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Performance Tuning Adam Backman adam@dbappraise. com DBAppraise, LLC
Overview • Open. Edge Architecture • Open. Edge Performance tuning tips • Vicious Sales Pitch
What is performance tuning? Performance tuning is a process where application response times are recorded and modifications to the environment are made is a systematic manner in an effort to reduce the amount of time it takes to complete system tasks.
What is performance tuning? A process of moving the bottleneck to the fastest resource.
Application Performance The single largest component of performance tuning is application performance. A well written application will run well given the proper resources while a poorly written application will rarely run well despite resource allocation.
A few application hints • • Use indexes - not USE-INDEX Use NO-UNDO Use TEMP-TABLES not WORKFILES Use NO-LOCK Watch out for CAN-FIND Use FIELD-LIST (Client/Server) Go n-tier – Use Open. Edge App. Server
Hardware Resources • • Network (Slowest) Disk (Slow) Memory (Less slow) CPU (Not Slow) Once you have a real CPU bottleneck you are done tuning and have begun shopping
When to Tune Performance? • Installation or upgrade of hardware • Installation or upgrade of software • Material (5%+) change in workload – Number of users – Volume of data • Basically, It is an ongoing process
How Fast is Fast? Remember: Performance is relative so it is important to have a baseline A baseline is an end-to-end timing of a task(s) that can be as simple as wristwatch timings or as advanced as a full blown benchmark
Open. Edge Memory Architecture • • Shared memory Server-less Multi-server Multi-broker
Open. Edge Memory Architecture 11
Open. Edge Network Architecture • Primary broker • Splitting clients across servers • Secondary broker • Splitting clients across brokers
Open. Edge Architecture C/S Overview • The Open. Edge Server – A process that accesses the database for 1 or more remote clients 13
Network contention The network is the slowest resource for client/server applications so you want to eliminate contention for this resource before moving on to the other resources Get things off the network wherever possible
Message buffer size • Increase –Mm to at least 4096 (8192 likely better) • Must be changed on both client and server side • When increasing –Mm remember to move to large frames on the system side (MTU Size)
Networking tips • Keep things local – No temp files on network drives – Move the application “close” to the user Push reporting to the database engine Prefetch. Delay, priority, numrecs (10. 2 B) Use -cache to speed initial connection Use -pls if you are using program libraries over the network • Application issues are magnified over a network (fieldlists, no-lock, indexes, …) • •
Odd Network Issues • • • Bandwidth Speed (10 (yikes)/1000/Auto) Duplex (Always full) Sharing TCP/IP, Client, i. SCSI Latency (mainly a WAN Issue) Mixing hardware (Cisco and 3 com)
Open. Edge Storage Considerations • Database block size • Setting records per block • Type II Storage areas
Database Block Size • Generally, 8 k works best for Unix/Linux • 4 k works best for Windows • Remember to build filesystems with larger block sizes (match if possible) • There are exceptions so a little testing goes a long way but if in doubt use the above guidelines
Determining Records per Block • Determine “Mean” record size – Use proutil <dbname> -C dbanalys • Add 20 bytes for record and block overhead • Divide this product into your database block size • Choose the next HIGHER binary number – Must be between 1 and 256
Example: Records /Block Mean record size = 90 Add 20 bytes for overhead (90 + 20 = 110) Divide product into database blocksize 8192 ÷ 110 = 74. 47 Choose next higher binary number 128 Default records per block is 64 in version 9 and 10
Records per block Rec. /Block 256 128 64 Mean Record sizes 1 -43 44 - 107 108 - 235 32 16 8 4 2 1 236 - 491 492 - 1003 1004 - 2027 2028 - 4075 4046 - 8171 8172 +
Records Type I Storage Areas • Data blocks are social – They allow data from any table in the area to be stored within a single block – Index blocks only contain data for a single index • Data and index blocks can be tightly interleaved potentially causing scatter
Database Blocks
Type II Storage Areas • Data is clustered together • A cluster will only contain records from a single table • A cluster can contain 8, 64 or 512 blocks • This helps performance as data scatter is reduced • Disk arrays have a feature called read-ahead that really improves efficiency with type II areas.
