Скачать презентацию PENALTY IN NAZI GERMANY Nothing is forgotten no Скачать презентацию PENALTY IN NAZI GERMANY Nothing is forgotten no

Баранов А. Penalty_in_Nazi_Germany.pptx

  • Количество слайдов: 5

PENALTY IN NAZI GERMANY Nothing is forgotten, no one is forgotten By Baranov Alexey, PENALTY IN NAZI GERMANY Nothing is forgotten, no one is forgotten By Baranov Alexey, 9 b, school No 504, St. Petersburg

How it all began With the coming of the Nazi to the power in How it all began With the coming of the Nazi to the power in Germany, the new fascist ideology was supported by the government. Criminal law was constantly changed in the direction of increasing repressions and punishment by death especially on racial, political and religious grounds. So that the atrocities of the Nazis during the Second World War had been put on the ideological and legislative framework. And they organized concentration camps which became the real factories of death

Concentration camp in Auschwitz Some days in Auschwitz 10 to 12 thousands people were Concentration camp in Auschwitz Some days in Auschwitz 10 to 12 thousands people were exterminated. They were shot, killed with a poison gas "Cyclone-5" in the gas chambers and killed by other means. The corpses were burned in the crematorium working day and night. The Nazis did not forgive even children.

In the occupied territories the Nazis used the technique popular in ancient world, when In the occupied territories the Nazis used the technique popular in ancient world, when conquerors ensured its integrity making worse the lives of hostages. And if that did not help they just massacre the locals. Sometimes entire villages were subjected to extermination.

The following methods of mass extermination in Nazi camps and prisons were used ; The following methods of mass extermination in Nazi camps and prisons were used ; wild medieval executions and torturing as well as the latest inventions for killing people: welded alive and burned alive tearing apart pouring cold water in the cold guillotine However, individual executions require time and effort. The Nazis also honored themselves as a superior race constantly trying to create new types of mass executions.