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Peer-to-peer Information Systems Universität des Saarlandes Max-Planck-Institut für Informatik – AG 5: Databases and Peer-to-peer Information Systems Universität des Saarlandes Max-Planck-Institut für Informatik – AG 5: Databases and Information Systems Group Prof. Dr. -Ing. G. Weikum Load Management introducing FARSITE: Federated, Available, and Reliable Storage for an Incompletely Trusted Environment Jörg Diesinger 25. 11. 2003

Motivation Centralized file server system • Vulnerable to geographically localized faults • „Single-Point-of-Failure“ • Motivation Centralized file server system • Vulnerable to geographically localized faults • „Single-Point-of-Failure“ • Expensive hardware components (high-performance I/O, RAID, CPU, etc. ) • Central administration required • System reliability depends on administrators competence • System security depends on administrators trustworthiness • Backups are expensive and time-consuming • Targets for malicious attacks and data theft • Not scalable WS 2003/04 - 25. 11. 2003 FARSITE: Federated, Available and Reliable Storage for an Incompletely Trusted Environment

What is FARSITE? Federated, Available, and Reliable Storage for an Incompletely Trusted Environment Systems What is FARSITE? Federated, Available, and Reliable Storage for an Incompletely Trusted Environment Systems and Networking Research Group • Serverless, distributed file system • Build on an existing set of desktop workstations • Runs entirely on clients • Logically: centralized file server • Physically: distributed among a set of desktop machines • Symbiotic: working among cooperating but not completely trusting clients • Enables technology trends • Increase in unused disk capacity on client desktop machines • Decrease in computational cost of cryptographic operations relative to I/O operations WS 2003/04 - 25. 11. 2003 FARSITE: Federated, Available and Reliable Storage for an Incompletely Trusted Environment

Outline • Objectives • Design Assumptions • Implementation • Fundamental Concepts • System Architecture Outline • Objectives • Design Assumptions • Implementation • Fundamental Concepts • System Architecture • System Enhancements • Request Example • Features • Manageability • Summary WS 2003/04 - 25. 11. 2003 FARSITE: Federated, Available and Reliable Storage for an Incompletely Trusted Environment

FARSITE – Objectives • Harness resources of loosely coupled insecure, unreliable machines • Reliable FARSITE – Objectives • Harness resources of loosely coupled insecure, unreliable machines • Reliable file storage service • Protect and preserve file data and directory metadata • Heterogeneous soft- and hardware environment • Data availability, data reliability • Data security, privacy without centrally trusted authority • Data consistency • Data integrity • Self-tuning, automatically configuring system WS 2003/04 - 25. 11. 2003 FARSITE: Federated, Available and Reliable Storage for an Incompletely Trusted Environment

FARSITE – Design Assumptions • Desktop workstations of large corporations, universities • High-bandwidth network FARSITE – Design Assumptions • Desktop workstations of large corporations, universities • High-bandwidth network • Total scale: ~105 machines • Total files: ~1010 • Total bytes: ~1016 • Large fraction of users try to read data without having granted access • No user-sensitive data persits beyond user logoff or system reboot (not realizable by prototype operating system MS Windows!) WS 2003/04 - 25. 11. 2003 FARSITE: Federated, Available and Reliable Storage for an Incompletely Trusted Environment

FARSITE – Implementation • Namespace Roots • • Hierarchical directory tree representing the file FARSITE – Implementation • Namespace Roots • • Hierarchical directory tree representing the file repository A specified set of machines manages the root (directory group) Multiple roots are allowed (multiple virtual file server) Certificates • • Semantically meaningful data structures Signed with private key Namespace Certificates • Associates the namespace root with a set of machines managing the root User Certificates • Associates a user with his personal public key Machine Certificates • Associates a machine with its public key • Trust • Machines accept authorizations of any certificate that can be validated with one or more public keys WS 2003/04 - 25. 11. 2003 FARSITE: Federated, Available and Reliable Storage for an Incompletely Trusted Environment

FARSITE – System Architecture Every machine in FARSITE may perform 3 roles: • Client FARSITE – System Architecture Every machine in FARSITE may perform 3 roles: • Client • • Member of Directory Group • • Directly interacts with a user Manage file metadata using a Byzantine-fault-tolerant-protocol (a third of members can fail) File Host • Manage file content One client‘s perspective WS 2003/04 - 25. 11. 2003 FARSITE: Federated, Available and Reliable Storage for an Incompletely Trusted Environment

