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Pebbles for Autohan and Oxygen Dr David Greaves University of Cambridge www. cl. cam. ac. uk/~djg Umar Saif : MIT LCS David Milward : Linguamatics Control of the Home Network UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE
Slides Overview ª UPn. P. ª Missing Aspects with UPn. P. ª Rule Based System Design ª Current Situation
UPn. P ª Universal Plug and Play: UPn. P u u u Allows devices to describe themselves Allows remote control of devices Allows remote inquiry of devices ª Devices may be Hardware or Totally Soft u u E. g. A DVD player E. g. an electronic Piggy Bank ª Maturing Today. ª Uses XML, WWW technology. UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE
Universal Pn. P Intel’s Free Software Kit (Win or Linux)
Device Componentisation ª Devices contain User Interface Network interface(s) Execution resources Local store (big or small) Canned native application Specialised hardware resource components which may be further devices ª Device makes each of its major components into a separate resource available over the network. ª Six main elements. Each component can describe and register itself using XML
Device Modeling Example: TV ª TV set contains the following separate devices which can be individually useful in a networked home: RF Tuner n Colour Display n Ni. Cam Audio Decoder n Power Amplifier n Surround sound Decoder Each of these devices has source and sink media types which need n IR Receiver to be modeled. n Teletext Decoder n MPEG Decoder Each device has a user interface whose controls and indicators need to be modeled. n
Building On UPn. P What is missing ? UPn. P provides the API But where are the application programs to exercise it? That’s where we come in! UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE
Supply of Application Code ª We envisage four sources of apps: 1. Base function of device. u 2. Built-in ROM code works when neighbours find themselves on the same network. u 3. Programs loaded from elsewhere but written by experts. u 4. Rule programs that are written inside the home. u ª Seamless integration or real-time control and programming. ª Also, all apps export their SEMANTICs.
Registery Stored Components ª ª ª Identity of House Room information Device information People’s preferences ª Radio and TV channels ª Programme schedules ª Device names and ª ª ª locations (including robots). Piggybank and Ecash Programs Consistency rules Address books etc…. .
Software `Devices’ Expected A set of software components we will find in the automated home ª Authentication unit ª Piggybank ª ASP/. NET/CGI posix ª Registry ª Rule Interpreter ª Media Store ª Speech Recogniser ª Universal IR u Speech+IR = Gesture ª Phone Exchange ª Internet Portal
Pebbles Project Architecture ª Development of API is our goal. ª Cambridge UK - a single space u u E. G. a Home E. G. a Spaceship. Rule-Based Applications (Goals) API ª MIT LCS - in the large with federated rule engines. . . Execution Resources (Pebbles) Our API in Cambridge UK is UPn. P
Goals and Rules Examples ª Create a video call to Peter. ª When Lulu comes home, play Thriller on all loudspeakers downstairs. ª Jonny is not allowed to spend more than 2 pounds per day on pay-per-listen. ª Fire Alarm must mute all music sources. ª The front gates must always be remotely openable by some method or other.
Auto. HAN Controller On A Stick Applications Registry Application Scripts Execution Platform (RBS) Platform OS and Network I/O Ethernet etc ª ª API A single controller for each home All apps are stored in rule script form on the controller All apps are executed by one engine (RBS) All I/O is via UPn. P over the network
Auto. HAN App. Script Rehydration Automatic Checker Binder or Re-hydrator Application Loader Running Application Scripts RBS Engine Core DHAN registery lookup HTTP Imperative command VM GENA Subscription Arbiter GENA network events
Current Situation ª Project Refunded 1 st October 2003 ª A large amount of UPn. P bits and pieces from previous Auto. HAN work. ª Speech recogniser and media cubes components working ª Prototype RBS being built by Tope ª Hand-coded rules for Ti. Vo etc exist ª Ph. D completed by Hague on `Lingua Franca’
The End ª www. cl. cam. ac. uk/Research/SRG/HAN David Greaves University of Cambridge Computer Laboratory djg@cl. cam. ac. uk Thankyou !
Network-Ready CD Player
Prototype IR Cubes
A cube “modifies” the IR beam Universal Remote Controller Tomorrow cube VCR
IR controller with Voice Input When I press THIS BUTTON Remote Controller with microphone DECT basestation I want THIS CD PLAYER CD Player Voice Recogniser soft device to play THE CD IN IT NOW. Events to RBS