Lecture 13.pptx
- Количество слайдов: 28
OVERVIEW • Basic Patent Concepts and Terms. • Internal Organization of a Pattern. • Structural and Linguistic Peculiarities of Pattern Components.
PATENT DEFINITION a grant to the patentee…of the right to exclude others from making, using, offering for sale, or selling the invention throughout the country…for a term beginning on the date on which the patent issues and ending …. . years from the date on which the application was filed. A patent is both a technical and a legal document: agreement between an inventor and an authority with regard to a particular new area of knowledge
BASIC PATENT CONCEPTS AND TERMS Patent is granted to the applicant for a patent by a special Patent Office. The applicant has the right to sell his/her invention sell the license. Actual inventor or assignee may be the owner of a patent. The assignor is the owner on record of a patent application, who is transferring (assigning) ownership to another entity (assignee): assignor in half, assignor of one third.
BASIC PATENT CONCEPTS AND TERMS Patent guarantees domestic priority. Priority is guaranteed from the date on which the application is filed and is confirmed by official filling receipt. However, somebody can declare the right of prior use. To file the application applicant sends to the Patent Office disclosure of the invention with: petition, power of attorney, oath, assignment agreement – if required – official filing fee.
PATENT TYPES AND TERMS In Russia and Great Britain: • Parent patent (основной патент) • Patent of addition granted for novel improvements or modifications to an invention which is already covered by a patent (does not exist in USA) Term of patent differs in various countries: Russia – 20 years; USA – 17 years, Great Britain – 16 years Russia – from filling/application date; USA – from patent date of issuance; Great Britain – from filling date of complete specification.
PATENTABILITY CRITERIA machines, processes, articles of manufacture and compositions of matter can be patented • Novelty: invention must not have been known or used by anyone or published or patented anywhere in the world before. • Non-obviousness (неочевидность): The difference between the subject matter for which a patent is being sought and the prior art must be such that the subject matter would not have been obvious—at the time the invention was made—to a person having ordinary skill in that art. • Usefulness: the requirements for usefulness are novelty, the demonstration of an inventive step, and industrial applicability.
INTERNAL ORGANIZATION OF A PATTERN Certain elements are compulsory (specification/description of the invention, one or more claims, and the abstract). The sections that compose the specification may not always be explicitly identified in the text. Patent begins with a cover page: reference numbers, dates, names of patentees and inventors, and other administrative information.
1 DESCRIPTION OF THE INVENTION / SPECIFICATION Title of invention (заголовок описания и название изобретения) 3 Abstract of the disclosure (реферат) The field of the invention (указание области изобретения) 4 Description of the prior art (обзор известного уровня техники) Background of the invention 5 Criticism of the prior art (критика прототипа) 6 Purpose of Invention Engineering task Technical facilities Broadening paragraphs or qualifying statements (расширения) Summary invention 15 Drawing and brief description of its views (чертеж и краткое описание его видов) Detailed description Claims (формула изобретения) Statement of the advantages to be gained by the invention (техникоэкономические результаты применения изобретения) References cited (ссылочная часть) Disclaimer (вкладыш с сообщением об отказе от пункта формулы) 16 Certificate of correction (перечень замеченных опечаток) 2 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 of the
TITLE OF INVENTION The rules: • the title of the invention should be placed at the top of the first page of the specification. • the title should be brief but technically accurate and descriptive and should contain fewer than 500 characters. • “new, ” < “improved, ” “improvement of, ” and “improvement in” are not considered as part of the title of an invention. • the articles “a, ” “an, ” and “the” should not be included as the first words of the title
