Скачать презентацию PASSIVE VOICE Active Passive Time Reference Rule AM IS ARE Скачать презентацию PASSIVE VOICE Active Passive Time Reference Rule AM IS ARE


  • Количество слайдов: 2

PASSIVE VOICE Active Passive Time Reference Rule AM/IS/ARE + 3 RD FORM They make PASSIVE VOICE Active Passive Time Reference Rule AM/IS/ARE + 3 RD FORM They make Fords in Cologne. Fords are made in Cologne. Present Simple Susan is cooking dinner. Dinner is being cooked by Susan Present Continuous James Joyce wrote "Dubliners" was written by James Joyces. Past Simple They were painting the house when I arrived. The house was being painted when I arrived. Past Continuous They have produced over 20 models in the past two years. Over 20 models have been produced in the past two years. Present Perfect HAVE/HAS BEEN + 3 RD FORM They are going to build a new factory in Portland. A new factory is going to be built in Portland. Future Intention with Going to IS/ARE GOING TO BE+ 3 RD FORM I will finish it tomorrow. It will be finished tomorrow. Future Simple This can be done tomorrow. Modal verbs: can, could, should, would, may, might, etc. We can do this tomorrow. IS/ARE BEING + 3 RD FORM WAS/WERE BEING + 3 RD FORM WILL BE + 3 RD FORM CAN/MUST/SHOULD + BE + 3 RD FORM

Transform the following sentences into Passive Voice 1. They make shoes in that factory. Transform the following sentences into Passive Voice 1. They make shoes in that factory. 2. People must not leave bicycles in the driveway. 3. They built that skyscraper in 1934. 4. The students will finish this course in July. 5. They are repairing the streets this month. 6. They make these tools of plastic. 7. They have finished the new product design. 8. They were signing the contract when I arrived. 9. Our designers changed the packaging in the end of the month. 10. Did the plan interest you? 11. They have finished the preparations for the conference. 12. You should take care when working on electrical equipment. 13. They are going to introduce their new project next weekend. 14. Someone will speak Japanese at the meeting. 15. Karen is going to prepare the papers.