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Perencanaan Organisasi Publik 1
TAHAP PERENCANAAN STRATEGI Tahap 1: Masukan 1. 2. 3. 4. Evaluasi Visi-Misi Analisis Faktor Eksternal Analisis Faktor Internal Analisis Profil Kompetitif Tahap 2: Pencocokan 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Matriks TOWS Matriks SPACE Matriks BCG/Posisi Pasar Rel. Matriks I/E Matriks Grand Strategy Tahap 3: Keputusan 1. Matriks QSPM 2. Teknik PHA 3. Skenario 2
T 1. 1: Evaluasi Visi-Misi Karakteristik Visi Yang Baik Menjawab: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Keberhasilan yang akan dicapai. Hal yang paling menjadi fokus. Masa depan yang diinginkan. Menyerasikan organisasi & waktu. Bersifat ambisius. Karakteristik Misi Yang Efektif: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Pelanggan. Produk. Pasar. Teknologi. Perhatian pada sustainability, growth & profitability Falsafah. Konsep diri. Perhatian pada citra publik. Perhatian pada karyawan 3
T 1. 2: Analisis Faktor Eksternal Lingkungan Jauh/Umum Lingkungan Industri Lingkungan Dekat/Operasional Organisasi 4
Lingkungan Jauh/Umum • Ideologi • Ekonomi • Politik/Hukum • Sosial Budaya • Demografi • Teknologi • Global 5
Economic Factors • • • Prime interest rates Inflation rates Trends in the growth of the gross national product Unemployment rates Globalization of the economy Outsourcing 6
Social Factors Present in the external environment: q Beliefs & Values q Attitudes & Opinions q Lifestyles Developed from: q Cultural conditioning q Ecological conditioning q Demographic makeup q Religion q Education q Ethnic conditioning. 7
Political Factors Political constraints on firms: • Fair-trade Decisions • Antitrust Laws • Tax Programs • Minimum Wage Legislation • Pollution and Pricing Policies • Administrative jawboning 8
Technological Factors n n n Technological forecasting helps protect and improve the profitability of firms in growing industries. It alerts strategic managers to impending challenges and promising opportunities. The key to beneficial forecasting of technological advancement lies in accurately predicting future technological capabilities and their probable impacts. 9
Ecological Factors n n n Ecology refers to the relationships among human beings and other living things and the air, soil, and water that supports them. Threats to our life-supporting ecology caused principally by human activities in an industrial society are commonly referred to as pollution Loss of habitat and biodiversity Environmental legislation Eco-efficiency 10
International Environment n n Monitoring the international environment involves assessing each non-domestic market on the same factors that are used in a domestic assessment. While the importance of factors will differ, the same set of considerations can be used for each country. Economic, political, legal, and social factors are used to assess international environments. One complication to this process is that the interplay among international markets must be considered. 11
Lingkungan Industri Porter’s 5 Forces 12
Industry Environment n Industry Defined q A group of firms producing products that are close substitutes n Firms that influence one another n Includes a rich mix of competitive strategies that companies use in pursuing strategic competitiveness and above-average returns 13
The Five Forces of Competition Model 15
