- Количество слайдов: 29
PDT: Tectogrammatical Representation Jan Hajič Institute of Formal and Applied Linguistics School of Computer Science Faculty of Mathematics and Physics Charles University, Prague Czech Republic March 5, 2008 Companions Semantic Representation and Dialog Interfacing Workshop - Tectogrammatics 1
Tectogrammatical Annotation (tlayer) Underlying (deep) syntax 4 sublayers (integrated): dependency structure, (detailed) functors valency annotation topic/focus and deep word order coreference (mostly grammatical only) all the rest (“grammatemes”): detailed functors, underlying gender, number, . . . Total 39 attributes (vs. 5 at m-layer, 2 at a-layer) March 5, 2008 Companions Semantic Representation and Dialog Interfacing Workshop - Tectogrammatics 2
Analytical vs. Tectogrammatical representation Underlying verb + tense Deep function Elided Actor in Another ellipsis. . . Prepositions out (TR: sublayer 1 only shown) March 5, 2008 Companions Semantic Representation and Dialog Interfacing Workshop - Tectogrammatics 3
Layer 3: Tectogrammatical Underlying (deep) syntax 4 sublayers: dependency structure, (detailed) functors topic/focus and deep word order coreference (mostly grammatical only) all the rest (grammatemes): detailed functors underlying gender, number, . . . March 5, 2008 Companions Semantic Representation and Dialog Interfacing Workshop - Tectogrammatics 4
Tectogrammatical Functors syntactic “Actants”: ACT, PAT, EFF, ADDR, ORIG semantic modify: verbs, nouns, adjectives cannot repeat in a clause, usually obligatory Free modifications (~ 50), semantically defined can repeat; optional, sometimes obligatory Ex. : LOC, DIR 1, . . . ; TWHEN, TTILL, . . . ; RSTR; BEN, ATT, ACMP, INTT, MANN; MAT, APP; ID, DPHR, . . . Special Coordination, Rhematizers, Foreign phrases, . . . March 5, 2008 Companions Semantic Representation and Dialog Interfacing Workshop - Tectogrammatics 7
Tectogrammatical Example Analytical verb form: § he would be allowed to be enrolled Collapsed Additional attributes (grammatemes): conditional + “allow” March 5, 2008 Companions Semantic Representation and Dialog Interfacing Workshop - Tectogrammatics 8
Tectogrammatical Example Predicate with copula (state) § you were fired March 5, 2008 Companions Semantic Representation and Dialog Interfacing Workshop - Tectogrammatics 9
Tectogrammatical Example Passive construction (action) § (The) book has been translated [by Mr. X] Disappeared March 5, 2008 Companions Semantic Representation and Dialog Interfacing Workshop - Tectogrammatics Added 10
Tectogrammatical Example Object § he gave Mary a book Obj goes into ACT, PAT, ADDR, EFF or ORIG based on governor’s valency frame March 5, 2008 Companions Semantic Representation and Dialog Interfacing Workshop - Tectogrammatics 11
Tectogrammatical Example Relative clause (embedded) § the woman, who had a French accent, was very pretty March 5, 2008 Companions Semantic Representation and Dialog Interfacing Workshop - Tectogrammatics 12
Tectogrammatical Example Incomplete phrases § Peter works well, but Paul badly Added March 5, 2008 Companions Semantic Representation and Dialog Interfacing Workshop - Tectogrammatics 13
Layer 3: Tectogrammatical Underlying (deep) syntax 4 sublayers: dependency structure, (detailed) functors topic/focus and deep word order coreference (mostly grammatical only) all the rest (grammatemes): detailed functors underlying gender, number, . . . March 5, 2008 Companions Semantic Representation and Dialog Interfacing Workshop - Tectogrammatics 14
Deep Word Order, Topic/Focus Example: Analytical dep. tree: Baker bakes rolls. March 5, 2008 vs. Baker. IC bakes rolls. Companions Semantic Representation and Dialog Interfacing Workshop - Tectogrammatics 15
Deep Word Order Topic/Focus Deep word order: from “old” information to the “new” one (left-toright) at every level (head included) projectivity by definition (almost. . . ) i. e. , partial level-based order -> total d. w. o. Topic/focus/contrastive topic attribute of every node (t, f, c) restricted by d. w. o. and other constraints March 5, 2008 Companions Semantic Representation and Dialog Interfacing Workshop - Tectogrammatics 16
Layer 3: Tectogrammatical Underlying (deep) syntax 4 sublayers: dependency structure, (detailed) functors topic/focus and deep word order coreference (mostly grammatical only) all the rest (grammatemes): detailed functors underlying gender, number, . . . March 5, 2008 Companions Semantic Representation and Dialog Interfacing Workshop - Tectogrammatics 17
