Скачать презентацию Past Perfect Tense Минулий доконаний час March 3 Скачать презентацию Past Perfect Tense Минулий доконаний час March 3

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  • Количество слайдов: 23

Past Perfect Tense (Минулий доконаний час) March 3, 2016 Iryna Drach Past Perfect Tense (Минулий доконаний час) March 3, 2016 Iryna Drach

Past Perfect Tense Минулий доконаний час • виражає дію, що відбулася раніше іншої минулої Past Perfect Tense Минулий доконаний час • виражає дію, що відбулася раніше іншої минулої дії (перед минула дія): We had received the telegram before he arrived. I told you I had met her. • виражає дію, що закінчилася до певного моменту в минулому: She had cooked dinner by 8 o’clock. I had written my report by weekends.

Past Perfect Tense Минулий доконаний час Ключові слова: • before • after • by Past Perfect Tense Минулий доконаний час Ключові слова: • before • after • by that time / by Friday / 2 two o’clock She had closed the suitcase before she put on her coat. I had not read the book by Saturday.

Past Perfect Tense Минулий доконаний час правильних дієслів had + дієслово + ed I Past Perfect Tense Минулий доконаний час правильних дієслів had + дієслово + ed I had worked. You had worked. He had worked. We had worked. She had worked. They had worked. It had worked.

Past Perfect Tense Минулий доконаний час правильних дієслів коротка форма had worked = ’d Past Perfect Tense Минулий доконаний час правильних дієслів коротка форма had worked = ’d worked I‘d worked. You‘d worked. He’d worked. We’d worked. She’d worked. They’d worked. It’d worked.

Past Perfect Tense Заперечення had not + дієслово + ed I had not worked. Past Perfect Tense Заперечення had not + дієслово + ed I had not worked. You had not worked. He had not worked. We had not worked. She had not worked. They had not worked. It had not worked.

Past Perfect Tense Питання Had – підмет – присудок Had I worked? Had you Past Perfect Tense Питання Had – підмет – присудок Had I worked? Had you worked? Had he worked? Had we worked? Had she worked? Had they worked? Had it worked?

Past Perfect Tense Теперішній доконаний час неправильних дієслів had + 3 форма дієслова • Past Perfect Tense Теперішній доконаний час неправильних дієслів had + 3 форма дієслова • змінюється корінь слова, відповідає третій формі у таблиці неправильних дієслів: to write – written to go – gone to put – put to be – been

Put the verbs into Past Perfect form had given 1. I lost the key Put the verbs into Past Perfect form had given 1. I lost the key that you (to give) to me. had seen 2. Ann told me that she (to see) the film. had heard 3. I went outside as I (to hear) a noise. 4. She picked out the red dress, which she had not worn (not to wear) for ages. had not swum 5. Mike (not to swim) in the sea before that day. 6. His father was angry because he (not to had not helped help) him.

Put the verbs into Past Perfect form 7. The storm destroyed the house they Put the verbs into Past Perfect form 7. The storm destroyed the house they had built (to build). 8. you (to eat) breakfast before you left the Had you eaten house? had done 9. When she went out to play, she (to do) her homework. 10. He took off the jacket he (to put) on had put before. had cooked 11. They ate all of the food that she (to cook). had left 12. I called Jim too late, he (to leave) already.

Put the verbs into Past Perfect form 13. We (to live) in Paris for Put the verbs into Past Perfect form 13. We (to live) in Paris for 12 years before had lived we moved to America. 14. you (to wash) your hands before you Had you washed took the food? 15. Jane called the police, because somebody (to steal) her car. had stolen 16. She didn’t pass the exam, because she hadn’t studied (not to study) hard. 17. When she came at the station, the train (to arrive) already. had arrived

Put the verbs into Past Perfect form 18. Mark was happy that he (to Put the verbs into Past Perfect form 18. Mark was happy that he (to find) new job. had found had gone 19. Andrew said that Jane (to go) to London. 20. When we came home last night, we found that somebody (to break) into the flat. had broken had made 21. I realized that I (to make) a big mistake. 22. I didn’t know that woman. I never (to had never met meet) her before. 23. The house was dirty. They (not to clean) hadn’t cleaned it for weeks. had fallen 24. Kate (to fall) asleep when I called.

Put the verbs into Past Perfect form 25. Doctor asked if I (to take) Put the verbs into Past Perfect form 25. Doctor asked if I (to take) medicine. had taken 26. Pupils (to learn) the poem before the had learned bell rang. had solved 27. I thought you (to solve) the problem. had bought 28. Nick (to buy) a new car before the prices grew up. 29. Sam was tired, because he (to work) late had worked had driven 30. Barry (to drive) 10 miles when he ran out of patrol.

