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KEY PERFORMANCE INDICATORS • Key Performance Indicators (KPI) or sometimes known as Key Success Indicators (KSI), help an organization define and measure progress toward organisational goals.
KEY PERFORMANCE INDICATORS WHAT ? • KPI are financial and non-financial measures or metrics used to help an organisation define and evaluate how successful it is, typically in terms of making progress towards its long-term organisational goals. • KPIs can be specified by answering the question, "What is really important to different stakeholders? ".
KEY PERFORMANCE INDICATORS WHY ? • KPIs are frequently used to "value" difficult to measure activities such as the benefits of leadership development, engagement, service, and satisfaction. • The KPIs differ depending on the nature of the organisation and the organisation's strategy. They help to evaluate the progress of an organisation towards its vision and long-term goals, especially toward difficult to quantify knowledgebased goals.
KEY PERFORMANCE INDICATORS HOW ? • KPIs are typically tied to an organisation's strategy using concepts or techniques such as the Balanced Scorecard.
KEY PERFORMANCE INDICATORS EXAMPLE • A KPI is a key part of a measurable objective, which is made up of a direction, KPI, benchmark, target, and time frame. For example: "Increase enrolment in polytechnics from 84, 500 in 2008 to 85, 000 in 2009". In this case, enrolment in polytechnics ' is the KPI.
KPI MENTERI PENGAJIAN TINGGI • • Juga dikenali sebagai Petunjuk Prestasi Utama (PPU) Terbahagi kepada 4 kategori: – Pelaksanaan Pelan Strategik Pengajian Tinggi Negara; – Pendemokrasian Pengajian Tinggi; – Pembangunan Pelajar Institusi Pengajian Tinggi; dan – Pengantarabangsaan Pengajian Tinggi.
PPU Kementerian
KPI Kementerian • • Mengandungi 21 KPI 4 KPI berkait dengan JPPKK: • • Peningkatan Enrolmen Pelajar di IPT, Politeknik dan Kolej Komuniti; Peningkatan Pembelajaran Sepanjang Hayat melalui : – – • • Penyertaan kursus-kursus pendek di Kolej Komuniti; dan Penyertaan program-program eksekutif di IPTA dan Politeknik Perluasan dan pemantapan program finishing school; dan Program peningkatan kebolehpasaran graduat.
Menterjemahkan KPI Kementerian kepada KPI KP JPPKK Visi & Misi Perspektif BSC Objektif Strategik Visi KPT : Menjadikan Malaysia Pusat Kecemerlangan Pengajian Tinggi Menjelang Tahun 2020 Visi JPPKK : Menjadi peneraju dalam pendidikan dan latihan peringkat separa profesional yang berkualiti dan bertaraf dunia serta pemangkin pembelajaran sepanjang hayat yang berkesan bagi memenuhi keperluan modal insan negara Misi JPPKK : Komited untuk memartabatkan pendidikan dan latihan Politeknik dan Kolej Komuniti melalui kurikulum yang relevan lagi dinamik, program latihan dan kemajuan kerjaya staf yang efektif dan penjaminan kualiti yang berterusan Stake holders (Pelanggan & Pemegang Taruh) Menjadi Institusi Pilihan Menghasilkan Graduat Berkualiti Tinggi Membudayakan PSH Menggiatkan Pengantarabangsaan Meluaskan Akses dan ekuiti Internal Process Dalaman) (Proses Menambahbaik kualiti P&P Mengukuhkan institusi politeknik dan kolej komuniti Organisational Growth (Pembangunan Organisasi) Financial (Kewangan) Meningkatkan Penyelidikan & Inovasi Memperkasa Penyampaian JPPKK Meningkatkan Kompetensi Staf Melaksanakan Pengurusan Kewangan Berkesan
KPI KP JPPKK 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Students Registration Against Norm (Jan 2009) - 20, 300 Nos Students Registration Against Norm (July 2009) - 36, 800 Nos Number of participants in Lifelong Learning Programmes 109, 000 Number of Lifelong Learning Programmes Offered - 3, 050 Participation in: 1) Masyarakat Prihatin - 7, 000 2) Keusahawanan - 8, 000 3) Latihan Pekerja - 38, 000 4) Pengukuhan Graduat - 10, 000