Threat of New Entrants: Barriers to Entry n n n n Economies of scale Product differentiation Capital requirements Switching costs Access to distribution channels Cost disadvantages independent of scale Government policy Expected retaliation 16
Barriers to Entry n Economies of Scale q n Marginal improvements in efficiency that a firm experiences as it incrementally increases its size Advantages and disadvantages of large-scale and small-scale entry 17
Barriers to Entry (cont’d) n Product differentiation n Capital Requirements q Unique products q Physical facilities q Customer loyalty q Inventories q Marketing activities q Availability of capital q Products at competitive prices 18
Barriers to Entry (cont’d) n Switching Costs q One-time costs customers incur when they buy from a different supplier q New equipment q Retraining employees q Psychic costs of ending a relationship 19
Barriers to Entry (cont’d) n Access to Distribution Channels q q Price breaks q n Stocking or shelf space Cooperative advertising allowances Cost Disadvantages Independent of Scale q Proprietary product technology q Favorable access to raw materials q Desirable locations 20
Barriers to Entry (cont’d) n Cost disadvantages independent of scale q q Favorable access to raw materials q n Proprietary product technology Desirable locations Government policy q Licensing and permit requirements q Deregulation of industries 21
Barriers to Entry (cont’d) n Expected retaliation q Responses by existing competitors may depend on a firm’s present stake in the industry (available business options) 22
Bargaining Power of Suppliers n Supplier power increases when: q Suppliers are large and few in number q Suitable substitute products are not available q Individual buyers are not large customers of suppliers and there are many of them q Suppliers’ goods are critical to buyers’ marketplace success q Suppliers’ products create high switching costs. q Suppliers pose a threat to integrate forward into buyers’ industry 23
Bargaining Power of Buyers n Buyer power increase when: q q q Buyers are large and few in number Buyers purchase a large portion of an industry’s total output Buyers’ purchases are a significant portion of a supplier’s annual revenues Buyers can switch to another product without incurring high switching costs Buyers pose threat to integrate backward into the sellers’ industry 24
Threat of Substitute Products n The threat of substitute products increases when: q q q n Buyers face few switching costs The substitute product’s price is lower Substitute product’s quality and performance are equal to or greater than the existing product Differentiated industry products that are valued by customers reduce this threat 25
Intensity of Rivalry Among Competitors n Industry rivalry increases when: q There are numerous or equally balanced competitors q Industry growth slows or declines q There are high fixed costs or high storage costs q q q There is a lack of differentiation opportunities or low switching costs When the strategic stakes are high When high exit barriers prevent competitors from leaving the industry 26
Interpreting Industry Analyses Low entry barriers Suppliers and buyers have strong positions Strong threats from substitute products Intense rivalry among competitors Unattractive Industry Low profit potential 27
Interpreting Industry Analyses High entry barriers Suppliers and buyers have weak positions Few threats from substitute products Moderate rivalry among competitors Attractive Industry High profit potential 28
Competitor Analysis Components 29
