Скачать презентацию PEPFAR Applied Learning Summit PALS DHIS 2 Use Скачать презентацию PEPFAR Applied Learning Summit PALS DHIS 2 Use


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PEPFAR Applied Learning Summit (PALS) DHIS 2 Use in Kenya – HIV programme & PEPFAR Applied Learning Summit (PALS) DHIS 2 Use in Kenya – HIV programme & Broader Health System 12 September, 2017 Kopanong Hotel & Conference Centre, Johannesburg, SA Nancy Amayo Health Information System, Ministry of Health, Kenya

Outline • Introduction • Evolution of health data systems in Kenya • DHIS 2: Outline • Introduction • Evolution of health data systems in Kenya • DHIS 2: • HIV programme • Broader health systems • Lessons learnt & innovations • Challenges in use of DHIS 2 • Summary

Introduction • Huge investment has been made in availing strategic health information • The Introduction • Huge investment has been made in availing strategic health information • The Health information System has evolved over time • Paper based system in the 80 and 90 s • Paper forms transported by Road to the HQ • Transmission of data forms through the post office • Facility and District Level Microsoft Excel data files transmitted through File transfer Protocol (FTP) early 2000 • DHIS 2 in 2009/10 • Facility Level Data • Kenya’s HIS is flexible and responsive to the country’s information needs

Evolution of Strategic Health Information in Kenya 1980 s and 1990 s Paper base Evolution of Strategic Health Information in Kenya 1980 s and 1990 s Paper base em: d syst s: cel File soft Ex Micro y rted b ranspo rms t aper fo P the HQ ata forms oad to R n of d smissio office -Tran h post throug - Early to Late 2000 s Level District and Facility a files cel dat ile transfer oft Ex gh F Micros d throu itte transm (FTP) ol Protoc - 2009/2012 S 2) IS(DHI rams ted H g Integra ed Hea 2013 -2017 lth Pro cs i at nalyt -Integr s and A ge (EMRoard IS 2) -Dashb data exchan HIS(DH red at ased cal Web-B Level data ente Modems -Verti ) ange M DHIS 2 al Data Exch Facility vel using GS nt SAe n and -Horizo DHIS 2; KEM istrict L regatio D gg RISHFLe site A IS 2; i. H (KM -Abov DB- DH oards IS 2; VL HIS 2 - DSL DH Dashb and D DHIS 2 TIM? ? sk IS 2 - DA IS Service De DH ated H -Integr

The Kenya HIS: https: //hiskenya. org (DHIS 2) • HIS Kenya (DHIS 2) is The Kenya HIS: https: //hiskenya. org (DHIS 2) • HIS Kenya (DHIS 2) is the: • platform for information management on biomedical interventions for all stakeholders in Kenya • primary source of HIV program data available to Go. K • Comprehensive summary forms (MOH 731, MOH 711) • One M&E System – Bio-medical; Service Delivery, Surveys and MIS

FACILITY/Community Health Units Current Data Flow Patient Encounter Forms/Cards Data Transcription DHIS 2 Kenya FACILITY/Community Health Units Current Data Flow Patient Encounter Forms/Cards Data Transcription DHIS 2 Kenya 30% Direct Data Entry -facility level or -automated indicator reporting from EMRs Data Entry Registers Collation Summary Forms 70% Transportation of summary forms for upload at sub-county level Sub County

DHIS 2 in the HIV programme: A synopsis… 7 DHIS 2 in the HIV programme: A synopsis… 7

HIV Programme • Kenya has the 4 th largest HIV epidemic globally Source: Kenya HIV Programme • Kenya has the 4 th largest HIV epidemic globally Source: Kenya HIV Estimates, 2015

Data Review PMTCT Cascade EMTCT Stock taking meeting Skilled delivery among HIV+ pregnant women Data Review PMTCT Cascade EMTCT Stock taking meeting Skilled delivery among HIV+ pregnant women Infant prophylaxis issued Maternal prophylaxis issued Identified positive pregnant women 0 Mothers Reached 50000 100000 Missed Opportunities Unreached mothers **PMTCT Cascade - 2014

