Past Simple.ppt
- Количество слайдов: 10
PAST SIMPLE TENSE Простое прошедшее время. Обозначает действие, которое произошло в прошлом
PAST SIMPLE TENSE Образуется : V(ed) -правильные V 2 - неправильные
PAST SIMPLE TENSE Временные показатели: Yesterday-вчера The day before yesterday-позавчера A year ago-год назад A month ago-месяц назад Last year-в прошлом году Last month- в прошлом месяце In 2012 - в 2012 году
PAST SIMPLE TENSE Правильные глаголы Open-opened Like-liked Play-played Watch-watched Неправильные глаголы Go-went See-saw Bring-brought Have-had
PAST SIMPLE TENSE I usually get up at 7 o’clock. I got up at 7 o’clock yesterday. Ann plays piano every day. Boris played football. Father watches TV in the evening. We watched an interesting film two days ago.
PAST SIMPLE TENSE Отрицание: DID +NOT+V 1 We did not (didn’t) go for a walk yesterday. Children did not (didn’t) play volleyball. My father did not (didn’t) see that film.
PAST SIMPLE TENSE Вопрос: did +V 1 did you go to the park yesterday? did your father buy a new car? Where did you go yesterday? What did your father buy ?
Глагол –связка to be I- was He- was She- was It- was We- were You- were They- were
PAST SIMPLE TENSE I was at the cinema yesterday. I was not (wasn’t) at theatre yesterday. was he at the cinema yesterday? Where was he yesterday?
Past Simple.ppt