Type II Clusters Customer Order Index
Storage Areas Compared Type II Data Block Index Block Data Block Index Block Data Block Data Block Index Block
Open. Edge Storage Cheat Sheet Records/Blocks/Cluster Min records 32 8 256 32 64 2048 32 512 16384 64 8 512 64 64 4096 64 512 32768 128 8 1024 128 64 8192 128 512 65536 256 8 2048 256 64 16384 256 512 131072
Disk contention In most environments disks are the largest area for improvement. All of the data flows from the disks to the other resources so this effects both local and networked users.
Causes of Disk I/O • Database – User requests (Usually 90% of total load) – Updates (This affects DB, BI and AI) • Temporary file I/O - Use as a disk utilization leveler • Operating system - usually minimal provided enough memory is installed • Other I/O
Disks • • This is where to spend your money Goal: Use all disks evenly Buy as many physical disks as possible RAID 5 is still bad in many cases, improvements have been made but test before you buy as there is a performance wall out there and it is closer with RAID 5
Disks – General Rules • Use RAID 10 (0+1) or Mirroring and Striping for best protection of data with optimal performance for the database • For the AI and BI RAID 10 still makes sense in most cases. Exception: Single database environments
RAID 5: Not as bad but still not good • Poor man’s mirroring - This is the kiss of death for OLTP performance • User information is striped • Parity information is striped WITH user information • OK for 100% read only applications • Poor performance for writes
RAID 10 vs. RAID 5 Cache Fill Rate fill. Time = cache. Size / (request. Rate – service. Rate) • 4 disks • RAID 10 vs RAID 5 • 4 KB db blocks • 4 GB RAM cache (1048576 blocks) Typical Production DB Example: 4 GB / ( 200 io/sec – 800 io/sec ) = cache doesn’t fill! Heavy Update Production DB Example: 4 GB / ( 1200 io/sec – 800 io/sec ) = 2621 sec. (≈ 44 min. ) (RAID 10) 4 GB / ( 1200 io/sec – 200 io/sec ) = 1049 sec. (≈ 17 min. ) (RAID 5) Maintenance Example: 4 GB / ( 5000 io/sec – 3200 io/sec ) = 583 sec. (≈ 10 min. ) (RAID 10) 4 GB / ( 5000 io/sec – 200 io/sec ) = 218 sec (≈ 4 min. ) (RAID 5)
Disk tips • • No RAID-5 (yes, still) Use type II storage areas Use 8 k block size Use the correct BI cluster size Use page writers Use private buffers (-Bp) Use -T to eliminate variance Use Secondary buffer pools (-B 2)
Disk Tips (continued) • Buy many small disks Two heads are better than one • Buy fast disks (SSDs are reality) Buy at least 10, 000 RMP • Buy fast controllers Fibre channel is better than SCSI
BI Cluster size • Somewhere between 1 MB and 4 MB works for most people • If you are checkpointing every 2 minutes or more often during peak periods increase the cluster size • If you a “workgroup” version of Progress leave your cluster size alone (512 kb)
Progress page writers • Every database that does updates should have a before image writer (BIW) • Every database that does updates should have at least 1 asynchronous page writer (APW) • Every database that is using after imaging should have a after image writer (AIW)
Tuning APWs • Start with 1 APW • Monitor buffers flushed at checkpoint on the activity screen (option 5) in promon • If buffers flushed increases during the “important” hours of the day add 1 APW
Secondary Buffer Pool -B 2 • Have their own LRU chain • Reduce or eliminate LRU by allocation a bit higher than storage need • Very good for high volume tables – Known size – Frequent reuse • Best if all of B 2 data can remain in memory to eliminate LRU chain scanning
Use -T to level disk I/O Local (host based) users and batch jobs should use the -T parameter to place their temporary file (. srt, . pge, . lbi, …) I/O on a drive that is not working as hard as the other drives on the system Note: -T should never point to a network drive
Memory contention Memory should be used to reduce disk I/O. Broker (server) side parameters should be tuned first and then user parameters can be modified. In a memory lean situation, memory should be taken away from individual users before reducing broker parameters.
