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Partial Oxidation of Propylene to Acrolein Final Design Presentation April 23, 2008 Kerri M. May Megerle L. Scherholz Christopher M. Watts
Overview • Introduction • Process Background • Design Process ▫ ▫ Determination of Volume Pressure Drop Multiple Reactions Heat Effects • Optimization • Final Design • Conclusion
Introduction • Design of fixed-bed reactor • Production of acrolein by partial oxidation ▫ CH 2 = CH - CH 3 + O 2 → CH 2 = CH – CHO + H 2 O • 13, 500 Mtons/year with a 2 week downtime ▫ Corresponds to 0. 007941 kmol/s • Original design: ideal/isobaric/isothermal • Final design: pressure drop, multiple reactions and heat effects • Optimized using selectivity and gain
Process Background • Literature Operating Conditions (1, 2) Temperature (°C) Pressure (atm) Percent Conversion Inlet Percent of Propylene (mol %) Inlet Percent of Air (mol %) 250 -450 1 -3. 4 85 2 98
Process Background Continued • Assumptions Parameter Value Particle Size 5 mm (3) Bulk Density 1415 kg-cat/m 3 -rxtr (4) Packed Bed Void Fraction 0. 38 (4) Tube Diameter 1 in. (0. 0254 m) Viscosity of Air at 390°C 3. 15 x 10 -5 kg/m-s (5) Coolant Temperature 673 K (390°C) Overall Heat Transfer Coefficient 227 J/W-m 2 -K (3) • Given for final design • Deviations for other models discussed
Process Background Continued • Stoichiometric Flow Rates Inlet Compositions Outlet Compositions Mole (kmol/s) Propylene 0. 0093420221 0. 0014013 Oxygen 0. 0888951791 0. 0809545 Inert Nitrogen 0. 0382188797 0. 3821888 Acrolein 0 0. 0079407 Water 0 0. 0079407 Total 0. 4804259982 0. 480426
Process Background Continued • Catalyst chosen based on kinetics ▫ Bismuth molybdate (6) • Co-current Heat Exchanger Fluid ▫ Exothermic reaction ▫ Molten Salt used as coolant fluid ▫ Sodium tetrasulfide (7) Melting temperature (294°C)
Process Background Continued ▫ Selectivity of Acrolein ▫ Selectivity of Other Profitable Products ▫ Gain
Process Background Continued • Reaction Kinetics of Byproducts (6, 8) ▫ Reaction Pathway ▫ Assumptions: Steady State Single-site oxygen adsorption Rate of oxidation of acrolein to carbon oxides is negligible compared to other rates
Process Background Continued • Reaction rates for the formation of acrolein and byproducts (6, 8) Where: r 2 = rate of formation of acrolein, kmol/kgcat-s r 3 co 2 = rate of formation of carbon dioxide, kmol/kgcat-s r 3 co = rate of formation of carbon monoxide, kmol/kgcat-s r 4 = rate of formation of acetaldehyde, kmol/kgcat-s s ka = rate constant for oxygen adsorption, (kmol-m 3)1/2/kgcat-s k 12 = rate constant for propylene reaction to acrolein, m 3/kgcat-s k 13 co 2 = rate constant for propylene reaction to carbon dioxides, m 3/kgcat-s k 13 co = rate constant for propylene reaction to carbon monoxide, m 3/kgcat-s k 14 = rate constant for propylene reaction acetaldehyde, m 3/kgcat-s Co = concentration of oxygen, kmol/m 3 Cp = concentration of propylene, kmol/m 3 n 12 = number of moles of oxygen which react with one mole of propylene to produce acrolein, kmol/kmol n 13 co 2 = number of moles oxygen which react with one mole of propylene to product carbon dioxide, kmol/kmol n 13 co = number of moles of oxygen which react with one mole of propylene to produce carbon monoxide, kmol/kmol n 14 = number of moles of oxygen which react with one mole of propylene to produce acetaldehyde, kmol/kmol
