Скачать презентацию People from Romania created Păcală — the odd Скачать презентацию People from Romania created Păcală — the odd


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People from Romania created Păcală - the odd peasant, who seems a little fool People from Romania created Păcală - the odd peasant, who seems a little fool and some villagers want to cheat on him. However, Păcală is smarter than everybody and treats the others daringly. He is the poor and honest peasant, optimistic and happy, who hates avarice and wickedness.

One day, Păcală’s wife sent him to the fair to buy a needle. Păcală One day, Păcală’s wife sent him to the fair to buy a needle. Păcală went but returned without it. When his wife asked him where the needle was, he answered: “ You see…you know… I bought the needle but while I was returning with it in my hand, because it was little I was afraid not to lose it and I put it in a cart with hay which was on the road. When I arrived in the village, take the needle from nowhere: I searched it, I rummaged, it seemed to have vanished into the thin air. ” Hearing what he said, the woman got angry. “Ptiu! you are such an idiot!” she said. ” Don’t you know that a needle can’t be put in a cart with hay? ? ? ” “ But where could I have put it? ” “ You could have thrusted it in your shirt. ” “ Okay, from now on I will do like this. ”

The second day, Păcală went to the fair to buy a plough iron but The second day, Păcală went to the fair to buy a plough iron but he returned again without one. “ Where is the iron? ” asked his wife when she saw him coming. ” Or maybe you didn’t buy it? ” “ No, no… I bought it. But let me tell you what happened. As you told me I tried to thrust it in my shirt, but do you think it wanted to stay? No, it didn’t! I tried so hard but look, I made my shirt tatter. If I saw that it didn't stay at all, I let it on the road and I came home. ” “ Oh my God, you blockhead and silly! How do you think that the plough iron could stay in your shirt? ” “ But didn’t you tell me to do like this? ” “ I told you about the needle, frisky, not about the iron!”

Another day Păcală went with the goats to the pasture because his master asked Another day Păcală went with the goats to the pasture because his master asked him so, and he also told him to bring the goats laughing and jumping. He intended to carry out the master’s wish. So he thought a lot and in the end he found the answer. Look what the idiot thought: he cut from each goat a leg, and the upper lip too. In the evening when he returned home the goats were limping and walking on three legs, that’s why they were looking like they were jumping. The goats had a griming mouth because Păcală cut their the upper lip, and they looked like they were laughing. When the master saw them he was as cross as two sticks and he told Păcală: “ What have you done with the goats, man? What happened to them? ” And Păcală answered: “But master, didn’t you tell me that you want to see the goats jumping and laughing? Look, I did what you wanted. ”