Скачать презентацию Payload Design Criteria for the Space Test Program Скачать презентацию Payload Design Criteria for the Space Test Program


  • Количество слайдов: 14

Payload Design Criteria for the Space Test Program Standard Interface Vehicle (STP-SIV) Mr. Mike Payload Design Criteria for the Space Test Program Standard Interface Vehicle (STP-SIV) Mr. Mike Marlow STP-SIV Program Manager National Science Foundation Workshop on Small Satellite Missions for Space Weather and Atmospheric Research

Purpose 4 Mission Capabilities Of The STP-SIV Spacecraft 4 Standard Spacecraft To Payload Interfaces Purpose 4 Mission Capabilities Of The STP-SIV Spacecraft 4 Standard Spacecraft To Payload Interfaces 8 Top-level Detail To Determine If STP-SIV Is A Candidate For Your Mission National Science Foundation Workshop on Small Satellite Missions for Space Weather and Atmospheric Research 2

STP-SIV Road Map 2005 SERB Payload Analysis Concept Definition 2007 2009 2011 2013 Requirements STP-SIV Road Map 2005 SERB Payload Analysis Concept Definition 2007 2009 2011 2013 Requirements Definition Industry Briefings Source Selection Documentation Source Selection 1 Apr 06 SIV Delivery Order #1 (STPSat-2) Payload, LV Determination S/C and S/V Development & Test DO#2 (STPSat-3) DO#3 (STPSat-4) DO#4 (STPSat-5) 1 Apr 12 DO# 2 buy long leads at ATP DO# 3 long leads on shelf DO#4 S/C Pre-assembled Last Order Date National Science Foundation Workshop on Small Satellite Missions for Space Weather and Atmospheric Research 3

Spacecraft Capability Orbit Altitude Orbit Inclination Launch Mass SV Stored Volume (cm) Reliability (at Spacecraft Capability Orbit Altitude Orbit Inclination Launch Mass SV Stored Volume (cm) Reliability (at 7 months) Stabilization Method Pointing Modes Attitude Knowledge Attitude Control Bus Voltage Comm Frequency Command Rate Telemetry Rate Data Storage Payload Volume Payload Mass 400 – 850 km 0° – 98. 8° ≤ 180 kg (ESPA driven) 60. 9 x 71. 1 x 96. 5 (ESPA driven) 0. 90 3 -axis Nadir, Sun Pointing, Safe 0. 03° 3σ (goal 0. 02° 3σ) 0. 1° 3σ (goal 0. 03° 3σ) +Z 28 V ± 6 SGLS 2 kbps uplink 2 Mbps downlink 8 Gbits 0. 14 m 3 60 kg +X National Science Foundation Workshop on Small Satellite Missions for Space Weather and Atmospheric Research +Y 4

Launch Vehicle Compatibility Falcon 1 Minotaur IV Pegasus/Raptor EELV Secondary Payload Adaptor (ESPA) [Atlas Launch Vehicle Compatibility Falcon 1 Minotaur IV Pegasus/Raptor EELV Secondary Payload Adaptor (ESPA) [Atlas and Delta] National Science Foundation Workshop on Small Satellite Missions for Space Weather and Atmospheric Research 5

Spacecraft Design Sample Payload Configurations 2 fixed/deployed arrays 1 gimbaled array Ga. As UTJ Spacecraft Design Sample Payload Configurations 2 fixed/deployed arrays 1 gimbaled array Ga. As UTJ solar cells 30 A-hr Li Ion battery Payload Volume Payload Interface Panel Z X Y Star tracker Silver Teflon Coated Radiator Rigid LV Interface Panel 1 Star Tracker, 1 magnetometer 6 sun sensors, 1 GPS receiver, 3 reaction wheels, 3 torque rods National Science Foundation Workshop on Small Satellite Missions for Space Weather and Atmospheric Research 6

Topside Sounder Concept on STP-SIV 4 Configuration above shows four deployed 4 -m antennas Topside Sounder Concept on STP-SIV 4 Configuration above shows four deployed 4 -m antennas on all four corners of the STP-SIV spacecraft 4 This effectively yields two, crossed 8 -m dipole antennas National Science Foundation Workshop on Small Satellite Missions for Space Weather and Atmospheric Research 7