FARSITE – Implementation (Enhancements) • Local caching of file content on the client • FARSITE – Implementation (Enhancements) • Local caching of file content on the client • Improves read performance • Assign leases on requested files to the clients for a specified period of time • Client operates locally on the files with cached file copy • Delay pushing updates from the client to the directory group • Reduces network traffic • Client encrypts file data with all authorized public user keys • Read-access control (user privacy) • Directory group cryptographically validates user requests • Write-access control WS 2003/04 - 25. 11. 2003 FARSITE: Federated, Available and Reliable Storage for an Incompletely Trusted Environment

FARSITE – Implementation (Enhancements) • Reduce replication factor file hosts • Improves Byzantine-fault-tolerant-protocol agreement FARSITE – Implementation (Enhancements) • Reduce replication factor file hosts • Improves Byzantine-fault-tolerant-protocol agreement of directory group replication: Tolerates failures of all but one machine • Indirection pointers and secure hash of file content in the directory group • Directory group can delegate parts of its namespace to other (randomly selected) known machines • Reduces storage and/or operation load WS 2003/04 - 25. 11. 2003 FARSITE: Federated, Available and Reliable Storage for an Incompletely Trusted Environment

FARSITE – Read/Write Request Example verify write permission address of client file request namespace FARSITE – Read/Write Request Example verify write permission address of client file request namespace certificate, lease, file content secure hash, list of file hosts updated secure hash WS 2003/04 - 25. 11. 2003 file request file content validate file with secure hash, decrypt with private key FARSITE: Federated, Available and Reliable Storage for an Incompletely Trusted Environment encrypted file

FARSITE – Features Reliability / Availability • File data replication on multiple file hosts FARSITE – Features Reliability / Availability • File data replication on multiple file hosts (RF) • RF – 1 file hosts can be unavailable • Metadata replication among members (RD) of a directory group • (RD – 1) / 3 members can be unavailable (Byzantine-fault-tolerant-protocol ) • Migration of one machine‘s functionality to one or more other machines • Prevents permanently data loss • Continuously relocate file replicas at a sustainable background rate • Swap machine locations of replicas of high-/low-availability files • Equalizes file availability • Caching file data on client machines • Specified time interval for keeping data: ~ 1 week („cache retention period “) WS 2003/04 - 25. 11. 2003 FARSITE: Federated, Available and Reliable Storage for an Incompletely Trusted Environment

FARSITE – Features Security • Access Control • • Metadata includes „access control list FARSITE – Features Security • Access Control • • Metadata includes „access control list (ACL)“ containing all public keys of authorized users for file/directory writing Privacy • Encryption of all user-sensitive file content and metadata: „convergent encryption “ (1) Secure hash for encryption of each data block of file (2) A randomly generated file key is encrypted using the public keys of all authorized readers (3) The file key encrypts the hashes • • Enables client to write individual file blocks without rewriting the entire file or waiting for finished download Integrity • Integrity of directory metadata maintained by Byzantine-fault-tolerant- • Integrity of file data ensured by computing a hash tree over file data blocks, stored in the file itself and in the directory group protocol WS 2003/04 - 25. 11. 2003 FARSITE: Federated, Available and Reliable Storage for an Incompletely Trusted Environment

FARSITE – Features Consistency (1) File and directory control can be loaned to client FARSITE – Features Consistency (1) File and directory control can be loaned to client machines. 4 lease mechanisms are implemented for directory groups for consistency: • Content leases (data consistency) Client machines can control file content • Read/write control • Read-only control • Name leases (namespace consistency) Client machines can control a name of file or directory in the namespace • Create new file (or sub-directory) • Rename file (or directory) WS 2003/04 - 25. 11. 2003 FARSITE: Federated, Available and Reliable Storage for an Incompletely Trusted Environment