EXAMPLE • • Attorney Belknap • UNITED STATES PATENT Latching Mechanism • (19) • • • Дата подачи заявки • (21) Appl. No. : • • • (52) U. S. CI (51) Int. CI (58) Field of search • • United States Patents 2, 627, 945 2/1953 Hooker 74/527 X 3, 025, 710 3/1962 Muffley. . 74/527 3, 167, 972 2/1965 Durgin 74/527 • (11) 3, 714, 843 (45) Feb. 6, 1973 Primary Examiner — Milton Kaufman • Whittemore, Hulbert & (57) ABSTRACT • 153242 • • • Индекс нац. классификации 74/527 Индекс международной классификации (МКИ) G 05 g 5/06 Область поиска прототипов 74/527 Ссылочная часть: Патенты США Главный эксперт — Мильтон Кауфман • Патентный поверенный — фирма Whittemore, Hulbert & Belknap РЕФЕРАТ • References cited номер заявки • • June 15, 1971 почт, индекс 48126 шт. Мичиган, Дирборн, Джонатан, 4628 15 июня 1971 г. , • (76) Inventor: Robert A. Bracey, 4628 Jonathan, Dearborn, Mich. 48126 (22) Filed: Изобретатель Роберт А. Брейси, выданный 6 февраля 1973 • Bracey (54) Adjustable • Патент США № 3714843, Регулируемый запорный механизм 17 пунктов формулы, 12 рисунков чертежа 153, 242 74/527 G 05 g 5/06 74/527 X
ABSTRACT OF THE DISCLOSURE The purpose of the abstract is to enable the Patent Office and the public generally to determine quickly from a cursory inspection the nature and gist of the technical disclosure. The Rules: • A brief abstract in the specification must commence on a separate sheet. • It may not exceed 150 words in length. The language is similar to usual scientific paper abstracts.
EXAMPLE An airfoil section imparts an aerodynamic lifting force to a butterfly valve to overcome its quiescent static unbalance to cause the valve to assume a minimum pressure loss configuration during fluid flow there over. The valve crosssection itself may be an airfoil, or an auxiliary airfoil may be attached to a conventional flat plate butterfly valve. Stop means are provided to prevent movement of the valve past its minimum pressure loss orientation. Аэродинамический профиль сообщает поворотной заслонке подъемную силу, необходимую для того, чтобы вывести заслонку из состояния покоя и заставить ее принять положение, соответствующее минимальным потерям давления при обтекании потоком. Аэродинамическим профилем может служить само поперечное сечение заслонки; либо к обычной плоской поворотной заслонке можно прикрепить вспомогательный аэродинамический профиль. Чтобы предотвратить движение заслонки за пределы положения, соответствующего минимальным потерям давления, предусмотрены стопоры.
THE FIELD OF THE INVENTION The field of invention (technical field or field of endeavor) is the scientific/ technological area within which an invention falls. field of invention defines the scope of invention use corresponding legal terms, structures and phrases from general to more specific: The invention relates to …. . and more particularly to … Relates to …. And is particularly concerned with Relates in general to …. and , ore particularly pertains to….
EXAMPLES 1 This invention relates in general to boilers, Настоящее изобретение относится к котлам and more particularly to boilers using a и, в частности, к котлам, использующим solid fuel, such as coal, or the like твердое топливо, например, уголь и т. п. 2 This is a division of application Serial No. 473, 267, filed June 7, 1965, now Patent No. 3, 244, 219 issued April 5, 1966, which in turn is a division of application Serial No. 102, 316, filed April 11, 1961, now Patent No. 3, 187, 799 issued June 8, 1965, which in turn is a continuation-in-part of application Serial No. 808, 161, filed April 22, 1959, now abandoned. The invention described herein may be manufactured and used by or for the Government for governmental purposes without the payment to me of any royalty thereon. 3 Настоящая заявка является выделенной из заявки № 473267, поданной 7 июня 1965 года, по которой 5 апреля 1966 года выдан патент № 3244219 и которая, в свою очередь, является частично продолжающей по отношению к заявке № 806161, поданной 22 апреля 1959 года и в настоящее время отпавшей. Описанное здесь изобретение может быть изготовлено Правительством или для Правительства и использовано в его интересах без уплаты мне какого-либо лицензионного платежа.
DESCRIPTION OF THE PRIOR ART Under patent laws, defining what prior art is pertinent is often critical. The language is similar usual scientific paper, with the following peculiarities to be considered: • Description is presented from general to more specific • Criticism is indirect shortcomings and drawbacks disadvantages, deficiencies, limitations, limiting factors, objections, undesirable features, adverse effects, difficulties, hazards. Indirect manner is also achieved by expanding words: generally, conventionally and verb tends to.