Lingkungan Dekat/Operasional (Operating Env. ) Operating Environment n n n Also called competitive or task environment Includes competitor positions and customer profiling based on the following factors: q Geographic q Demographic q Psychographic q Buyer Behavior Also includes suppliers & creditors and HRM 30
Analisis Faktor Lingkungan Eksternal LANGKAH (No Urut Langkah = Kolom): 1. Identifikasi faktor eksternal kunci. Bedakan aspek Peluang dan Ancaman. 2. Berikan bobot untuk setiap faktor (total maks. 1) 3. Berikan peringkat untuk setiap faktor dengan skala 4 s. d 1 (4=sangat besar; 3=di atas rata-rata; 2=rata-rata; 1=kecil). 4. Kalikan bobot (kolom 2) dengan peringkat (kolom 3). Jumlahkan hasil keseluruhannya. Lihat Contoh dalam Halaman 3. 32 (Nugraha, 2009) 31
T 1. 3: Analisis Faktor Internal Model Analisis Faktor Lingkungan Internal: 1. Value Creation Model 2. Value Chain Model 32
Sumber Daya Kemampuan Kompetensi Inti Keunggulan Bersaing Daya Saing 33
WINNING STRATEGIES THROUGH VALUE CREATION Competitive Strategy Competitive Advantage Distinctive Competencies Generic Strategy Organizational Capabilities Competitive Position Resource Available: Tangibles, Intangibles, HR Market Attractiveness Resource Based Strategy Market Based Strategy 34
Core Activities Entrepreneurship Business domain. Strategic direction. Product(s) Primary Activities Inbound Marketing Operations Outbound Service Logistics & Logistics Sales Margin Procurement Human Resource Management Support Activities Management Information System R&D Managerial Infrastructure Activities Base Margin Managerial Resources Technology System/Techno-economic Paradigm 35
Analisis Faktor Lingkungan Internal LANGKAH (No Urut Langkah = Kolom): 1. Identifikasi faktor eksternal kunci. Bedakan aspek Kekuatan dan Kelemahan. 2. Berikan bobot untuk setiap faktor (total maks. 1) 3. Berikan peringkat untuk setiap faktor dengan skala 5 s. d 1 (5=sangat baik; 4=baik; 3=rata-rata; 2=di bawah rata-rata; 1=sangat buruk). 4. Kalikan bobot (kolom 2) dengan peringkat (kolom 3). Jumlahkan hasil keseluruhannya. Lihat Contoh dalam Halaman 4. 28 (Nugraha, 2009) 36
T 1. 4: Analisis Profil Kompetitif digunakan untuk mengetahui posisi relatif organisasi dibandingkan dengan organisasi pesaing. Analisis ini memberikan informasi bagi organisasi mengenai seberapa besar kekuatan pesaing. 37
Analisis Profil Kompetitif LANGKAH (No Urut Langkah = Kolom): 1. Identifikasi faktor-faktor kunci persaingan untuk dibandingkan dengan pesaing. 2. Berikan bobot untuk setiap faktor (total maks. 1) 3. Berikan peringkat untuk setiap faktor dengan skala 1 s. d 4 1=jika organisasi kondisinya sangat lemah dibandingkan dengan pesaing; 2=jika organisasi kondisinya sedikit lebih lemah dibandingkan dengan pesaing 3=jika organisasi kondisinya sedikit lebih kuat dibandingkan dengan pesaing; 4=jika organisasi kondisinya sangat kuat dibandingkan dengan pesaing. 4. Kalikan bobot (kolom 2) dengan peringkat (kolom 3). Jumlahkan hasil keseluruhannya. 38
Contoh Analisis Profil Persaingan FAKTOR STRATEGIS ORGANISASI KITA PESAING 1 PESAING 2 BOBOT RATING SKOR Pangsa Pasar 0, 20 3 0, 60 2 0, 40 Daya Saing Hrg 0. 20 1 0, 20 4 0, 80 1 0, 20 Mutu Produk 0, 40 2 0, 80 1 0, 40 4 1, 6 Loyalitas Pelanggan 0, 10 4 0, 40 3 0, 30 Posisi Keuangan 0, 10 3 0, 30 2 0, 20 3 0, 30 Total 1 2, 3 2, 2 2, 8 39
Strategi Alternatif: 1. Integrasi ke Depan 2. Integrasi ke Belakang 3. Integrasi Horizontal 4. Penetrasi Pasar 5. Pengembangan Pasar 6. Pengembangan Produk 7. Diversifikasi Konsentrik 8. Diversifikasi Konglomerat 9. Diversifikasi Horizontal 10. Rasionalisasi Biaya 11. Divestasi 12. Likudasi Strategi Integrasi Strategi Intensif Strategi Diversifikasi Strategi Defensif 40
