Past Simple regular verbs positive. Tom to school

Past Simple regular verbs positive

Tom to school every day. walks walk + ed walked Tom to school yesterday. walked We mum every day. help help + ed helped We mum yesterday. helped


PAST SIMPLE: yesterday last night/week/year/Monday in 2000 when I was young/at school...

visit + ed danced dance + ed visited skip + ed skipped play + ed played try + ed tried

Match the verbs with the endings. jump smile stop cry play -ped -ed -ed jumped -d smiled -ied cried stopped played

All I want for Christmas is a... MONSTER!

It all happened last Christmas. I looked out of the window. It snowed a lot that night. There was a lot of snow on the trees and on the ground, too.

There was one thing I really wanted for Christmas: a real Monster! And so I decided to help my parents.

Mum was in the kitchen. She cooked me some eggs for breakfast. She also cooked me some tea. I said her: „All I want for Christmas is a real Monster!“

After breakfast I helped dad. We decorated the house. I said him: „All I want for Christmas is a real Monster!“

Next, I helped my mum in the kitchen. We baked a delicious chocolate cake and cooked the dinner. We smiled a lot.

I said them: „All I want for Christmas is a real Monster!“ In the afternoon I played with my little sisters.

Then I was in my room. I wrapped all the presents for my family and I waited for the evening.

Everyone was in the living room on Christmas evening. The dinner was delicious!

Dad played some carrols on the piano. We hugged each other and smiled.

Then we opened the presents. I said: „All I want for Christmas is a real Monster!“

But there weren’t any monsters in the boxes.

Suddenly, someone knocked at the door.

When I opened, I cried out. It was a real Monster!

Everyone laughed at me, and I said: THE END I never want a Monster again!

Look at the pictures. Choose the best balloon.

I ________ my mum yesterday. helped helpped helpd

Liz ________ some delicious soup last week. cooked cookied coocked

The boys ________ football yesterday. played plaied plajed

The baby________ all night. cried cryed cryied

watched watchd watcched We________ TV in the evening.

smiled smileed smilied Lucy ________ at me after school.

walked walkked wallked They ________ to school yesterday.

looked lookied lookked I ________ out of the window in the morning.

mended mened mendded My dad ________ my car on Saturday.

phoned phonned phoneed My friend ________ me last weekend.

jumped jumpeed jumpped The frog ________ into the water.

Try to place the verbs into the right column. cook save stay knit wash listen spy drop employ cry stop talk worry hop arrive open annoy move study enjoy bake cooked saved stayed knitted listened washed spied employed dropped arrived hopped worried talked opened annoyed moved studied enjoyed baked cried stopped

Thank you for watching.

- Количество слайдов: 35