Coreference (intro only: see Silvie’s part) Grammatical (easy) relative clauses which, who § Peter and Paul, who. . . control infinitival constructions § promise PRED John promised to go. . . reflexive pronouns {him, her, thme}self(-ves) § go PAT John ACT he ACT home DIR 3 Mary saw herself in. . . March 5, 2008 Companions Semantic Representation and Dialog Interfacing Workshop - Tectogrammatics 18
Coreference Textual Ex. : Peter moved to Iowa after he finished his Ph. D. March 5, 2008 Companions Semantic Representation and Dialog Interfacing Workshop - Tectogrammatics 19
Layer 3: Tectogrammatical Underlying (deep) syntax 4 sublayers: dependency structure, (detailed) functors topic/focus and deep word order coreference (mostly grammatical only) all the rest (grammatemes): detailed functors underlying gender, number, . . . March 5, 2008 Companions Semantic Representation and Dialog Interfacing Workshop - Tectogrammatics 20
“Grammatemes” Detailed functors (subfunctors) only for some functors: TWHEN: before/after LOC: next-to, behind, in-front-of, . . . also: ACMP, BEN, CPR, DIR 1, DIR 2, DIR 3, EXT Lexical (underlying) number (SG/PL), tense, modality, degree of comparison, . . . strictly only where necessary (agreement!) March 5, 2008 Companions Semantic Representation and Dialog Interfacing Workshop - Tectogrammatics 21
Tectogrammatical attributes I node typing functor, subfunctor complex, coap, qcomplex, root, atom, . . . TWHEN: TWHEN. basic, TWHEN. before is_member, is_generated, is_parenthesis, is_dsp_root, is_state, quot_type, . . . grammatemes (16): aspect, degcmp, deontmod, sempos, tense, indeftype, politeness, person, . . . March 5, 2008 Companions Semantic Representation and Dialog Interfacing Workshop - Tectogrammatics 22
Tectogrammatical attributes II topic/focus: valency: t_lemma, val_frame. rf bookkeeping: id coref_gram. rf, coref_text. rf, compl. rf tfa, deepord reference to TR node, type of coreference sentmod Linking to analytical layer a. lex. rf (“main” anal. node), a. aux. rf (others) March 5, 2008 Companions Semantic Representation and Dialog Interfacing Workshop - Tectogrammatics 23
Fully Annotated Sentence He spends his days sketching passers-by, or trying to. March 5, 2008 Companions Semantic Representation and Dialog Interfacing Workshop - Tectogrammatics 24
Definition of Valency Ability (“desire”) of words (verbs, nouns, adjectives) to combine themselves with other units of meaning Properties of valency: Specific for every word meaning (in general) leave: sb left sth for sb vs. sb left from somewhere same as in Prop. Bank leave. 02 vs. leave. 01 Typically strongly correlates with surface form morphological case (~ ending), preposition+case, . . . Semantic constraints are very dangerous March 5, 2008 Companions Semantic Representation and Dialog Interfacing Workshop - Tectogrammatics 25
Structure of Valency word sense group 1 valency frame: § slot 1 slot 2 slot 3 surface expression word sense group 2 . . . vyměnit (to replace) word (lemma) vyměnit 1 ACT PAT EFF Nom. Acc. za+Acc. vyměnit 2. . . PDT VALLEX (Cz), Eng. Vallex (En) March 5, 2008 Companions Semantic Representation and Dialog Interfacing Workshop - Tectogrammatics 26
PDT-VALLEX Entry dosáhnout: “to reach”, “to get [sb to do sth]” browser/user-formatted example: March 5, 2008 Companions Semantic Representation and Dialog Interfacing Workshop - Tectogrammatics 27
Corpus <-> Valency Lexicon Corpus: Sentence 2035: Lexicon: March 5, 2008 Sentence 15345: Sentence 51042: ENTRY: uzavřít vf 1: ACT(. 1) CPHR({smlouva}. 4) ex: u. dohodu (close a contract) vf 2: ACT(. 1) PAT(. 4) ex. : u. pokoj (close a room, house) Companions Semantic Representation and Dialog Interfacing Workshop - Tectogrammatics 28
Valency & Form: Constraints Tree structure: n 1 n 2 n 3 n 4 (Sets of) Constraints: n 1: lemma=uvažovat mode=active n 2: case=Nom afun=Sb n 3: lemma=o afun=Aux. P n 4: case=Loc afun=Obj March 5, 2008 Companions Semantic Representation and Dialog Interfacing Workshop - Tectogrammatics 29
Example: Valency & Form 1: 2 relative clause lemma=say mode=active to_say: ACT EFF afun=Sb case=Nom afun=Aux. C lemma=that afun=Obj POS=verb • linear representation: EFF(that[. v]) March 5, 2008 Companions Semantic Representation and Dialog Interfacing Workshop - Tectogrammatics 31
Valency and Text Generation Using valency for. . . . getting the correct (lemma, tag) of verb arguments Example: VALLEX entry: starat (se) ACT(. 1) PAT(o. [. 4]) starat V. . . starat_se “to take care of” PRED Martin ACT tygr PAT “tiger” Martin se. . 1. . . Martin March 5, 2008 o. . . . “Martin tygr. . 4. . takes se stará o tygry. Companions Semantic Representation and Dialog Interfacing Workshop - Tectogrammatics care of tigers. ” 32