KPI KP JPPKK 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. % of polytechnic and community college graduates employed (incl. further studies) within 6 months after graduation - 65 % Number of participation in international competition - 1 Nos Number of staff attending overseas' programmes - 25 Nos Student Enrollment (Jan 2009) - 101, 000 Student Enrollment (July 2009) - 102, 500 Number of New Programmes Introduced - 5 Nos Number of colloquium conducted from internal researchers - 3 Nos Number of papers & articles produced by DPCCE and published in journals - 6 Nos
KPI KP JPPKK 14. Number of Inventive Competitions Organised - 2 Nos 15. Percentage of students giving positive assessment on teaching and learning - 83 % (KK) 16. Teaching and Learning Assessment Score For Polytechnic Lecturers > 60 % (Poli) 17. Percentage of academic staff with Ph. D & Masters - 15 % 18. Percentage of programme accredited by MQA or approved by JPA- 100 % 19. Development of Competency Standards for Polytechnic Programmes > 20 % 20. Establishment of Institutional Rating System 21. Participation in SSR - 2 Polytechnics
KPI KP JPPKK 22. Identification for niche area in Polytechnics by August 2009 23. National Polytechnic & Community College Alumni Gathering Events – 1 24. National Industry Dialogue for Polytechnic & Community College - 1 Nos 25. Percentage of posts filled through recruitment and promotion for approved positions - 95 % 26. Polytechnic & Community College Act to be submitted to the AG's Chambers - Dec 09 27. Final Polytechnic Action Plan lock-in into e-PMO by August 2009 28. Percentage of Customer Complaints fully resolved > 90 %
KPI KP JPPKK 29. Percentage of faulty ICT equipments complaints fully rectified > 95 % 30. Training fulfilment of 7 days - 85 % 31. No. of new lecturers cohorts trained in Instructional & Andragogy Leadership 2009 : 3 Cohorts 32. Budget Utilisation : - Operational Expenditure > 95 % - Development Expenditure > 90% 33. Percentage of bills settled within 14 days - 90 %
CASCADING KPI KP Contoh TKP POLI, 28, 000 Pengarah, Bhgn Pengambilan Pelajar, POLI 28, 000 TKP POLI, 3, 000 TKP KK, 106, 000 TKP KK, 8, 800 Pengarah, Bhgn Pengambilan Pelajar, KK 8, 800 41 Pengarah-pengarah KK, 8, 800 27 Pengarah-pengarah Politeknik, 28, 000 Pengarah, Bhgn Pembangunan Akademik POLI, 3, 000 27 Pengarah-pengarah Politeknik, 28, 000 Pengarah, Bhgn Pembangunan Akademik KK, 106, 000 41 Pengarah-pengarah KK, 8, 800
DPCCE BALANCED SCORECARD • What is a Balanced Scorecard (BSC)? – It is an approach to strategic management – It manages performance for organisations – BSC views organisation in 4 perspectives, develop metrics, collect data and analyse it relative to each perspectives Policy Development Division Department of Polytechnic & Community College Education
DPCCE BALANCED SCORECARD – THE 4 PERSPECTIVES (Robert Kaplan & David Norton) § § The Financial Perspective The Customer Perspective The Internal Process Perspective The Learning & Growth Perspective Policy Development Division Department of Polytechnic & Community College Education
DPCCE BALANCED SCORECARD – THE DPCCE STRATEGY MAP Institution of choice Outcomes High quality graduates Stakeholder Cultivating Lifelong Learning Intensifying Internationalisation Broadening Access & Enhancing Equity Internal Processes Enhancing Research & Innovation Improving The Quality of Teaching & Learning Strengthening Institutions of Higher Learning Reinforcing the DPCCE Delivery Organisational Growth Developing Competent Staff Policy Development Division Department of Polytechnic & Community College Education Financial Good Financial Management