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PEOPLE Specific Programme: The Marie Curie Actions in FP 7 General Information and Participation PEOPLE Specific Programme: The Marie Curie Actions in FP 7 General Information and Participation Tips Elizabeth Kokozila, Centre for Research and Technology Hellas Mobility-NCP Northern Greece Sofia, 31 October 2008

FP 7 – Specific Programmes Cooperation – Collaborative research Ideas – Frontier Research People FP 7 – Specific Programmes Cooperation – Collaborative research Ideas – Frontier Research People – Human Potential Capacities – Research Capacity + Joint Research Centre EURATOM (nuclear research)

The policy context: Human Resources in R&D Mobility of researchers across the 33 countries The policy context: Human Resources in R&D Mobility of researchers across the 33 countries associated to the FP is a condition to make the European Research Area (ERA) functioning Europe needs to build excellent research careers and link them to EU research initiatives Ø From the traditional concept of “brain drain” versus “brain gain” to the acknowledgement of the fact that excellent science careers are international - “brain circulation or “brain exchange” Ø From a “Mobility” programme to an active “career development” programme acquiring additional qualifications and targeted trainings through transnational mobility

FP 7 overview (2007 -2013) FP 7 is EU’s main instrument for funding research FP 7 overview (2007 -2013) FP 7 is EU’s main instrument for funding research FP 7 breakdown (€ million) Cooperation : Ideas : M€ 32 413 M€ 7510 Collaborative research Total EC budget : Frontier Research M€ 50 5210 ERC 10 thematic areas Marie Curie Actions Research Capacity People : M€ 4750 JRC : M€ 1751 Capacities : M€ 4097 Euratom : M€ 2751 Nuclear research

PEOPLE Programme A dedicated programme for structuring training, mobility and career development Objectives: Strengthening PEOPLE Programme A dedicated programme for structuring training, mobility and career development Objectives: Strengthening the human potential in R&D in Europe Stimulate people to enter into the profession of researcher Encouraging researchers to stay in Europe Attracting researchers from around the world Addressed to researchers at all stages of their careers

Marie Curie Actions: FP 7 vs FP 6 FP 7: € 4 750 million Marie Curie Actions: FP 7 vs FP 6 FP 7: € 4 750 million over 7 years (50 % average increase compared to FP 6) FP 6 human resources and mobility: € 1580 million over 5 years Continuity of FP 6 with focus on structuring impact increased private sector participation Strengthened international dimension Balanced gender objective

FP 7 vs. FP 6: Main points of difference FP 7 vs. FP 6: Main points of difference

PEOPLE Programme Main characteristics: Open to all domains of research (bottom-up approach) Application through PEOPLE Programme Main characteristics: Open to all domains of research (bottom-up approach) Application through calls for proposals Selection criteria: Ø S&T quality Ø Quality of participants / (Training) Ø Impact Ø Implementation Trans-national and intersectorial (IAPP) mobility Budget covers mainly salaries of researchers

Marie Curie Actions Five Schemes Initial training of researchers Life-long training and career development Marie Curie Actions Five Schemes Initial training of researchers Life-long training and career development Industry-academia pathways and partnerships World Fellowships (former International dimension) Specific actions

Marie Curie Actions in FP 7: Participants from which countries ? 4 categories of Marie Curie Actions in FP 7: Participants from which countries ? 4 categories of countries: EU Member States (MS) Associated Countries (AC): Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, Croatia, Serbia, Turkey, FYROM, Switzerland, Israel International Cooperation Partner Countries (ICPC) based on three categories according to income per capita (low-income –Angola, lower-middle-income – China -, or upper-middleincome - Russia). Other (non-AC, non-ICPC) Third Countries (OTC)

Marie Curie Actions in FP 7: Applicants Individual Industry/Research researchers Institutions Senior Post-docs Profile Marie Curie Actions in FP 7: Applicants Individual Industry/Research researchers Institutions Senior Post-docs Profile of researchers Senior Post-docs …> 10 years IEF IOF IIF Post-docs …< 4 -10 years ERG IRG Visiting Scientists ITN COFUND ITN IAPP Post-graduates …< 4 years Research funding bodies IRSES Secondment of any kind of researcher IAPP Optional recruitment of ERs IRSES

The Greek Participation in PEOPLE Programme (1 st call) Scheme Greek Participation Success rate The Greek Participation in PEOPLE Programme (1 st call) Scheme Greek Participation Success rate in EU level ERG 5, 22% 3, 50% IRG 10, 44% 8, 23% ITN Α' Stage 22, 98% 3, 65% ITN B' Stage 17, 01% 5, 15% IAPP 21, 36% 9, 71% NCP 100, 00% 70, 00% 20, 00% NIGHT 5, 86% 4, 03% IIF 2, 13% 0, 18% IOF 4, 22% 0, 60% IEF 2, 21% 0, 06% ERAMORE

Participation Tips Evaluation Criteria Scientific and technological excellence: interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary aspects of the Participation Tips Evaluation Criteria Scientific and technological excellence: interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary aspects of the proposal, research methodology, timeliness, originality and innovative nature, host scientific expertise, quality of the members of the group Quality of training provided: complementary skills offered, clarity and quality of the research training objectives, host expertise in training Researcher: experience, research results, independent thinking and leadership qualities, reaching a position of professional maturity, acquisition of new knowledge, match between the fellow’s profile and the project Potential impact: career development/ professional integration, benefit of the mobility to the ERA, contribution to European competitiveness and excellence, creation of long-term collaborations, transfer of knowledge, enhance intersectoral cooperation Quality and efficiency of the implementation and management: quality of infrastructures, practical arrangements, feasibility and credibility of the project, administrative arrangements, support to the fellow, capacities of the host, exploitation of existing synergies, appropriateness of management plans

Participation Tips Since the proposals is requested to be limited in size, it is Participation Tips Since the proposals is requested to be limited in size, it is important to: Reply to the evaluation criteria/ Coherence of the proposal Explain clearly the aim and the content of the research project Apply the reimbursement rates provided by the Commission (monthly living allowances, correction coefficient rates, amount of benefits, travel expenses etc. ) IMPORTANT: Ø Prefer employment contracts to researchers with full social security coverage vs. fixed amount fellowships with minimum social security coverage Ø Clearly mention in the proposal that the selection of researchers (ITN) will be based on “open, transparent and internationally comparable selection and recruitment procedures” according to the principles applied by the European Charter for Researchers and the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers

Thank you for your attention Centre for Research and Technology-Hellas National Contact Point for Thank you for your attention Centre for Research and Technology-Hellas National Contact Point for “PEOPLE” Specific Programme HELPDESK: Elizabeth Kokozila, tel. +30 -2310 -498203, e-mail: ekokoz@certh. gr