Past Simple Tense
Past Simple Tense – простое прошедшее время Ø используется для обозначения действия, которое произошло в определенное время в прошлом и время совершения которого уже истекло. Ø Мы используем Past Simple со следующим выражением времени: • Yesterday - вчера • Then - тогда • Last week/month/year – на прошлой неделе/в прошлом месяце/в прошлом году • Three days/week ago – три дня/неделю назад • In 2016 – в 2016 году
Past Simple Tense Noun/Pronoun + Verb/Verb-ed (V-II) В утвердительном предложении – in the affirmative sentence I played You played He / she / it played We played They played
Past Simple Tense Noun/Pronoun + did not + Verb В отрицательном предложении – in negative sentence I did not play You did not play He / she / it did not play We did not play They did not play
Past Simple Tense Did + Noun/Pronoun + Verb? В вопросительном предложении – in the interrogative sentence Did I play? Did you play? Did he / she / it play? Did we play? Did they play?
«+» Patient Smirnov called in a physician from the local polyclinic yesterday. Patient Smirnov felt discomfort in the chest three days ago.
“+” The physician made the diagnosis of acute bronchitis in mild form week ago. “? ” Did he complain of the pain in the throat?
“? ” Did the physician make the diagnosis? Did his temperature became normal? “-”
“-” The patient did not breath with difficulty. He did not say that a short, painful dry cough associated with rapid respiration.