Perfect Date
• Having a relationship with someone is important in all cultures, however the process of dating is different according to countries. Thus, culture affects the way people date, suggesting various kinds of dates from heavily supervised meetings to evenings spent at the movies.
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Dating Customs Around the World • Russians Dating
• Russians are very fond of dancing places, most dates taking place at dance parties, balls or at clubs where the young ones have meals and chat in groups. In small towns of Russia, teens get together in certain areas downtown, such as around fountains. A particular dating custom is set in Kiev, where women do not like to shake hands for they perceive it as a rather unfeminine gesture. This is strongly connected to the fact that women do not hold hands with men when being on a date, but instead they hold onto their arms.
Iranian dating
• In Iran, people are even stricter as dating is completely illegal. Teens spend their life separated until they reach the appropriate age set for marriage. Afterwards, their families make the introductions and on rare occasions, the event is followed by a period of courtship.
Korean dating
• Couple wear in the form of matching t-shirts, jackets, shoes, and head-to-toe matching outfits is the surest way to tell the world you’re in love. With the addition of some matching cell phone straps, shared headphones, and a little handholding, you’re well on your way to unending dating bliss. I • Parks and gardens are also popular sites for celebrating blossoming love in Korea!!!They do to shopping together, take funny selfies, ride a couple bicycle!!! I love this^^
My perfect date is Parachute dating
I want to spend my first date in the SKY!!! It will be unusual date!!! Because I have never jumped with parachute before. I want to feel amazing, unusual, adrenalin, wonderful senses with my boyfriend that I have never felt!!!
Then eat an icecream together!!!
• I want to spend my first date like that!!! I know that the date of my dream is less romantic than others girls. Generally, girls like romantic dinner with candles and rose -leaf, etc. But I prefer funny, unusual, cheery dates! But I don not say that romantic dinner is not perfect) In the end, I feel like saying that the basic and important thing between girls and boys is love!!! That’s all) I hope you enjoy it^^
Thanks for your attention!!!