EXAMPLE Example 1 Such adjustable temperature control devices for thermostats are employed in diverse fields of modern technology, e. g. to control the circulation of cooling medium in internal combustion engines, to regulate the temperature of water in boilers and hot water storage systems, and to control the temperature of living quarters, assembly halls, and the like. In most of these devices a bimetallic element is conventionally employed as a temperature responsive component which effects the opening or closing of contacts to the heating or cooling unit by deflection of the bimetallic element. In these devices a small permanent magnet is sometimes incorporated to stabilize operation for in the absence of such a magnet, the slow deflection of the bimetallic element causes arcing as the contacts close. The magnet is used to cause rapid opening or closing of the contacts during the last stages of deflection. Thus the operation of the bimetallic temperature responsive component is not dependent upon the presence of a magnet. It is an object of the present invention to provide an adjustable temperature responsive control device in which magnetic elements are employed as the temperature responsive component. Такие регулирующие температуру устройства используются для тер мостатов самых разных областях в современной техники, например, для регулирования циркуляции охлаждающей среды в двигателях внутреннего сгорания, для регули рования температуры воды в кот лах аккумуляторных системах горячей воды, и для регулирования температуры в жилых помеще ниях, залах заседаний и т. п. В большинстве этих устройств в качестве термочувствительной детали используется обычно биме таллический лемент, который, прогибаясь, э размыкает или замы кает контакты нагревательной или холодильной установки. Для ста билизации аботы в эти р устрой ства иногда вводят небольшой постоянный магнит, так как в отсутствие такого магнита мед ленный прогиб биметаллического элемента при замыкании контак тов приводит к искрению. Магнит позволяет ускорить размыкание или замыкание контактов в конце прогиба. Таким образом, работа биметаллической термочувстви тельной етали не зависит от при сутствия д какого либо магнита. Цель настоящего изобретения — обеспечение термочувствительно го регулирующего устройства, в котором в качестве термочувстви тельной детали используется маг нитный элемент.
SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION The summary of the invention, which is distinct from the abstract, is meant to discuss the invention rather than the disclosure as a whole. It will discuss advantages of the invention or how it solves the problems existing in the art, such as those presented in the background of the invention. It is often general in character as it is not likely to be changed. The problem: to make the differences between German, American/British summaries of invention: German patent embraces only one invention and one engineering task/America – several inventions and engineering tasks – obscure terminology
EXAMPLES. P 182 Accordingly, the general purpose of the invention is to provide an improved coal fired boiler which obviates the problems encountered in the prior art by removing ash from the boiler. An object of the invention is to provide a coal fired boiler wet back boiler. Another object of the invention is to provide a coal fired boiler with an ash collection device to prevent the passage of ash through the small diameter heat exchange tubes. A further object of the invention is to provide a coal fired boiler wherein ash may be removed in a simple and inexpensive manner. Still another object of the invention is to provide a coal fired boiler with improved means for removing the ash from the coal burning furnace, and with additional novel means for removing the ash from the boiler itself. Соответственно, цель настоящего изобретения – усовершенствование углесжигающего котла, в котором благодаря удалению золы устраняются проблемы, встречающиеся обычно при эксплуатации. Одна из особенностей котла — омываемая водой задняя стенка. Другая особенность — наличие золосборного устройства, пред отвращающего опадание золы в п теплообменные трубы малого диа метра. Еще одна особенность — удаление золы из котла с помощью просто го и недорогого способа. Кроме того, в котле обеспечи ваются усовершенствованные средства золоудаления из топки и дополнительные новые средства золоудаления из самого котла.
BROADENING PARAGRAPHS OR QUALIFYING STATEMENTS Broadening paragraphs are designed to broaden the scope of patent protection and can be of 5 types: 1. Broadening of invention features (placed before drawings) 2. Broadening of invention variants (placed before the claims) 3. Broadening of terms (placed after drawings, or scattered in the detailed description) 4. Broadening paragraph at the end of British claims. 5. Qualifying statements intended to broaden definite features of the invention (scattered in detailed invention).