Let’s practice: choose correct verb form 1. The boy ______ for what he ______. Let’s practice: choose correct verb form 1. The boy ______ for what he ______. a) apologized b) was apologizing c) had apologized a) did b) was doing c) had done 2. He__to Paris yesterday. He__ a trip for years. a) went b) was going c) had gone a) planned b) was planning c) had planned 3. It ___ 10 p. m. We _____ along the road. a) was being c) had been a) drove b) were driving c) had driven

Let’s practice: choose correct verb form 4. We___a car which___down, so we___to help a) Let’s practice: choose correct verb form 4. We___a car which___down, so we___to help a) saw b) were seeing c) had seen a) broke b) was broking c) had broken a) stopped b) were stopping c) had stopped 5. My car ____ down last week. a) broke b) was broking c) had broken 6. Everybody ____ to bed, when I _____ home. a) went b) was going c) had gone a) came b) was coming c) had come

Let’s practice: choose correct verb form 7. I ____home late. I ____tired, so I____to Let’s practice: choose correct verb form 7. I ____home late. I ____tired, so I____to bed. a) came b) was coming c) had come a) was being c) had been a) went b) was going c) had gone 8. We ______ hockey when the rain ______. a) played b) were playing c) have played a) started b) was starting c) has started 9. She _____ an article by 5 p. m. a) wrote b) was writing c) had written

Let’s practice: choose correct verb form 10. She ____ an article at 5 p. Let’s practice: choose correct verb form 10. She ____ an article at 5 p. m. a) wrote b) was writing c) had written 11. Paul____already when we____at the party. a) left b) was leaving c) had left a) arrived b) were arriving c) had arrived 12. She _____ in London when she____ a child. a) lived b) was living c) had lived a) was being c) had been

Let’s practice: choose correct verb form 13. Who ____ the house before we _____ Let’s practice: choose correct verb form 13. Who ____ the house before we _____ in? a) lived b) was living c) had lived a) moved b) were moving c) had moved 14. The movie ____ by the time she ____to theatre. a) started b) was starting c) had started a) got b) was getting c) had gotten 15. It ____darker and the streets lights ____on. a) got b) was getting c) had gotten a) turned b) were turning c) had turned

Let’s practice: choose correct verb form 16. Julie ____ all her exams by May. Let’s practice: choose correct verb form 16. Julie ____ all her exams by May. a) passed b) was passing c) had passed 17. At the airport I____ that I____my passport. a) discovered b) was discovering c) had discovered a) forgot b) was forgetting c) had forgotten 18. I _____ some milk and _____ home. a) bought b) was buying c) had bought a) went b) was going c) had gone

Let’s practice: choose correct verb form 19. I _____ the fridge and _____that someone Let’s practice: choose correct verb form 19. I _____ the fridge and _____that someone ____ all the cake. a) opened b) was opening c) had opened a) found b) was finding c) had found a) ate b) was eating c) had eaten 20. I ____ my husband for three years when we____ married. a) knew b) was knowing c) had known a) got b) was getting c) had gotten 21. Mike _____ well the whole night. a) slept b) was slipping c) had slept

Let’s practice: choose correct verb form 22. When I _____ the curtains the sun Let’s practice: choose correct verb form 22. When I _____ the curtains the sun _____. a) opened b) was opening c) had opened a) shone b) was shining c) had shone 23. The ground ____ white. It ____at the night. a) was b) was being c) had been a) snowed b) was snowing c) had snowed 24. They _____ me the pictures they _____ at the holidays. a) showed b) was showing c) had shown a) took b) were taking c) had taken

Let’s practice: choose correct verb form 25. The cat _____ the plant while she Let’s practice: choose correct verb form 25. The cat _____ the plant while she _____ on the phone. a) broke b) was breaking c) had broken a) talked b) was talking c) had talked 26. Jane ____ a lot about elephants before she ____ the zoo. a) read b) was reading c) had read a) visited b) was visiting c) had visited 27. The teacher _____ the tests we _____. a) checked b) was checking c) had checked a) wrote b) were writing c) had written

Let’s practice: choose correct verb form 28. Mother _____ us with a pie she Let’s practice: choose correct verb form 28. Mother _____ us with a pie she _____. a) treated b) was treating c) had treated a) baked b) was baking c) had baked 29. John ____home, ____down and ____on TV. a) came b) was coming c) had come b) sat b) was sitting c) had sat a) turned b) was turning c) had turned 30. By that moment this boy _____ snow. a) didn’t see b) wasn’t seeing c) hadn’t seen