (reported by Michigan Dept of Labor for all occupations, 2004 -2014), or above the median annual openings (67).
High Wage Occupations paying at or above the median hourly wage of $15. 86 or the mean annual wage of $41, 230 or more (Bureau of Labor Statistics, Occupational Employment and Wage Estimates, 2006).
High Skill Occupations Minimum educational requirement of postsecondary training or those occupations with long-term on-thejob training or related work experience as a minimum educational requirement, and postsecondary training or above as a competitive educational requirement. Many of these occupations may also be defined in terms of the Occupational Information Network (O*Net) System, as occupations which could require at least some college. (O*Net On. Line at http: //online. onetcenter. org/find/. )
Perkins IV Core Indicators Ø Data for 2007 -08 will be collected in the Fall (May have to modify due date for Placement) Ø It will be collected at the program level Ø Special Populations Ø Tech Prep
Locals Do Have Options Colleges can accept state levels or negotiate different targets with the State Part 4 of the Annual Application, Accountability, has been updated to allow colleges to either accept or reject the state proposed levels If rejects state levels, the college must provide the level it would like to aim for along with supporting data Targets are negotiated at 2 -year intervals
If a local fails to meet the adjusted level for a 24 month period: The state may withhold all or part of the local’s allocation. If a state withholds funds from a local program, it must use them to provide, through alternative arrangements, services and activities to students within the area served by the local program.
Work in Progress Ø Nothing is carved in stone Ø Anything can still be modified Ø Reliability and Validity will be an on-going issue throughout the legislation Ø It will take a few years to refine our core indicator data
Contact Information Rhonda Burke, Higher Education Consultant burker 1@michigan. gov 517 -335 -0402