MVK Periodic Table its Elementary I Building.pptx
- Количество слайдов: 29
Periodic Table: It’s Elementary! Mikhail V. Kurushkin, Ph. D April 8 -9, 2017, Sochi
Periodic Table: It’s Elementary! 2
Periodic Table: It’s Elementary! 3
Periodic Table: It’s Elementary! 4
Periodic Table: It’s Elementary! 5
Periodic Table: It’s Elementary! 8
Periodic Table: It’s Elementary! 9
Periodic Table: It’s Elementary! 10
Periodic Table: It’s Elementary! 11
Periodic Table: It’s Elementary! 12
Periodic Table: It’s Elementary! 13
Periodic Table: It’s Elementary! Charles Janet (1926) Left-step Periodic Table 14
Periodic Table: It’s Elementary! Alfred Werner (1905) 32 -column Periodic Table 15
Periodic Table: It’s Elementary! 16
Periodic Table: It’s Elementary! 17
Periodic Table: It’s Elementary! 92 U U Chemical Element vs. Elementary Substance 18
Periodic Table: It’s Elementary! 2 He 0 He ++ He Chemical Element: Species of Equicharged Atomic Nuclei 19
Periodic Table: It’s Elementary! Isotopes of Chemical Element: Chemical Element Representatives with different mass number 20
Periodic Table: It’s Elementary! 21
Periodic Table: It’s Elementary! Pie Chart 35· 0. 7576 + 37· 0. 2424 = 35. 453 [a. m. u] Isotopic Abundance 22
Periodic Table: It’s Elementary! 23
Periodic Table: It’s Elementary! 24
Periodic Table: It’s Elementary! Victor Goldschmidt Geochemical Classification 25
Periodic Table: It’s Elementary! 26
Periodic Table: It’s Elementary! 92 U U Chemical Element vs. Elementary Substance 27
Periodic Table: It’s Elementary! 28
Periodic Table: It’s Elementary! Mikhail V. Kurushkin, Ph. D 8 911 985 12 53 mkurushkin@spbstu. ru April 8 -9, 2017, Sochi
MVK Periodic Table its Elementary I Building.pptx