Spacecraft to Payload Interfaces Mechanical • 1” grid aluminum panel • #10 fasteners • Spacecraft to Payload Interfaces Mechanical • 1” grid aluminum panel • #10 fasteners • Stringent environment Power • 100 Watts Orbit Average • 28 V ± 6 EMI • Case by Case • System Test on each mission Thermal • Coupled Heat Transfer • Plate temperatures: -20 o to +50 o C • 100 Watts Heat Rejection Data • Up to 2 Mbps data rate • RS-422 Command Telemetry • Synchronous data transmission • 8 Bi-Level Discreet I/O channels • 8 analog channels/payload National Science Foundation Workshop on Small Satellite Missions for Space Weather and Atmospheric Research 8

Feasibility Study 4 Payload to spacecraft compatibility 4 Payload to payload compatibility 4 Identifies Feasibility Study 4 Payload to spacecraft compatibility 4 Payload to payload compatibility 4 Identifies potential risks 4 ROM estimate to integrate, test and operate National Science Foundation Workshop on Small Satellite Missions for Space Weather and Atmospheric Research 9

Opportunities 4 Enables space weather communities to leverage S&T spaceflight opportunities 8 Share SIV Opportunities 4 Enables space weather communities to leverage S&T spaceflight opportunities 8 Share SIV payload space 8 Rideshare S&T launch opportunities =ESPA on every EELV, payload adaptors on Minotaurs I & IV 4 Provides cost-effective platform to demo payloads and systems to support space weather programs 4 Basis for follow-on programs 8 Larger spacecraft class 8 Use of spacecraft to payload “standard” interfaces National Science Foundation Workshop on Small Satellite Missions for Space Weather and Atmospheric Research 10

Summary 4 SIV is a change from past STP business practices 8 Moving away Summary 4 SIV is a change from past STP business practices 8 Moving away from “one-of-a-kind” spacecraft to gain benefits of successive spacecraft builds 8 More responsive IDIQ contract, fits with other Space Development & Test Wing IDIQs 4 Planned to provide improved access to space for SERB S&T payloads 4 Potential benefits for broader space community National Science Foundation Workshop on Small Satellite Missions for Space Weather and Atmospheric Research 11

Payload Design Criteria for the Space Test Program Standard Interface Vehicle (STP-SIV) Mr. Mike Payload Design Criteria for the Space Test Program Standard Interface Vehicle (STP-SIV) Mr. Mike Marlow STP-SIV Program Manager National Science Foundation Workshop on Small Satellite Missions for Space Weather and Atmospheric Research

Standard Payload to Spacecraft Interfaces 4 Power M Spacecraft T Payload P 1 D Standard Payload to Spacecraft Interfaces 4 Power M Spacecraft T Payload P 1 D Payload 2 4 Mechanical 8 Fasten payload hardware to spacecraft structure 8 Align payload hardware to spacecraft reference 4 Thermal 8 Sense temperature at payload to spacecraft interface 8 Control temperature at payload to spacecraft interface by affecting spacecraft side 8 Supply primary main electrical power to payload 8 Supply redundant main payload power 8 Supply power for payload heaters 4 Data 8 Supply bilevel discrete signal from spacecraft to payload for reset or other switching functions 8 Provide command data from spacecraft to payload 8 Provide data transfer from spacecraft to payload (code upload, time synch, attitude, GPS) 8 Provide digital telemetry data from payload to spacecraft 8 Provide analog data from payload to spacecraft (state of health monitoring) National Science Foundation Workshop on Small Satellite Missions for Space Weather and Atmospheric Research 13

STP Rideshare Opportunities FY 06 FY 07 FY 08 FY 09 FY 10 FY STP Rideshare Opportunities FY 06 FY 07 FY 08 FY 09 FY 10 FY 11 FY 12 FY 13 1 Q 2 Q 3 Q 4 Q 1 Q 2 Q 3 Q 4 Q FY 09 Minotaur IV Jan 06 PL Selection Development Mission Integr Launch DMSP F-19 Oct 05 SPL Selection Special Studies* Mission Unique Mission Integr Launch STP-2 Apr 06 SPL Selection Special Studies* Mission Unique Mission Integr Launch FY 11 Minotaur PL Selection Mission Integr Launch DMSP F-20 SPL Selection Special Studies* Mission Unique Mission Integr Launch FY 13 Minotaur PL Selection Mission Integr Launch There are potentially 30 ESPA-class spacecraft rideshare opportunities between FY 09 – FY 13 Oct 08 Apr 08 Oct 10 National Science Foundation Workshop on Small Satellite Missions for Space Weather and Atmospheric Research 14