Monitoring - ACT DASHBOARD (90 -90 -90 Cascade) - 1 Monitoring - ACT DASHBOARD (90 -90 -90 Cascade) - 1

Monitoring - ACT DASHBOARD (90 -90 -90 Cascade) - 2 Monitoring - ACT DASHBOARD (90 -90 -90 Cascade) - 2

Continuous data quality reviews/assessments …. the how…. • Routine review of the data • Continuous data quality reviews/assessments …. the how…. • Routine review of the data • Reporting • Inconsistencies – sub-analyses • Data analysis Source: NASCOP National DQA Report, 2016

Broader Health Sector use of DHIS 2 • Maternal, Neonatal, Child and Adolescent Health– Broader Health Sector use of DHIS 2 • Maternal, Neonatal, Child and Adolescent Health– DHIS 2 data used to inform maternal outcomes through RMNCAH Scorecard • Weekly Epidemic Reporting and Case based surveillance • Results Based Financing (RBF) – using DHIS 2 data to inform allocation of funds to health facilities • Intergrating DHIS 2 with other Health Information Systems such as TIBU, CAPR, LMIS etc

Use of DHIS 2: Lessons learnt 14 Use of DHIS 2: Lessons learnt 14

Increased data use • Visualization of data increases usage and in return data quality Increased data use • Visualization of data increases usage and in return data quality improved: • ACT dashboard • HIV Situation Room (Data from DHIS 2 forms part of the data sources utilized) Launch of the HIV Situation Room

Improved service and data quality MATERNAL HIV CASCADE ( January – August 2016) Skilled Improved service and data quality MATERNAL HIV CASCADE ( January – August 2016) Skilled delivery 19, 962 24, 492 8, 529 Infant Prophylaxis 42, 056 2, 398 8, 529 Maternal Prophylaxis 41, 936 2, 518 8, 529 Identified HIV+ Pregnant 44, 454 In Need of PMTCT 8, 529 52, 983 0 10, 000 Achievement 20, 000 30, 000 Missed Opportunities 40, 000 50, 000 Unreached Source: DHIS 2 60, 000

Improved monitoring - Improved Indicators Maternal ART coverage versus 6 weeks and 18 month Improved monitoring - Improved Indicators Maternal ART coverage versus 6 weeks and 18 month MTCT rate 2012 -2015

Increased data use - Improved M&E System (1) • Improvement of tools o Age Increased data use - Improved M&E System (1) • Improvement of tools o Age disaggregation o Cascade data elements included o New data elements such as linkage to care added Revised HIV M&E Tools (2016)

Improved M&E System (2) Revised HIV M&E Tools Improved M&E System (2) Revised HIV M&E Tools

Use of DHIS 2: Challenges 20 Use of DHIS 2: Challenges 20

Key challenges • Data and System Governance • Modalities of access rights needs to Key challenges • Data and System Governance • Modalities of access rights needs to be made much more efficient • Provision of API link during development of the various dashboards is easier said than done • Underutilization of the other applications available such as GIS • DHIS 2 vs. Case based surveillance – how should this be envisioned given that it is primarily an aggregate reporting system?

Summary …. We don't collect data simply for the sake of collecting data. It Summary …. We don't collect data simply for the sake of collecting data. It is a means to an end…. . • Better Client/Patient Management • Improved data quality for use: • Planning • Review of guidelines and tools • Policy making • High level commitment required at all levels

Acknowledgements • NASCOP – Ministry of Health • Div M&E, Health Informatics - Mo. Acknowledgements • NASCOP – Ministry of Health • Div M&E, Health Informatics - Mo. H • County Governments Mo. H • NACC – SI Multiagency Task team • Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC – Kenya) • USAID – KEA

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