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Partnerships that Advance Energy Efficiency Governor’s Conference on Housing and Sustainable Communities October 5, 2010 Duane Yoder, President Garrett County Community Action Committee, Inc. dyoder@garrettcac. org Office 301 334 -9431 Cell 301 616 -0615 Web: www. garrettcac. org/Info/reports
Partnerships that Advance Energy Efficiency Garrett County Community Action Committee, Inc. n Garrett County’s Original ARRA WAP Plan q q n $2 m Triple our auditors Hire and train contractors Enhance GCCAC WAP crew $600 k Allocation q q q 3 years folded into 6 months Decision for production MEA start up grant during ARRA delays n DHCD’s Assistance q q Other Funds – REGGIE, Converting TA money, Utilities, DHR, Allegheny Power Program
Partnerships that Advance Energy Efficiency Garrett County Community Action Committee, Inc. n GCCAC Weatherization q q q Part of the GCCAC Asset building strategy Use MEAP as the primary marketing and intake tool Other internal programs – Head Start, rental assistance, senior programs Directly connect to a third of the County households External – CHIP New automated presumptive eligibility initiative.
Partnerships that Advance Energy Efficiency Garrett County Community Action Committee, Inc. n Sustainable Energy Resources for Consumers Initiative q q q National DOE Program Funded through the State Required threshold performance level Does not fund existing weatherization activities Help from CDA
Partnerships that Advance Energy Efficiency Garrett County Community Action Committee, Inc n GC SERC Objectives q q Install wind, solar or geothermal renewable energy systems on weatherized homes of low and very low-income residents Provide training to low and very low income families maintenance and identify costs associated with operating renewable energy systems on these homes
Partnerships that Advance Energy Efficiency Garrett County Community Action Committee, Inc GC SERC Objectives n q q q Build capacity of local contractors and GCCAC on installation of residential renewable energy systems Test appropriateness of the different systems relative to house type, location, and occupancy
Partnerships that Advance Energy Efficiency Garrett County Community Action Committee, Inc n GC SERC Objectives q q Use data an experience from initiative to support County objective to test market of renewable systems in Central Appalachia Make repairs to residential systems and homes in order to permit them to be weatherized
Partnerships that Advance Energy Efficiency Garrett County Community Action Committee, Inc n Garrett County Economic Development Plan. q q Garrett County will be an rural leader in the creation of green jobs through collaboration between businesses, government, and the county and region. q n n q q Use knowledge and experience to test and explore economic development opportunities Become knowledgeable on tax credits, grants, loans Business Growth n n q ROR data House types, location, costs Identify and access funding and financing. n SERC & WAP role. n Test market and need County business parks Financing Workforce development n Maintenance, construction, sales
Partnerships that Advance Energy Efficiency Garrett County Community Action Committee, Inc n Partnerships and action steps. q Identify and grow market Identify private and public funding Establish workforce training needs and programs q Nurture businesses q q n Partners q q q Garrett College Lenders & Packagers FSU Renewable Energy Center County Economic Development State Realtors
Partnerships that Advance Energy Efficiency Garrett County Community Action Committee, Inc n Energy Efficiency that supports GCCAC strategic plan q Mission: Improve the quality of life for people in need by empowering them to become more self sufficient by providing essential services and creating opportunities in collaboration with partners. n Goal 1: GCCAC will increase the number of families and individuals who are economically self-sufficient and able to live independently. n Goal 2: GCCAC will expand economic opportunities in the county by working with community institutions and developing on-going community leadership and capacity n Goal 4: GCCAC will diversify and increase its discretionary income while maintaining its non-discretionary revenue in order to serve more people and be more responsive to needs and opportunities.