DETAILED DESCRIPTION The detailed description of the invention is the meatiest section of a patent. Its purpose is to adequately and accurately describe the invention. Two parts: • A general explanation of the invention and how to practice it. • Specific examples of how to practice the invention
DETAILED DESCRIPTION LINGUISTIC PECULIARITIES: I. Clichés: 1. Words and word phrases which indirectly underline variability of the invention features: , advantageously, generally, conventionally, normally, practically, preferable, alternatively and etc. 2. Words, word phrases and prepositions which directly underline variability of the invention features: for illustrative purposes, e. g. , as for example, solely by way of comparison, if desired, may, as shown, or, and/or, or other, or the like…. or the equivalent, at or near, or otherwise (secured) and etc. 3. General expressions helping avoid nonexistent specification: in typical (usual) fashion (manner) / в типичном/обычном исполнении; in concentric relation with / концентрично; in surrounding relation with / вблизи; in communicating relation with / в соединении с. 4. Everyday English words: means, device, body, piece member.
DETAILED DESCRIPTION LINGUISTIC PECULIARITIES: II. To put emphasis on peculiar features of the invention, the following phrases are widely applied: in accordance with one feature of the invention; in accordance with another feature of the invention; a further aspect of the invention is; a yet further aspect of the present invention is. III. Plenty of substitute words such as: the former, the latter; the same (meaning one, that), the whole (meaning – all this, all these), thereof (meaning – of the former, of the latter, of it). + a lot of prepositions.
DETAILED DESCRIPTION LINGUISTIC PECULIARITIES: IV. Grammar is quite usual, with the only exclusion concerning absolute participle and attributive constructions, as well as emphatic inversions. Examples: Passing through each central part of the coiled water tubes 14 and 14’ a motor driven rotatably mounted horizontally disposed soot blower pipe 18 is installed. Formed above the sub-combustion chamber 5 is a combustion air preheating chamber 23 which communicates with the former at its front end. .
CLAIMS Patent claims are the part of a patent or patent application that defines the scope of protection granted by the patent. German/Russian (logical) claim "two part form“ Название изобретения Ограничительные признаки: Граница ограничительной и отличительной частей Способ получения грунтовочного состава смешиванием мочевиноформальдегидной смолы и нитролака, отличающийся тем, что Указание цели с целью получения однородной массы Отличительные признаки в состав грунта вводят скипидарный раствор канифоли
CLAIMS An American claim may include the following parts: • A preamble that recites the class of the invention, and optionally its primary properties, purpose, or field: "An apparatus. . . " "A therapeutic method for treating cancer. . . ". • A "transitional" phrase that characterizes the elements that follow. The phrases "comprising", "containing" and "including" are most often used". • A set of "limitations" that together describe the invention: "an X, a Y, and a Z connected to the X and the Y. " The elements should be described as though they interact or cooperate to achieve the desired result. • Optionally, a purpose clause that further describes the overall operation of the invention, or the goal that the invention achieves ("wherein the Z simultaneously controls the X and Y, " or "wherein the Z accomplishes purpose W by controlling X and Y, " etc. )
CLAIMS Preamble Transition (переход) Body of the claim What is claimed is (we claim/I claim) 1. Apparatus for shaking articles which comprises: a) A container for the articles; b) A base; c) A plurality of parallel legs, each of which is connected…, and d) Means for oscillating the container on the legs to shake the articles.
CLAIMS. RULES The rules to follow in translating patent claims: 1. Support in specification and drawings. 2. Rule of trying the elements together. 3. Rule of claiming holes. It is strictly forbidden to provide hole or something like this as a feature of the invention: instead of a hole in the lever it is recommended to write the lever having a hole. 4. No alternative expressions each item is for one feature: a spring or a weight for urging the carriage against the stop – in this case two items or one general term like means for biasing. 5. Double inclusions of elements or features. 6. Number of elements: it is always required to provide minimum quantity of elements: a pair of arms, three springs, at least five fingers and etc. 7. Indefinite article a(an) must be used only in the first reference to the feature, after this peculiar feature is used with the word said, other features which are not peculiar are used with the definite article the. It is impossible to use the article the and the word said.
Lecture 13.pptx