STRATEGI DEFINISI CONTOH Integrasi ke Depan Memiliki/meningkatkan kendali atas distributor/pengecer Coca cola (produksi → gerai) Integrasi ke Belakang Memiliki/meningkatkan kendali atas pemasok Martha T (produksi ← petani) Kecaap Bangu (idem) Integrasi Horizontal Memiliki/meningkatkan kendali atas pesaing Bogasari (pasar terigu & turunannya) Penetrasi Pasar Mencari pangsa lebih besar utk produk yg sdh ada melalui pemasaran yg gencar Rokok putih (A-Mild) Pariwisata Malysia (Truly Asia) Pengembangan Pasar Memperkenalkan produk yg sdh ada ke wilayah geografis baru UT (Indonesia – Manca Negara) Meningkatkan penjualan dgn memperbaiki produk yg ada atau membuat baru Telkom (Mbah Surip, lagu Tak Gendong) Nokia (HP → Notebook) Klinik Penerbangan Indonesia Pengembangn Produk 41
STRATEGI DEFINISI CONTOH Diversifikasi Konsentrik Menambah produk baru tapi masih terkait Hotel (full day & hourly) Diversifikasi Konglomerat Menambah produk baru, tidak terkait dan untuk pelanggan baru Rumah Sakit, Real Estate Diversifikasi Horizontal Menambah produk baru, tidak terkait dan untuk pelanggan yang sudah ada Superindo (mart) Rasionalisasi Biaya Meresturkturisasi dg cara mengurangi biaya & aset Goro Divestasi Menjual suatu divisi atau bagian dari suatu organisasi Tyco Int’l menjual divisi plastik Likuidasi Menjual semua aset organisasi Bank 2 Krismon 42
Strategi Generik 1. Cost Leadership Menekankan pd pembuatan produk standar dengan biaya per unit rendah untuk konsumen yang peka terhadap perubahan harga. 2. Differentiation Bertujuan untuk membuat produk & menyediakan jasa yang dianggap unik di seluruh industri & ditujukan kpd konsumen yang relatif tidak terlalu peduli pada perubahan harga. 3. Focus Membuat produk & jasa yang memenuhi keperluan sejumlah kelompok kecil konsumen. 43
Persyaratan untuk Strategi Bersaing Generik STRATEGI GENERIK KETRAMPILAN & SUMBER DAYA YG DISYARATKAN PERSYARATAN UMUM ORGANISASIONAL Cost Leadership Investasi Modal Bertahan & Akses pada Modal Ketrampilan Teknik Proses Pengawasan Insentif Tenaker Produk Yg Dirancang utk Kemudahan Pembuatan Sistem Distribusi Rendah Pengendalian Biaya Ketat Laporan Pengawasan Sering & Rinci Tanggungjawab Organisasi Terstruktur Insentif pada Pemenuhan Target Diferensiasi Kemampuan Pemasaran Kuat Keahlian Teknik Produk Kemampuan Kuat R&D Kerja sama Kuat dg Saluran Distribusi Koordinasi Kuat antar Fungsi Pengukuran Subyektif & Insentif daripada Ukuran Kuantitatif Fasilitas Menarik Tenaker Fokus Kombinasi Diferensiasi dg Target Strategis Tertentu 44
T 2. 1: Matriks TOWS KEKUATAN (S) 1…. 2…. 10… KELEMAHAN (W) 1…. 2…. 10… PELUANG (O) 1…. 2…. 10… STRATEGI SO Gunakan kekuatan untuk memanfaatkan peluang STRATEGI WO Atasi kelemahan dengan memanfaatkan peluang ANCAMAN (T) 1…. 2…. 10… STRATEGI ST Gunakan kekuatan untuk menghindari ancaman STRATEGI WT Minimalkan kelemahan dgn menghindari ancaman 45
T 2. 2: Matriks SPACE (Strategic Position & Action Evaluation) FS CA -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 1 -1 2 3 4 5 6 IS ES 46
Dimensi FS = Financial Strength CA = Competitive Advantage ES = Environtmental Strength IS = Industry Strenght Kriteria Penilaian untuk Setiap Faktor dalam setiap Dimensi: Dimensi 1 = Terburuk; 6 = Terbaik -1 = Terbaik; -6 = Terburuk Rumus: Koordinat Sumbu X= ES + IS Sumbu Y= CA + FS 47