FARSITE – Features Consistency (2) • Mode leases Client machines can control file-sharing semantics FARSITE – Features Consistency (2) • Mode leases Client machines can control file-sharing semantics by providing 6 types of mode leases • Read, Write, Delete • Exclude-Read, Exclude-Write, Exclude-Delete • Access leases Client machines can control file-deletion semantics by providing 3 types of access leases • Public (indicates an opened file) • Protected (public incl. no other access lease is granted) • Private (protected incl. no other access lease is active) Deletion is not performed until file is closed by all lease holders • Leases include expiration times depending on the type of lease • Number of leases per file is limited for performance WS 2003/04 - 25. 11. 2003 FARSITE: Federated, Available and Reliable Storage for an Incompletely Trusted Environment

FARSITE – Mode Lease Request Example Conflict? Ask for revoking or downgrading Read access FARSITE – Mode Lease Request Example Conflict? Ask for revoking or downgrading Read access request with read-sharing WS 2003/04 - 25. 11. 2003 Read mode lease with exclude-write, exclude-delete mode leases Write access request Write mode lease or Information about conflict FARSITE: Federated, Available and Reliable Storage for an Incompletely Trusted Environment

FARSITE – Features Scalability Mechanisms to keep computation, communication and storage from growing with FARSITE – Features Scalability Mechanisms to keep computation, communication and storage from growing with the system size: • Hint-based pathname translation Problem: • • Requesting a file with particular pathname Which directory group manages the file information? Solution: • • Client caches file pathnames with mapping to responsible directory group Algorithm: Translate file path by finding longest-matching path prefix in the cache and contact the responsible directory group (1) Directory group manages the pathname -> STOP (2) Directory group manages a path prefix, it responses with all its delegation certificates, which the client adds to its cache -> REPEAT (3) Directory group does not manage a path prefix, it informs the client, which removes the pathname hint from its cache -> REPEAT WS 2003/04 - 25. 11. 2003 FARSITE: Federated, Available and Reliable Storage for an Incompletely Trusted Environment

FARSITE – Manageability Autonomic System Operations (1) Self-administration in a Byzantine-fault-tolerant way • • FARSITE – Manageability Autonomic System Operations (1) Self-administration in a Byzantine-fault-tolerant way • • • Initiated as lazy follow-ups after client operations (e. g. file/metadata updates) Initiated as continuously performed background tasks (e. g. file replication/relocation, directory delegation/migration) Conception (1) A single remote machine initiates an operation (2) The operation is performed by a Byzantine-fault-tolerant directory group (3) The group modifies the shared state of its group members and returns a result to the client machine WS 2003/04 - 25. 11. 2003 FARSITE: Federated, Available and Reliable Storage for an Incompletely Trusted Environment

FARSITE – Manageability Autonomic System Operations (2) • Timed Byzantine Operations Problem: • • FARSITE – Manageability Autonomic System Operations (2) • Timed Byzantine Operations Problem: • • Initiate operations in response to a timer Clocks of directory group members cannot be perfectly synchronized Solution: • • Replicated state includes RD member times for RD group members Largest member time is regarded as group time (1) Client‘s local time indicates to perform timed operation (2) Invoke Byzantine protocol to update replicated member time to client machine‘s local time (3) Update changes group time (4) Perform all operations with scheduled time <= new group time WS 2003/04 - 25. 11. 2003 FARSITE: Federated, Available and Reliable Storage for an Incompletely Trusted Environment

Summary FARSITE is a • Scalable, decentralized network file system • Loosley coupled collection Summary FARSITE is a • Scalable, decentralized network file system • Loosley coupled collection of insecure, unreliable machines • Secure, reliable virtual file server FARSITE provides • Availability and reliability through replication • Privacy and authentication through cryptography • Integrity through Byzantine-fault-tolerant techniques • Consistency through leases • Scalability through namespace delegation • Performance by local file caching, hint-based pathname translation, lazy update commit FARSITE manages workload of directory group by • Hint-based pathname translation • Local caching of file content • Lazy update commit WS 2003/04 - 25. 11. 2003 FARSITE: Federated, Available and Reliable Storage for an Incompletely Trusted Environment

Questions WS 2003/04 - 25. 11. 2003 FARSITE: Federated, Available and Reliable Storage for Questions WS 2003/04 - 25. 11. 2003 FARSITE: Federated, Available and Reliable Storage for an Incompletely Trusted Environment