Pedagogy of the Future Dr. Guseva Alla Department

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Pedagogy of the Future Dr. Guseva Alla Department of intellectual technologies and systems Moscow state institute of Radio Engineering, Electronics and Automation
Pedagogy of the Future It can ne argued that the harmony between the development of human kind and a wider environment has been affected, which was primarily caused by the start of the dependence of humans on the energy resources at the start of the XX century. How can we find the harmony between the development of people and the wider environment/nature. The length of life, the quality of life and the conditions of our life are all depend to a large extent on both our collective and individual reasoning and general understanding of the laws of nature. The aim of the pedagogy is to educate about the harmony of life on Earth. This helps to align the harmony of the evolution of human kind with the harmony of the laws of nature.
Pedagogy of the Future The progress of society is always reflected in the development of the educational systems (primary, secondary and higher education). The progress of the development of educational systems is possible thought the understanding of how the individuals reason or think. Here I can talk about the UNIVERSAL PEDAGOGY OF THE FUTURE. This means a universal approach to education which could potentially suit any school, any higher education institution and any country. I argue that pedagogy in its early start should be based on the understanding of how individual students reason and not only reflecting on the experiences of generation of teachers and educators.
Pedagogy of the Future The process of teaching and learning – in more general terms is the process of teaching «what is this?», «what is this for?» и «for what do we need to know that?» These are also the main questions which we ask through all our life when learning about the wider environment and society. These are the main questions which our reasoning/intellect wants to know. More specifically, these questions a teacher/educator poses during any teaching/learning process. On the other hand, a student answers these questions during the teaching/learning process. It is reasonable to expect that all students would answer these questions differently depending on their own personal/cognitive development and to the extent to which they are familiar with the content material/comprehend the material.
Pedagogy of the Future The quality of education, as a concept, includes the aims and objectives of the education of individual and the formation of society. It can be argued that any teaching learning process has 2 aspects: First aspect refers to i) content of teaching and learning and the ii) level of teaching and learning (what teaching methods are used). Second aspect: we need to know how a student is able to understand the material - both to the content of the material (what he/she already knows) and the capabilities of his/her reasoning (informational thinking). Conceptualising reasoning/thinking in that manner allows detecting individual thinking formula for each individual student.
Pedagogy of the Future Human mind – forms a ‘model’ of an outside world for the connection, contact with other ‘models’. At the end point – the human brain will unite all people in the world in to one society. The development and life of such society will be a distinct phase of life of all people on Earth.
Pedagogy of the Future It can be argued that the mind of the individual consists of three parts (in the informational sense). These three parts are interconnected. Firstly, this is the physical mind we inherit in the genetical sense. Secondly, this is also a mind we develop throughout our life. This mind we can call our thinking mind/brain or also an intellectual mind/brain. It also consists of our memory. We can call it Genion. And it’s macrostructure is three interrelated parts – reason, sense/meaning and will. Thirdly, this is consciousness, which represents psycho–physical field, in which the process of reasoning/thinking takes place. The results of the processes in this field have the potential to change/develop Genion.
Pedagogy of the Future Three conceptual parts of the Genion: - Reason, with the function of understanding and forming of the model of outside world; - Sense/Meaning comprehension , with the function of judgement of the work of the remaining 2 parts; - will, with the function of acting upon, with the function of accumulation of life experience and intellectual work / guidance of the physical brain.
Pedagogy of the Future
Pedagogy of the Future Although, the identity of each individual have the same stages of the development, each individual have different linear progression. As a result, we can have the individual with different Genions. As a result, each of the parts can either have dominating or submissive presence or inhibiting presence. Secondly, all Genions have different structure in the sense of quality of capabilities and personality characteristics. Thirdly, ‘thinking formula’ of each student defines the spectrum of these differences in such manner that each individual Genion sets the lifetime psychological definition for each person.
Pedagogy of the Future Each individual has his/her own natural ‘thinking formula’, which can be used in the teaching/learning process. Individual thinking formula (three dimensional), defines the nature of the individuality of the student more precisely than any other system characteristics. The thinking formula can be defined by the specially designed questionnaire. This questionnaire – is an instrument for definition of the natural classification of the informational thinking of an individual. This questionnaire is a unique and distinct tool which has no connections with the psychology of individual. Psychology looks at the motivations behind the actions. Our particular approach define naturally developed formula of informational thinking.
Pedagogy of the Future To conclude, I would like to stress that the aim of any pedagogical process is the ideal result of education and teaching of the whole educational system with the orientation on the future. This must be accompanied by the all round development of an individual’s personality.