T 2. 2: Matriks SPACE (Strategic Position & Action Evaluation) FS Konservatif Agresif • Strategi Intensif • Strategi Integrasi • Strategi Diversifikasi • Penetrasi Pasar • Pengembangan Produk • Diversifikasi Produk CA -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 1 -1 Defensif 2 3 4 5 6 IS Bersaing • Strategi Integrasi • Intensif • Rasionalisasi • Divestasi • Likuidasi ES 48
T 2. 3: Matriks BCG Market Share High 20 Industry High Sales Growth 0 Rate Low -20 Low 0, 5 1, 0 0, 0 STAR ? CASH COW DOGS Strategi Divisi ? = Strategi Intensif STAR = Semua Strategi, kec. Defensif CASH COW = Diversifikasi Konsentrik DOGS = Strategi Defensif 49
T 2. 4: Matriks I/E Tumbuh & Membangun 4 Tinggi NILAI EFE NILAI IFE Kuat 3 Sedang 2 Lemah I II IV V VI VIII 1 IX 3 Sedang 2 Rendah 1 Pertahankan & Pelihara Panen atau Divestasi 50
T 2. 5: Matriks Grand Strategy PERTUMBUHAN PASAR CEPAT Kuadaran II: @ Strategi Insentif + Integrasi Horizontal + Divestasi + Likuidasi Kuadaran I: @ Strategi Insentif @ Strategi Integrasi + Diversifikasi Konsentris POSISI BERSAING KUAT POSISI BERSAING LEMAH Kuadaran III: @ Strategi Diversifikasi + Rasionalisasi + Divestasi + Likuidasi Kuadaran IV: @ Strategi Diversifikasi + Usaha Patungan PERTUMBUHAN PASAR LAMBAT 51
T 3. 1: Matriks QSPM (Quantitative Strategic Planning Matrix) FAKTOR 2 KUNCI BOBOT Strategi 1 AS Strategi 2 TAS AS TAS Peluang: 1… 2… 5… Ancaman: 1… 2… 3… Kekuatan: 1… 2… 3… Kelemahan: 1… 2… 3… Total 1 AS = Nilai Daya Tarik; TAS = Total Nilai Daya Tarik 52 1 = Tidak Menarik; 2 = Agak Menarik; 3 = Wajar Menarik; 4 = Sangat Menarik
Penerapan AHP sbg Alat Manajemen Strategik Open University plans to develop organization strategy. Few factors are believed will affect the organization strategy, namely: 1) Purchasing power for post graduate declines. 2) Skilled labors are more needed. 3) The best of brand name & campus location. 4) High competition in D 3 program Which strategy should be choose among these alternative, namely: 1) Cost Leadership 2) Focus 3) Differentiation 53
Hierarchy UT STRATEGY DEVELOPMENT FOCUS: Purchasing Power Skilled Labors Brand Name & Location High Competition 0. 29 CRITERIA: 0. 55 0. 10 0. 06 Cost Lead. ALTERNATIVES: Focus Differentiation 0. 43 0. 33 0. 24 54
T 3. 3: Skenario "Scenario planning is a discipline for rediscovering the original entrepreneurial power of creative foresight in contexts of accelerated change, greater complexity, and genuine uncertainty" Pierre Wack, Royal Dutch/Shell, 1984 55
Contoh Kegagalan Permalan “The phonograph … is not of any commercial value” ~ Thomas Alva Edison, 1880. “Havier-than-air flying machines are impossible” ~ Lord Kevlin, mathematician, physicist, 1895. “Who the hell wants to hear actors talk? ” ~ Harry Warner, Warner Bros, 1927. “A severe depresssion like that of 1920 -1921 is outside the range of probability” ~ The Harvard Economic Society, 1929. “I think there is a world warket for about five computers” ~ Thomas Watson, chairman of IBM, 1943. “There is no reason for any individual to have a computer in their home” ~ Ken Olson, president of Digital Equip. Corp. , 1977. (Maani, 2000) 56
Need of Scenario: Trajectory of Future Condition 57
Identifikasi isu pokok / kebijakan Key forces dalam lingkungan lokal Driving forces Menilai urutan dari asepk pentingnya dan ketidakpastian Menetapkan logika skenario Mengkaji skenario terpilih Implikasi strategi Memilih indikator utama Masukan bagi skebario dari konsultan Menyetujui rencana implementasi Publikasi skenario 58