Скачать презентацию Pedestrian Commercial Overlay PCO Districts Revisions and Expansions Скачать презентацию Pedestrian Commercial Overlay PCO Districts Revisions and Expansions


  • Количество слайдов: 20

Pedestrian Commercial Overlay (PCO) Districts: Revisions and Expansions City Planning Commission July 11, 2013 Pedestrian Commercial Overlay (PCO) Districts: Revisions and Expansions City Planning Commission July 11, 2013 1

What is a Pedestrian Commercial Overlay (PCO) District? o Purpose n Encourage the concentration What is a Pedestrian Commercial Overlay (PCO) District? o Purpose n Encourage the concentration of specialty retail, entertainment and restaurant uses at a building scale that would create a catalyst for pedestrian activity. 2

Example: Standard Commercial Zoning 3 Example: Standard Commercial Zoning 3

Example: PCO Regulations 4 Example: PCO Regulations 4

Update and Revise o Streamlining Approval Processes n o Average approval time: 4 -6 Update and Revise o Streamlining Approval Processes n o Average approval time: 4 -6 weeks Improving How We Operate n n Development Certificate requirements Waivers 5

Potential Revisions o Revise Development Standards n n n o Simplify Development Certificate Process Potential Revisions o Revise Development Standards n n n o Simplify Development Certificate Process n o Building location Transparency Requirements Parking Landscaping Signs Allow Administrative Approval of development plans Permitting New Land Uses 6

Current PCOs 7 Current PCOs 7

Potential Expansion Areas 8 Potential Expansion Areas 8

st 21 o Purpose statement n n n o Street PCO Background Maintain commercial st 21 o Purpose statement n n n o Street PCO Background Maintain commercial vitality of 21 st Street business area Enhance pedestrian-oriented commercial activities Ensure off-street parking reflects pedestrian nature of district Adopted by Norfolk City Council on March 21, 1995 n Developed with support from Ghent Business Association and Ghent Neighborhood League 9

st 21 Street PCO Potential Expansion o Review existing 21 st Street PCO regulations st 21 Street PCO Potential Expansion o Review existing 21 st Street PCO regulations o Evaluate potential expansion areas n Development standards: o o o Zoning Permitted Uses Building Placement Off-Street Parking Transparency Signs 10

Potential PCO Expansion Areas 11 Potential PCO Expansion Areas 11

Area 1: West 21 st Street (west of Colley) 12 Area 1: West 21 st Street (west of Colley) 12

Area 2: West 22 nd Street (Colley - Colonial) 13 Area 2: West 22 nd Street (Colley - Colonial) 13

Area 3: 22 nd Street (Llewellyn - Monticello) 14 Area 3: 22 nd Street (Llewellyn - Monticello) 14

Area 4: West 19 th Street (Llewellyn - Monticello) 15 Area 4: West 19 th Street (Llewellyn - Monticello) 15

Colonial Ave: Future Land Use Map 16 Colonial Ave: Future Land Use Map 16

Colonial Ave rd (23 – th) 26 17 Colonial Ave rd (23 – th) 26 17

Conformity Matrix Zoning Permitted Uses Building Off-Street Placement Parking Transparency Signs Area 1 Area Conformity Matrix Zoning Permitted Uses Building Off-Street Placement Parking Transparency Signs Area 1 Area 2 Area 3 Area 4 Colonial = > 60% conform = 30 – 59% conform = < 30% conform 18

Public Outreach o Staff meetings with: n n n Fairmount Park Civic League Park Public Outreach o Staff meetings with: n n n Fairmount Park Civic League Park Place Merchants Association Ghent Business Association Riverview Business Association 19

Next Steps o Continued work with representative groups to refine existing PCO regulations o Next Steps o Continued work with representative groups to refine existing PCO regulations o Meet with property owners in any expansion areas 20