Memory hints • Swapping and/or excessive paging is bad, buy more memory or reduce parameters to avoid it • Increase -B in large increments until the point of diminishing returns (Big. B Guestimator) • Use -B 2 for highly accessed portions of the data. This is generally small(ish) high access tables
Memory hints (continued) • Use memory for the users closest to the customer first (developers increase last) • Use -Bt for large temp tables • Set -bibufs and –aibufs to 120. You can look at promon summary screen to see if any additional tuning is required, it won’t for 99. 9999999%
CPU contention High CPU activity is not bad in and of itself but high “system” CPU activity is potentially bad and should be corrected.
Components of CPU activity • USER - This is what you paid for • SYSTEM - This is overhead • WAIT - This is waste • IDLE - This is nothing, kind of like management
CPU activity goals The goal is to have as much USER time as possible with as little SYSTEM and WAIT. A practical split is USER: 70% SYSTEM: 20% WAIT: 0% IDLE: 10%
Eliminate high SYSTEM CPU activity • Always use –spin – Use a setting of 1 for single CPU systems – Use a higher setting for multiple CPU systems • Testing has shown that the optimal setting for spin is somewhere between 2000 and 10000 for most
Eliminate High CPU • -semsets set to at least 1 per 100 users • -lruskips to change latching behavior (10 -50) • -napmax should default to 5000 but in some late 7 and early 8 versions of Progress it is set to 100 which is way too low
Eliminating high WAIT CPU activity • WAIT = Waiting on I/O • If you still have IDLE time it generally is not a big problem • Look at paging/swapping first • Next look at your disk I/O
Points to remember • Document where you are now before changing anything • Change 1 thing at a time so you know what made a difference • Move from the slowest to the fastest resource • Buying faster disks generally does more good than buying faster CPUs
Tuning is easy just follow the plan
Pro. Top • • • The free Open. Edge database monitor Real-time Light weight Focused Easy to track down problems Download at dbappraise. com
Character Interface
Graphical Interface
Graphical Interface
Simplifying the job of Managing and Monitoring the world’s best business applications.
DBAppraise: Proactive Monitoring for Open. Edge Environments PROMON, SAR, Windows Performance Monitor, VSTs. In a sea of data, how do you choose that to watch and what you can safely ignore? Once you know what to look at you will need to understand what things mean. At White Star Software and DBAppraise we are in the trenches every day and have to make sense of it all to allow our clients to be successful. We have experience with some of the largest and busiest Open. Edge environments and regardless of your environment we can show you how we work in the field and provide you with insight into your systems. 58
Benefits • Progress Open. Edge Specific Monitoring and Alerting. • Relevant alerts, alarms and trends. • Historical performance data. • Expert DBA resources available to you. • Continuity of experience. • Someone to call when things go wrong! 59
DBAppraise Benefits • Progress Open. Edge Specific Monitoring – Database monitoring • Database level • Table level • Index level – Operating System monitoring • CPU • Memory • Disk – Ability to correlate data
Monitor: Availability, Performance, Capacity and Readiness.
Manage: Planning, Trending, Capacity and Resource Optimization.
Experience: Every DBA on our team of world-class Progress Open. Edge database administration experts has more than 20 years experience with Progress. We never substitute inexperienced staff for the experts that you deserve.
Data and Insight • Leverages our 20+ years of experience and insight with: – Diagnosing capacity, performance and scalability issues. – A wide variety of customers in many different industries. – Many different database configurations – from very large to very small; from very active to lightly used.
Simple: • No local database to configure and manage. • Small footprint, light weight agents. • Configured and maintained by our experts. • “Push” alert technology. • Uncluttered web interface.
DBAppraise has Minimal Impact • Built using Progress native VSTs that introduce zero additional performance impact • Our monitoring agents are persistent, small footprint, self-service 4 GL clients. • Our queries are carefully written and have been proven over time to be very low impact. • We only query useful and relevant data. • DBAppraise queries are read-only – no data is ever updated.
DBAppraise Installation • DBAppraise is a self-contained source directory. • The only external dependency is $DLC. • We can run in runtime only environments • The monitoring agents launch from “cron” or scheduled tasks. • Data logs are automatically transferred via a simple e-mail.
Post Installation • Continuous monitoring via agents • Ability to view your system status (current and historical) via a web interface • Alerts come to our staff as well as yours • You choose who fixes the problem • Periodic reporting and analysis by our system and database experts
Savings: DBAppraise can eliminate the overhead, cost and time burden associated with recruiting, training and retaining full-time Progress Open. Edge database administrators.