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Parts of an Argument Using “Why I go to school” as an example Parts of an Argument Using “Why I go to school” as an example


Argument Features • Position – Authors have a position, or point of view that Argument Features • Position – Authors have a position, or point of view that they attempt to persuade their audience to accept • Reasons/propositions – Reasons are provided to support the conclusion. Reasons are also referred to as ‘contributing arguments’ and ‘propositions’. • A line of reasoning – Is a set of reasons, presented in logical order. It is like a path leading the audience through the reasons, in steps towards the desired conclusion. It should be ordered so that it leads clearly and logically from one reasons to the next. • Conclusion – Arguments lead toward in conclusion. The conclusion would normally be the position that the author wants you to accept.

Part 1 – Background Information • Used to introduce the issue/topic • Provides only Part 1 – Background Information • Used to introduce the issue/topic • Provides only what is necessary to help the audience understand the issue fully • Building blocks used to develop the Claim

“Why I go to school” – Background Information Since the transformation of Kazakh society “Why I go to school” – Background Information Since the transformation of Kazakh society from nomadic life in the 19 th Century to modernization under the Soviet system, Kazakh children have attended school. My parents, my grandparents, and my greatgrandparents all attended school in order to prepare for adulthood and life.

Part 2 - Position / Premise / Claim • Acts as “umbrella statement” linking Part 2 - Position / Premise / Claim • Acts as “umbrella statement” linking all other parts of the argument to the central premise / claim • Usually the most general statement in the argument

“Why I go to school” – Claim “I attend school for many reasons. ” “Why I go to school” – Claim “I attend school for many reasons. ” – This is your claim! All other sentences will be used in support or defense of this statement. Think of the sentence sitting at the top of the umbrella.

Part 3 – Reasons / Data • Used to advance/explain the claim • Audience Part 3 – Reasons / Data • Used to advance/explain the claim • Audience wants evidence to back up / support our claim

“Why I go to school” – Reasons / Evidence • “I go to school “Why I go to school” – Reasons / Evidence • “I go to school to better myself in preparation for both employment prospects and in living a productive life. ” • “I go to school to meet new people and develop good socialization skills and to network among my peers. ” • “I go to school to exercise both my mind and my body through academics and sport activities. ” All of these statements are reasons why you go to school

Part 4 – Warrant / Conclusion • A statement or general principle that connects Part 4 – Warrant / Conclusion • A statement or general principle that connects the data to the claim • It may be written/stated or it may be in understood form only. • It is the bottom line.

“Why I go to school” – Warrant / Conclusion “Going to school is the “Why I go to school” – Warrant / Conclusion “Going to school is the best decision I can make for my future. ” This is your warrant; your bottom line. You can provide lots of other pieces of evidence, but all the evidence is tied to the following equation: I go to school = better future

Questions Used to Identify Arguments • What was the point of producing this text Questions Used to Identify Arguments • What was the point of producing this text or program? • What is the main message I am supposed to take from this? • What does the author/producer want me to believe, accept or do? • What reasons have they offered to support their position?