Process Background Continued • Rate Constants at 325, 350, and 390°C Units 350°C 375°C 390°C ka, (kmol- m 3)1/2/kgcat-s 0. 5281 ± 0. 41 0. 99928± 1. 33 1. 46097± 0. 15 k 12, m 3/kgcat-s 2. 19± 0. 14 3. 86± 0. 37 5. 38± 0. 35 k 13, m 3/kgcat-s 2. 7± 0. 18 2. 94± 0. 31 2. 70± 0. 27 k 14, m 3/kgcat-s 0. 273± 0. 21 0. 452± 0. 55 0. 628± 0. 71 • Pre-exponential Factors and Activation Energies Rate Constants Pre-exponential Factor, A Activation Energy, E (k. J/mol) ka 1073. 975 (kmol-m 3)1/2/kgcat-s 87. 197232 k 12 631. 754 (m 3/kgcat-s) 77. 074937 k 13 co 2 0. 00026 (m 3/kgcat-s) 0 k 13 co 43401302 (m 3/kgcat-s) 154. 2247 k 14 24. 78652 (m 3/kgcat-s) 71. 1104734
Design Process Reactor 1 Reactor 2 Reactor 3 Reactor 4 Volume Pressure Drop Mult. Reactions Heat Effects Volume (m 3) 21696. 1 4174. 6 22. 51 19. 19 Num. Tubes (1” Dia. ) N/A 683600 17920 16880 Reactor Dia. (m) 13. 6946 21 3. 4 3. 3 Reactor Len. (m) 147. 298 12. 05 2. 4792 2. 24 Cat. Weight (kg-cat) 3. 07 x 107 5. 91 x 106 31850 27150 Particle Size (mm) N/A 3 5 5 Nitrogen Feed (kmol/s) 0. 382188797 0. 3821888 0. 4491963 0. 439638 Oxygen Feed (kmol/s) 0. 088895179 0. 08889518 0. 0979275 0. 095847 Propylene Feed (kmol/s) 0. 009342022 0. 000934202 0. 0117625 0. 011512 Inlet Temp. (°C) 350 390 Inlet Pressure (atm) 1 3 3 3 Pressure Drop (%) N/A 0. 37 7. 97 7. 82 Acrolein Prod. (kmol/s) 0. 007953 0. 0079428 0. 0079426 0. 0079369 Propylene Conversion (%) 85. 13 85. 02 84. 99 85. 01
Optimization • Acrolein Selectivity § Greater at increased temperatures § Improved when coolant and inlet temperatures are equal § Higher pressure, higher selectivity § Other Usable Product Selectivity § Decreased at increased temperatures § Favored at lower pressures § Greater when coolant temperature less than the inlet temperature
Optimization Continued • Gain ▫ Greater at increased inlet temperature ▫ Independent of coolant and inlet temperature relationship • Optimization Conclusion: ▫ Focus on selectivity opposed to gain
Final Design • Operating Conditions ▫ Temperature- 390°C ▫ Pressure- 3 atm • Reactor Configurations ▫ ▫ Volume- 19. 08 m 3 Diameter- 3. 4 m Length- 2. 01 m Number of Tubes- 17920 (1” Dia. )
Final Design Continued Inlet Flows Polymath Aspen Plus ® (kmol/s) Outlet (kmol/s) Nitrogen 0. 439638 Oxygen 0. 095847 0. 0832387 0. 0821155 Propylene 0. 011512 0. 0017208 0. 00170713 Acrolein 0 0. 0079412 0. 00795529 Acetyldehyde 0 0. 0009053 0. 000906563 Carbon Monoxide 0 0. 0005578 0. 000561055 Carbon Dioxide 0 0. 0031814 0. 00317457 Water 0 0. 0116804 0. 0116909 Total 0. 546997 0. 5488637 0. 547749008 Pressure (Pa) 303975 284200 284080 Temperature (K) 663 665. 5059 665. 644
Final Design Continued Polymath Pressure Drop Aspen Plus ® 6. 59 % 6. 54 % 85. 05 % 85. 17 % Selectivity of Acrolein 1. 71 Selectivity of Others 0. 48 405. 257 °C 405. 393 °C 0. 18 m 0. 21 m 1. 16 1. 17 Conversion Hot Spot Temperature Hot Spot. Location Gain
Final Design Continued • Temperature Profile
Conclusions • Reactor volume decreased with complexity increase • Selectivity crucial to optimization • Final model discussed would operate viably • Changed reactor dimensions to optimize final design
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